trayvan martin

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Actually you'll find the original prosecutor was going to put it in front of a grand jury.
the original prosecuter hours after everything happened with zero evidence(and i mean quantifiable evidence you sniper jerks) drives to the chief to tell him grand jury . . .. . . .dude! great logic


Well-Known Member
From the picture in the article UB posted, Trayvon could've just went home. Zimmerman wasn't blocking his path or on ghe route between him and his Dads place after he ran. Why didn't he run home and drink his iced tea and skittles? Why didn't he run home and get his Dad cos some weirdo is following him? (If that's actually what happened at all).
he was not doing anything wrong by not going home, he was perfectly within his rights to hang about and talk on his phone to his girlfriend without zimmerman chasing him around like zimmboy did.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of doubting this is Zimmerman. Using a quote from Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech? Wow... someone is fucked in the head. I sincerely hope this really isn't GZ.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman gives gun owners/ccw a bad name. Owning a gun and being CCW means you have to carry yourself a whole different way. He should have never been able to get a gun if he had to take anger management classes. I'm sure some laws are about to change in Florida..Oh and Doc111 stop saying you are not defending Zimmerman, because every post you have made here does just that. Zimmerman was wrong and now a someone is dead.


Active Member
the original prosecuter hours after everything happened with zero evidence(and i mean quantifiable evidence you sniper jerks) drives to the chief to tell him grand jury . . .. . . .dude! great logic
He had to be cut loose.You can only hold someone so long without charge.He was going to take it to the grand jury and let them decide if he was to be charged.Its a common tactic when there isn't enough evidence to support a conviction.That way they distance themselves from the charges.


Well-Known Member
wow... if that really is Zimmerman's twitter account his lawyer needs to tell him to shut the fuck up. He is damning himself with every tweet. If it IS him.
wasn't april 11th around the time he went missing and his lawyers dropped him and he called hannity?

like you said, who knows if that's real.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
He says right in the 911 tape that he lost trayvon.How exactly is he pursuing him?
you cant loose someone unless your following them . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and in this case he moved from stationary point A to point B and that means Z was pursuing martin . . . . .

this is hard huh cliff the mail man from cheers

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
He had to be cut loose.You can only hold someone so long without charge.He was going to take it to the grand jury and let them decide if he was to be charged.Its a common tactic when there isn't enough evidence to support a conviction.That way they distance themselves from the charges.
so the chief of police needs the prosecutor to tell them that? does the PA get up and go in to tell the cheif of police how to do his job every time a felony crime is committed . . . .. . . you ahve got to be kidding me

hes a state appointed lawyer. . . .thats it . .. .PA has nothing to do with what the chief says and the police know the law . .. . they enforce it . . .lmfao

go watch csi