trayvan martin

Did you listen to the audio? He clearly says "fucking coon" Now who injected race into this whole thing. NoDrama you are a disgrace to the uniform.

My brother says "you guys" all the time to his black veteran coworkers but for some reason when he says it they don't get offended.

Why would black Marines treat NoDrama differently? Maybe because when NoDrama says it they sense his racist cracker ass.

You're either down or you're not and you my friend, are not down with anyone.
The irony of calling someone a racist and a racist term at the same time is just hilarious...too many noobs around here these days.
Did you listen to the audio? He clearly says "fucking coon" Now who injected race into this whole thing. NoDrama you are a disgrace to the uniform.

My brother says "you guys" all the time to his black veteran coworkers but for some reason when he says it they don't get offended.

Why would black Marines treat NoDrama differently? Maybe because when NoDrama says it they sense his racist cracker ass.

You're either down or you're not and you my friend, are not down with anyone.

Uh, it isn't so clear. Even the CNN audio expert says it is not clear. I listened to it and I can't tell what he is saying, it doesn't sound like "coon" or "goon" or "punk", it just sounds like a grunt to me.
Did you listen to the audio? He clearly says "fucking coon" Now who injected race into this whole thing. NoDrama you are a disgrace to the uniform.

My brother says "you guys" all the time to his black veteran coworkers but for some reason when he says it they don't get offended.

Why would black Marines treat NoDrama differently? Maybe because when NoDrama says it they sense his racist cracker ass.

You're either down or you're not and you my friend, are not down with anyone.

That's the best you got?

The reason for the story was to illustrate how SENSITIVE some folks can be over the race issue. After I explained myself to those Marines and they explained themselves to me, we became friends and had a good time on many occasions.
Crazy how people defend this nut..

Exactly my point. He has a history of violence. Not hearsay, it's in the police records. DWI arrests, DWI class, Assault arrests, Anger management class, Restraining orders for physically assaulting a girlfriend, blaming the girlfriend for the assault. This guy is a real winner. His background alone (which they didn't check but they damn sure checked the black kid's background) should have led not only to an investigation and arrest but to drug testing him (which was done on Trayvon). He has a history of substance abuse. Yet he left the police station with his gun that same night.
New details on Zimmerman's assaulting a police officer. It would have been a felony which would have prevented him from having a concealed weapon permit. The officer was arresting a bar tender that was serving under age drinkers. Zimmerman (the judge's son) decided to intervene. The state police officer told him to stay back. Zimmerman's response, " I don't care who you are. fuck you." He then shoved the police officer. He was charged with battery, use of violence, and obstructing justice. A junior prosecutor lessened the charges to misdemeanors and then placed on a court ordered deferment program. Sounds like someone was pulling strings. Maybe a Judge father?

Yeah, Zimmerman is an asshole, I won't dispute that.
They don't care. How dare these uppity black folk ask for justice. They should know their place. Since we can't lynch them let's increase their grief and anger by unfairly destroying their reputation.

You think it's only black folks who are up in arms about this? Stereotype much?
Exactly my point. He has a history of violence. Not hearsay, it's in the police records. DWI arrests, DWI class, Assault arrests, Anger management class, Restraining orders for physically assaulting a girlfriend, blaming the girlfriend for the assault. This guy is a real winner. His background alone (which they didn't check but they damn sure checked the black kid's background) should have let not only to an investigation and arrest but for drug testing (which was done on Trayvon). He has a history of substance abuse. Yet he left the police station with his gun that same night.
Like I said before "Birds of a feather..Flock together.... losers defend losers.
That's the best you got?

The reason for the story was to illustrate how SENSITIVE some folks can be over the race issue. After I explained myself to those Marines and they explained themselves to me, we became friends and had a good time on many occasions.

What does this have to do with the Martin case?

:clap: Good job hypocrite.

What's good for the goose ISN'T good for the gander? What does your anecdotal bullshit have to do with the Martin case?
Yeah, Zimmerman is an asshole, I won't dispute that.

:clap: Good job hypocrite.

What's good for the goose ISN'T good for the gander? What does your anecdotal bullshit have to do with the Martin case?

Logic fail?

SOME people can be REALLY sensitive to issues that other people are not even aware of. Sorry if I didn't explain it well enough for you.
OK. I have to say some things because of all the inexperienced and uneducated comments.

The recent racism towards blacks comes against lower and lower middle classes. Within these classes many people (including blacks and whites - who are on the a pretty level playing field) act very cocky, offensive, and arrogant. It is a subcultural thing shared by many disadvantaged people (including whites, yes there are many disadvantaged whites raised much the same exact way as the blacks who become disadvantaged - i think fatherlessness plays much more a role than color and is rampant in black communities and more and more white families). This is from experience as I am a young white man who grow up fatherless and gutter and had 0 white friends for many years because I just didn't relate to "normal" white culture.

Although there are many more total poor whites in this country, there is a greater percentage of the total black community making up this demographic. This is were we derive stereotypes and associate hate we recieve from a few experience (media doesn't help) and associate with the majority...of the minority. We naturally assign categories to not spend so much time rethinking things. This happens more by percentages than totals. Many whites hate the poor whites too but people can't pull the race card and are instead labeled lazy roudy problematic "white trash". It is easier for people to categories by a color and dress style than by backgrounds and facts.

There are many more ignorant reasons of racism but I think the rich just fear and therefore hate the poor (lets face it we do some fd up shit to people to be "down", etc. when younger).
Whites in the north are extra nice to minorities in school, growing up, etc. and many of the blacks (not all by any means) abuse this kindness as a weakness. This angers some of their white peers. Up here I don't really see whites abusing kindness of blacks. That's one thing blacks need to work on. Whites need also work on their shit too. Try pretending we are all the same species (cause we are) and blacks too. I think both sides are ignorant and are playing the "I'm not gonna stop until they stop" GAME. Racism is childish. If there are poor groups blame structure of society built by the rich to keep us down.

AND to add to the threads topics - FACT: Zimmerman is Hispanic. - Not Caucasian. Again ignorance.

Oh. And please don't call me a "n%@#$@ lover". I love no race more than the other. I have white pride (just like brown pride, native pride, black pride, etc.) but not he kind this country has grown in ignorance. White pride should not = superiority. I have white pride not "American white pride" - they have no pity for any "non-rich" people and families regardless of race.
And they tend to clutch at any little thing you say and try to turn that into an argument. Like ND is doing right now.

no, when you say he was "TOLD" not to follow, other people get the impression that he was commanded by someone of authority to not follow. This isn't the case, he wasn't ordered to do shit, and the guy on the other end doesn't have any authority and shouldn't, they have NO CLUE what the situation is like. These little so called "Semantics" make a HUGE difference in how people perceive the REAL facts of a case. We have to use REAL facts when trying people for a crime, using hearsay/lies/assumptions is morally reprehensible.

If Zimmerman had been talking to a police officer and the officer "commanded Zimmerman to stay in his vehicle, then I would be 100% on your side, but that didn't happen.
Did you listen to the audio? He clearly says "fucking coon" Now who injected race into this whole thing. NoDrama you are a disgrace to the uniform.

My brother says "you guys" all the time to his black veteran coworkers but for some reason when he says it they don't get offended.

Why would black Marines treat NoDrama differently? Maybe because when NoDrama says it they sense his racist cracker ass.

You're either down or you're not and you my friend, are not down with anyone.
Awesome you accuse nodrama of being racist then use the racist insult, cracker. Gotta love the irony.
I would love for this discussion to take place in person with minorities present and see if nodrama had the balls to say half the shit he does. I want him to look everyone in the eye and say that shit to their face. In fact go in to work tomorrow and say it. Their is a reason those Black Marines bristled at your remark. If the shoe fits...
I would love for this discussion to take place in person with minorities present and see if nodrama had the balls to say half the shit he does. I want him to look everyone in the eye and say that shit to their face. In fact go in to work tomorrow and say it. Their is a reason those Black Marines bristled at your remark. If the shoe fits...

haha, you know what would happen? Not a goddamned thing.