trayvan martin

I remember one time in the service I was talking to a group of fellow Marines and I said "hey, what you guys up to"? All of them were extremely offended by that, care to tell me why?
because it is hard to look nonchalant while restraining a sheep. You cost them an evening's entertainment. cn
New details on Zimmerman's assaulting a police officer. It would have been a felony which would have prevented him from having a concealed weapon permit. The officer was arresting a bar tender that was serving under age drinkers. Zimmerman (the judge's son) decided to intervene. The state police officer told him to stay back. Zimmerman's response, " I don't care who you are. fuck you." He then shoved the police officer. He was charged with battery, use of violence, and obstructing justice. A junior prosecutor lessened the charges to misdemeanors and then placed on a court ordered deferment program. Sounds like someone was pulling strings. Maybe a Judge father?

zimmerman has a history of just "snapping", like when he threw a drunk lady around, or beat his girlfriend as well.
What does this have to do with the Martin case?

are you saying they never look at a person's past during a trial?

i know when my brother went to court for "arson" (lighting shit on fire in a latrine), the first thing they brough up was any trouble he had gotten into at school.

zimmerman has a known history of violence and anger.
do you actually believe the shit you type?

i have posts of yours in this thread that are nothing but an injection of race.

whiskey shorting your memory out?
Rum but whatever ;) you're just a fucking pc/thought police do-gooder so I couldn't give a fuck what you say. If you were living here I'd personally have a problem with you sucking the Governments tit and being the morally wanker ish race police. But who cares, it's just politics on the Internet ;)
are you saying they never look at a person's past during a trial?

i know when my brother went to court for "arson" (lighting shit on fire in a latrine), the first thing they brough up was any trouble he had gotten into at school.

zimmerman has a known history of violence and anger.

And Travan had just been suspended from school for having burglary tools, womens jewelry and drug residue in his backpack...

A model student... LOL!
are you saying they never look at a person's past during a trial?

i know when my brother went to court for "arson" (lighting shit on fire in a latrine), the first thing they brough up was any trouble he had gotten into at school.

zimmerman has a known history of violence and anger.
Zimmermans history doesn't involve the name "No_Limits_Nigga", if yu wanna look at character and ignore this fact, youre a fucking liberal apologist and there no hope. Suck Obamas dick for more cheese shit-balls ;)

EDIT: I can say whatever I want, cos I'm Irish and full of drink, so if you say otherwise you're a fuckimg prejudicial RACIST! Don't like that game being turned on you, do ya?
Zimmermans history doesn't involve the name "No_Limits_Nigga", if yu wanna look at character and ignore this fact, youre a fucking liberal apologist and there no hope. Suck Obamas dick for more cheese shit-balls ;)

​Stop talking about dick cheese NLX is getting hungry
Another interesting point. The mayor had to overrule the police department on releasing the surveillance video. They absolutely refused to release them and the mayor had to put his foot down. Maybe they didn't want anyone seeing the fact Zimmerman was in handcuffs and under arrest?

i think it's more like they didn't want anyone to see zimmerman fluidly and alertly getting out of the car unassisted with handcuffs on, walking about normally, no grass stains on his shirt, no real sign of injury, never even a moment where he shows any visible discomfort whatsoever DESPITE claiming that his nose was broken and his skull was smashed nearly to the point of becoming a lifelong vegetable just 34 minutes earlier.

just my guess.

and for what it's worth, they are saying he was never formally arrested.
drop the drug residue you fucking hypocrite or are you the narc on this board? You dont smoke, you piece of shit?
I could be guilty of everything he just said driving in my vehicle...

Toolbox- check

Wifes jewelry ( earrings, bracelet and necklace)- check

empty sack or blunt in tray--DOUBLE CHECK CHECK

damn and I really thought I was a model citizen.
And Travan had just been suspended from school for having burglary tools

lol, you have to resort to lying.

zimmerman was suspended from school for having an empty bag.

he was caught with a screwdriver at an earlier date. i have a screwdriver in my garage AND in my car. guess that makes me a burglar :dunce:
I am responding to UB in kind.

Are you too poor to buy a clue?

You must be an upstanding citizen because you don't smoke weed. Im being serious now. I just looked at your post history and you dont have anything posted except in politics. Do you even grow? Nothing in the seed forum, nothing in the grow forum, nothing in the glass forum. I smell a bullshit non smoking troll.