

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I have a quick question about transitioning an outdoor plant to indoors.. What would be the best schedule to bring the plant inside and start flowering it during the night? It started outdoors but it's going to get too big so I need to bring it in and force flowering. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
12 out, then 12 in. If you bring it in at 7pm.....put it back out at 7am....that was the question?


Well-Known Member
No sorry it will be indoors full time I was just wondering what the least stressful way would be to transition it from having light during the day (sun) to having light at night (grow lights)? Basically making the plant a night shift plant lol...

Dear ol" Thankful Grower!

Well-Known Member
Just take it back in and flip the switch but make sure you spray her down real good so you dont bring pests back into the grow area best of luck happy growing &