trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
To your first question, Harrekin: if what UB and others say about the Sanford, FL PD is even remotely correct ... that one explains itself.

In re the racist question, I consider the words I made blue to be irrelevant and of interest only to the race-obsessed. The nub of it (again imo) is the red part. cn
I was making a point, some dude legally killed another dude, regardless of whether it's was "right" or "wrong" and whether they were white, brown, black, green or blue...legally speaking it just depends who threw the first punch.

To be honest, the most racist thing I see related to this case is people's willingness to support Trayvon and assume he's innocent purely cos he's black (Obama, Sharpton et al getting involved purely because Trayvon is black), and that Zimmerman is presumed guilty as a result.

If my opinion means anything, two fools went looking for trouble and they found it...with Zimmerman simply the better equipped for it.


Well-Known Member
...some dude legally killed another dude...

Obama...getting involved purely because Trayvon is black
obama "got involved", i.e. spoke a few words, because someone asked him about.

rmoney said a few words about it too, it is purely because martin is black? :dunce:

...two fools went looking for trouble...
martin went out for iced tea and skittles and to talk to his girlfriend away from the ears of his family members.

i suppose when you were 17 that you just loved to talk to your girlfriend right in front of your mommie.

tell me, how does a man who lived at this place and patrolled it for 5 years go behind the houses to look for an address, when the addresses are on the front of the houses very near to where zimmerman was parked?

only ne person went looking for trouble, and he's going to sit in jail for a long time for it.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't.
Why do you think I posed the question, NONE of our opinions matter on this, all that matters to the "legal system" is who threw the first punch...and dead people don't speak so Zimmerman was the only one there and his account is plausible.

Yet you assume Zimmerman is a racist who hunts down innocent black kids just cos theyre black and you can't even consider the possibility Trayvon started a fight with Zimmerman.

"White guilt liberalism" at its finest.


Well-Known Member
...all that matters to the "legal system" is who threw the first punch...
lol, no.

who threw the first punch is unknown and doesn't even really matter. what will be more relevant is whose voice was screaming for help.

dollars to doughnuts says that the FBI concludes the same thing as other independent voice analysts, which is that it ain't zimmerboy's.

and dead people don't speak so Zimmerman was the only one there and his account is plausible.
which version would you say is plausible?


Yet you assume Zimmerman is a racist who hunts down innocent black kids just cos theyre black and you can't even consider the possibility Trayvon started a fight with Zimmerman.
i never assumed zimmerman is a racist, i have said he's a wannabe cop vigilante psycho.

"White guilt liberalism" at its finest.
what is this white guilt you speak of, perpetual race baiter?


Well-Known Member
question for harrekin, who has been race-baiting this thread for over a hundred pages now:

tell me, why does a man who lived at this place and patrolled it for 5 years go behind the houses to look for an address, when the addresses are on the front of the houses very near to where zimmerman was parked?


Well-Known Member
how do bald irish race baiting bigots like harrekin lose their virginity?

Lmao...Uncle Buck calls me a race baiter and a bigot then makes bigoted stereotyped comments all in the same sentence.

Your troll powers don't work on me Bucky, and you're WAY off your game as of late anyways, so keep spouting your "Liberal" tirades, I'll think about what you say as little as you probably do with your brainwashed Obama fellating ;)


Well-Known Member
Lmao...Uncle Buck calls me a race baiter and a bigot then makes bigoted stereotyped comments all in the same sentence.

Your troll powers don't work on me Bucky, and you're WAY off your game as of late anyways, so keep spouting your "Liberal" tirades, I'll think about what you say as little as you probably do with your brainwashed Obama fellating ;)
you keep ignoring my questions only to tell me that my questions are opinions.

why was he looking for addresses where they don't exist in a place where he's lived for 5 years? use your big, irish brain to answer that one.


Well-Known Member
you keep ignoring my questions only to tell me that my questions are opinions.

why was he looking for addresses where they don't exist in a place where he's lived for 5 years? use your big, irish brain to answer that one.
Speculation not even worth commenting on...who cares why he was where he was, he'd as much right to be there as Trayvon.

EDIT: Hence why the first punch is what matters, not any bullshit he said/she said.


Well-Known Member
Speculation not even worth commenting on...who cares why he was where he was, he'd as much right to be there as Trayvon.
lol @ not worth commenting on.

allow me to comment on it. the fact that zimmerman was "looking for an address" where no addresses existed shows that his story is a lie. a complete fabrication.

it also shows that after losing sight of martin, he went looking for him. he went looking for a kid that just ran away from him. a kid who was just trying to have a conversation with his girlfriend before going home with his iced tea and skittles.

it is going to be so easy to punch hole after hole in zimmerman's story with gems like this one.

pro tip: if the prosecution doesn't know who threw the first punch and proceeds with murder 2 anyway, chances are that who threw the first punch doesn't mean jack shit. i guess they don't teach logical thinking in ireland. hence the existence of jokes like these...



Well-Known Member
lol @ not worth commenting on.

allow me to comment on it. the fact that zimmerman was "looking for an address" where no addresses existed shows that his story is a lie. a complete fabrication.

it also shows that after losing sight of martin, he went looking for him. he went looking for a kid that just ran away from him. a kid who was just trying to have a conversation with his girlfriend before going home with his iced tea and skittles.

it is going to be so easy to punch hole after hole in zimmerman's story with gems like this one.

pro tip: if the prosecution doesn't know who threw the first punch and proceeds with murder 2 anyway, chances are that who threw the first punch doesn't mean jack shit. i guess they don't teach logical thinking in ireland. hence the existence of jokes like these...

Are you really that fucking dense?

Let me spell this out for you in very easy to understand English...the prosecution is ONLY taking a case against Zimmerman because of public opinion.

Its just a Horse and Pony show unless there's some evidence that hasnt come out yet.

More race baiting btw, and you didnt even accuse me of doing same in the same post.

You're a step closer to achieving "greatness" again.


Well-Known Member
it's not speculation either. it's fact.

zimmerman's tall tale is that he was looking for an address when the final meeting took place. but there are no addresses in the back of the houses where the final meeting took place.

those are facts, NOT speculation. seems like someone with a big irish brain like yourself could figure that one out.

...who cares why he was where he was...
you are obviously unaware that intent and motive play a huge part in trials.

you are also obviously unaware that where he was contradicts his story completely. how can you look for an address where there are no addresses?

think about it with that big irish brain of yours. potato.


Well-Known Member
...the prosecution is ONLY taking a case against Zimmerman because of public opinion.

there was plenty of public opinion about at the time they assigned the special prosecutor (ya know, because the old prosecutor had to step down because of a "conflict of interest", lol).

but they took a while longer to press charges. why?

because they did a more thorough review of the facts of the case. hence why it changed from manslaughter to murder 2.

you're really not that bright, are you?


Well-Known Member
it's not speculation either. it's fact.

zimmerman's tall tale is that he was looking for an address when the final meeting took place. but there are no addresses in the back of the houses where the final meeting took place.

those are facts, NOT speculation. seems like someone with a big irish brain like yourself could figure that one out.

you are obviously unaware that intent and motive play a huge part in trials.

you are also obviously unaware that where he was contradicts his story completely. how can you look for an address where there are no addresses?

think about it with that big irish brain of yours. potato.
Yeah, and unfortunately SYG legislation in Florida means that if Trayvon threw the first punch and pinned Zimmerman down, and he feels his life is threatened with no angle for escape then hes legally allowed toast good aul Skittles boy.

Dont blame me, blame the retarded piece of subjectively worded legislation some retards in Florida and a number of other States passed.

Everything else, be it race, etc is all irrelevant and bullshit in this case, because of SYG. Blame SYG, its a route to legal murder and blaming anything else is stupid. We dont have as many murders here, you know why? Cos idiots dont have guns and legislation to back them up using them freely.


Well-Known Member

there was plenty of public opinion about at the time they assigned the special prosecutor (ya know, because the old prosecutor had to step down because of a "conflict of interest", lol).

but they took a while longer to press charges. why?

because they did a more thorough review of the facts of the case. hence why it changed from manslaughter to murder 2.

you're really not that bright, are you?
If you really think that, then you're a fuck-tard and Iv been giving you way too much undue credit.

If Zimmerman gets murder 2 based on the current evidence, Ill post a video on Youtube of me eating a 4 foot cannabis plant live...actually, considering you's actually chose 8 years of Bush, more ridiculous things have happened so Ill withdraw that offer.


Well-Known Member
If you really think that, then you're a fuck-tard and Iv been giving you way too much undue credit.

If Zimmerman gets murder 2 based on the current evidence, Ill post a video on Youtube of me eating a 4 foot cannabis plant live...actually, considering you's actually chose 8 years of Bush, more ridiculous things have happened so Ill withdraw that offer.
why didn't angela corey press charges day one after getting the case? there was plenty of public opinion at the time.

and why did they collect more evidence between her getting the case and the decision to press charges?