• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Totally healthy, can I still obtain a medical card?


Well-Known Member
just curious. the people that want to legalize all drugs. what is the medical purpose of doing that for crack or heroin or any other hard drugs.
mj does have benefits there is a difference
This will be my last post about this in this thread since we've totally hijacked it.

I repeat: my reason for wanting all drugs legal has to do with one simple thing, freedom. That's it. It has nothing to do with the type of high, or the addictive dangers, or the medical uses, or anything else, it's simply a matter of freedom. Humans have the right to ingest any substance they so desire and putting them in prisons for doing so is a violation of their God-given rights to do with their own bodies as they please. It's very, very simple.


Well-Known Member
ya it is pretty simple. this is a medical thread and i cant see any med benifit to it.
however there is for mj


Well-Known Member
i dont realy consider heroin or crack a health pain. it probably came from being addicted to the drug in the first place. i can say that with experience myself. as i used to be an addict. i have seen nobody in recovery either for pot.
i know dr used to use heroin as a pan med, but i`m sure the health costs were not worht the risk


Active Member
If you are perfectly healthy better stay away from drugs and keep yourself away from medical marijuana card. buying that card would force you to take the drug often.why do you want to get habituated to that. Try to remain healthy as long as you can


Well-Known Member
If you are perfectly healthy better stay away from drugs and keep yourself away from medical marijuana card. buying that card would force you to take the drug often.why do you want to get habituated to that. Try to remain healthy as long as you can
Oh please...you are now on permanent ignore. Why are you even on this forum? You're not going to convince anyone here to go over to the dark side.


Well-Known Member
i dont realy consider heroin or crack a health pain. it probably came from being addicted to the drug in the first place. i can say that with experience myself. as i used to be an addict. i have seen nobody in recovery either for pot.
i know dr used to use heroin as a pan med, but i`m sure the health costs were not worht the risk
I'm not saying that it shouldn't be regulated (I make a delineation--is this something that the average layperson can use, as with OTC drugs, with relative safety, or should it be overseen by a physician or like-trained individual?). I'm asking about the existence, or lack thereof, of medical use for these drugs. I know little to nothing about crack, but cocaine I thought for sure has some applications. Heroine's just a derivative from the same plant, isn't it? Again, I don't know exactly how they would be applied.

I am of the "you should be able to kill yourself however you wish, as long as you infringe upon no one in doing so" philosophy. I don't think everyone has the same obligation to shuffle along this mortal coil as long as they possibly can. Obviously, addiction is something I have little experience with, what I have seen was addiction to legal drugs (Rx), meth, and alcohol. Same mechanisms are at work in many of the same ways, right?


Well-Known Member
no coke and heroin come from 2 separate plants. coke is from the coca plant and heroin is from poppies. heroin is in the opiate class.
up here you can get a synthetic replacement for certain secumstances from a dr. for most drugs.
i agree with it being regulated like that but not a free fo all kinda thing.
and as far as kill your self as long as it dont cost me.......well it does and it costs tax payers millions each year for the fall out of those drugs, you just may not kniow what the cost come from. they keep raising taxes dont they.
crime is up everywhere, and it`s not to often because of mj


Well-Known Member
and as far as kill your self as long as it dont cost me.......well it does and it costs tax payers millions each year for the fall out of those drugs, you just may not kniow what the cost come from. they keep raising taxes dont they.
crime is up everywhere, and it`s not to often because of mj
Yes, it may cost taxpayers millions to clean up after some of the mess some drugs cause, but most don't hold a candle to the mess alcohol causes, yet that's still legal and celebrated in our culture. Also, it's MUCH less expensive to treat than it is to incarcerate.


Well-Known Member
k.j. do you realize what you just said there.
you say alcohol cost the most damage, see what happens when you legalize a drug that has no med benefit.
do you have the numbers on recovery and all that goes with it over the cost of prison.................. good geusse though. what does a human life cost for an overdose, cosst dont need to money


Well-Known Member
k.j. do you realize what you just said there.
you say alcohol cost the most damage, see what happens when you legalize a drug that has no med benefit.
do you have the numbers on recovery and all that goes with it over the cost of prison.................. good geusse though. what does a human life cost for an overdose, cosst dont need to money
Yes, I realize what I said there. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of our current state of affairs, not providing an argument for the illegalization of all drugs. Again, I'll go back to where I started, this is ONLY about freedom. You can throw all the evidence in the world against legalization from a health/money/whatever standpoint, but it will never win out in my mind because this issue is ONLY about freedom. Humans have the God-given right to inject, snort, smoke, or swallow any substance they please as long as they don't DIRECTLY harm another person or their property.

And overdoses? Those are a almost always a direct result of prohibition. Most drug users do not want to kill themselves with an overdose, they just want to get high. The overdose typically is an accident because they do not know the strength, quality, or quantity of what they buy on the street. Today's two hitter quitter could be tomorrow's two hitter killer. Legalization and regulation gets rid of most of the overdoses that occur (which in relation to the overdoses caused by LEGAL medications, is very, very little). Regardless, one could overdose on water, should we make all water illegal?


Well-Known Member
Crap, don't do that! I love water! :shock:


bonz, I can totally understand that you have a very different perspective because of your experiences. My own point has nothing to do with the wheres and hows of cocaine and heroine, it has to do with the fact that these two substances are regulated because they cannot be used safely by the average person. This is not the same, however, as saying they have no benefits, medical or otherwise. This is acknowledging that they are very powerful drugs that humans can and do use.

Addiction, however, cannot be legislated away. It exists in absence of heroine and cocaine, doesn't it? I'm sure you know just as well as I do that the addict tends to "addict" to almost anything their brain latches onto. Sexual addictions mean that we would.... what, legislate away sex? Would you offer up that their addiction has no impact on themselves or others in a manner similar to those addicted to "hard" drugs? How about those addicted to pills? Are we going to get rid of prescription meds because there are those who cannot control themselves, and then go on to do other bad things because of their lack of control? Gambling falls under these auspices, and I am very much in favor of allowing gambling, though I kind of like the idea of keeping it to Indian gaming for a whole host of reasons.

Either way, I still stand by my own beliefs, which are that you have a right to completely fuck yourself up as long as it doesn't cost me or infringe upon others. Families will always have shit to deal with, too, so that's not the most compelling reason I've heard. You think addiction is tough? Try on a healthy dose of schizophrenia on for size. Or maybe a good hard long bout with clinical depression, the suicidal kind. It simply cannot be helped, it simply is what it is, we are all simply quite fucked up in our own special ways, and I refuse to buy into the idea of legislating that away, because it just can't be done effectively or inexpensively.

So those of us who manage to keep our wits about us feel pain and displeasure and worry and heartsickness because of those we love. And we (rightly? wrongly?) want to fix that which ails those we love, that which turns them into that which we don't love. This is the human condition. It will always be.


Active Member
Why are you talking about legalizing lots of drugs, when you are on the medical marijuana section of RIU? Why not use a thread on the other drugs section of RIU?

There really is a difference between marijuana and those other drugs. The difference is that marijuana is marijuana.


Well-Known Member
The larger picture does come into play where this discussion has gone but it does seem this thread has been jacked.


Well-Known Member
sorry for jacking the thread.
maybee i`m a bit harsh on the subject as i was an addict for years to both heoin and crack and seen some pretty neasty shit. i can agree in certain syiuations it could be regulated by doctors. and yes i do understand the issuses around mental problems as i suffer there also and am terminaly ill. so i understand about needing pain relief. i refuse to take dr`s meds as most for this are in the opiate family and wont go near that shit now.

i completely agree with the idea of being addicted to everything besides just drugs.
if we didn`t have different opinions life would be borring.


Well-Known Member
If you have a low threshold for addictions you probably boarder on OCD and exhibit characteristics that are common for these diagnosis; as such cannabis use, either medical use or social use, is more likely to be addictive in nature to this type of person than someone without these characteristics.

If you are one of these people and don't wish to be addicted to a substance then cannabis might not be the best course of treating your illness as this can trigger addiction just like pharma solutions, although withdrawal symptoms are more associated with symptoms similar to caffein withdrawal. Maybe you should discuss this with your doctor so your doctor can address your addiction concerns.

As to the social reasons, the same can be said and you will find that it can be addictive like boozed but with fewer lethal side affects and maybe there are other issues that should be addressed rather than turning to cannabis to help you 'deal' with social situations better.

Mood and Mind altering substances should be used by adults that are grounded in reality and not prone to addiction and if you are, you should be more aware of problems associated with addiction so that you can seek help if you are not able to control your use.

A healthy person is not qualified under the state law to use cannabis and there for the medical community will not issue a recommendation. If you use cannabis and feel it is something that benefits your life, speak to your doctor about why it helps you, maybe you could qualify for medical use.

The more childish we act on this subject (publicly subverting laws, not voting, letting others get it legalized, ect) the more we will be treated like children (ignoring our requests to reschedule, requests to allow studies, locking us up, treating us like our voices don't matter).


Well-Known Member
i have my card
and have my addiction in check. i have been clean for 7 tears now and cant stand anything to do with that old life style.
i have been to many specialists and am just getting tirwed of being a guinee pig for them and have made my mind up on my life and where it`s going.
i am the most peace with myself that i ever have had.
my new addiction is just growing and helping out my med mj center.
i dont feel like i am addicted to pot. if i have great if not oh well. i dont dwell on it.
i have been able to learn where my addiction is coming from and how to deal with it.