• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Totally healthy, can I still obtain a medical card?


Well-Known Member
but i dont want my taxes and medical cost for disease and recovery what costs less prison or those expences.
remember we pay for every bodyies medical here.

i dont know but i have worked in recovery places and some of them just use it as a place to crash and get healthy and then go out and use again...repeatedly and that costs us a fortune. not to mention all the aids and everthing else that goes with it and a disgusting looking city.

You must not be taking into consideration that 'those' people you are talking about maybe spend 30-90 days at a time in rehab and during that time they are taught living skills and technics for dealing with problems, they might not wanna hear it but they do hear it and know a place to come when they are truly ready to clean up. Most true addict find the bottoms are not something they want to continue with and actually do want some help just don't typically know how. Those that don't want to or haven't hit their bottom can still go to jail for actual crimes (burglary, theft, rape, murder, DUI, ect) I'm sure there would be plenty of room to actually serve some of the time give to them for REAL crimes!

Now these same folks if just 'locked-up' will usually spend more time than 90 days in prison, so even if the cost to incarcerate are the same (which they are not, it's more for prisons than treatment been studied and proven) we would experience a cost savings on any short timer but how about all the minimum term sentences for drug offenses most start at what 3-5 years so that's what 12-20 visits to rehab before it starts getting to be more expensive to 'treat' instead of 'locking-up' addicts. How about those that get out and violated for a minor drug offense again (you know, the addicts, just because they serve time doesn't mean they learn how to stop using once they get out) and have to serve more time again.

Sure the current system works, wouldn't want to change the way things are done now would we? :roll:


Active Member
In many States of the US possession of marijuana is decriminalized; meaning that if you have a small amount of marijuana, you will not go to jail.

Drug addiction is another issue; perhaps those drugs are not as safe to use compared to marijuana.


I'm for the legalization of all 'drugs'. I think it's wrong that politicians in 'elected' positions have the power to take away peoples rights. It is a right to experience mind altering substances.

Many more drugs that are legal kill more people than a lot of illegal ones. And yet the government still spits propaganda saying 'we do it to protect you!' if that was true, we'd have seen tobacco, alcohol, caffine, sugar, salt, ibprofin, and a million other substances outlawed long ago.

The war on drugs has WASTED BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars, all while the CIA and DEA ship in illegal drugs from south America. They bring it in so they keep getting funded by Washington to keep the drug war going, and they keep getting funded by Washington so they can say there's still a war against drugs... Billions get spent, countless amounts go into the pockets of greedy politicians and the rest of us do the time. Fair?

In this situation, you are either for or against freedom.

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Do what you gotta do, but don't post questions on how to circumvent laws we have fought so hard to pass. These kinds of post and questions on public message board are giving the legit patients that benefit so much from the use of cannabis a bad name by asking a question that eludes to an assumption that that every MMJ patient is just faking it and really doesn't need it, giving more ammo to the prohibitionists that keep saying 'those people just wanna get HIGH they don't really need it.'

I am sure you really don't mean any harm in your question but really think about it long and hard, if you really believe in ending the prohibition of cannabis, then instead of trying to circumventing the existing law why don't you help change it.
Nuff Said. I couldnt have said it better myself. The Laws are not fair on Cannibis, but don't fight against the good progress.

Peace:leaf::leaf:Free the Weed


Well-Known Member
well this is a good part of the forum for me, recently the last 3 months i had bowl problems, and my testical has been in pain for MONTHS , i talked to my doctor to see what he had to say about it, soon as i said maryjane his face like sucked out of his ass(it looked like MAN ARE YOU CRAZY?)
iv tried ibproofen it just hurts my stomach or liver i dont know which 1...

whats my chance of getting a med card?


Well-Known Member
ill be honest folks because i dont care, iv always smoked pot from depression in my family seriously, and i will probly always smoke it anyway like i said to my doctor, but he didnt really take notice to it,

next time i go back to doctor im going to say im still in pain, maybe he will give me a different pill god knows i dont want it but w/e works, havnt had sex in months, FEEL THE PAIN PLZ...

he said it might never go away the pain my testical cause its such a sensitive spot?..

i got a bowl test recently+blood test waiting for some results....


ill be honest folks because i dont care, iv always smoked pot from depression in my family seriously, and i will probly always smoke it anyway like i said to my doctor, but he didnt really take notice to it,

next time i go back to doctor im going to say im still in pain, maybe he will give me a different pill god knows i dont want it but w/e works, havnt had sex in months, FEEL THE PAIN PLZ...

he said it might never go away the pain my testical cause its such a sensitive spot?..

i got a bowl test recently+blood test waiting for some results....
I feel your pain dude. Where do you live, people on this forum might be able to help out with the cannibis card if you live in a state where it's decriminalized.

So, PCP and LSD are like salt and sugar to you?

Does anyone else think that?
Just because the government determines what's 'bad' for you doesn't make it true. In reality, all of these substances are 'bad' for your body, the day will never come that I let someone else decide what's best for MY body. That's the problem, it's my body, I have the right to do WHATEVER I choose to do with it, just as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone elses rights. Putting legal restrictions on things that don't concern you is a right NOBODY has.

Why should a substance be illegal? Because crazy people do crazy things on them? Well I've got news for you, those crazy people will do crazy things regardless of what's in their system, outlawing drugs is simply a scapegoat.


Active Member
PadawanBater, I guess you are a drug addict. I am not. I use marijuana for legitimate medical purposes. I also don't go onto medical marijuana sections of marijuana sites, to talk shit about other legitimate medical marijuana users.


Well-Known Member
So, PCP and LSD are like salt and sugar to you?

Does anyone else think that?
It's not that the substances themselves are the same thing, or equivalent. It's that the issue here is freedom, not whether or not a specific substances is dangerous or harmful. But in a sense, PCP and LSD are the same as sugar (not salt though). They are all mind-altering drugs.


Well-Known Member
PadawanBater, I guess you are a drug addict. I am not. I use marijuana for legitimate medical purposes. I also don't go onto medical marijuana sections of marijuana sites, to talk shit about other legitimate medical marijuana users.
Woah, what? That was totally uncalled for. How dare you make a judgment on someone you don't even know based on a few posts they've made regarding their opinion of the War On (Some) Drugs? That's ridiculous.


Active Member
Well, PadawanBater must have really tested all of those drugs out; to say that every drug should be legal. If he has not had any experience using those drugs then his opinion about legalizing every drug is not right. How well do you know the effects of the drugs? Will sugar give you the same high as PCP or LSD or crack or heroin? Because if it does that would be a problem to drug enforcement ,wouldn't it? So, if you can get that high on sugar; why is sugar legal?


PadawanBater, I guess you are a drug addict. I am not. I use marijuana for legitimate medical purposes. I also don't go onto medical marijuana sections of marijuana sites, to talk shit about other legitimate medical marijuana users.
Point out the spot where I was talking shit please... I'm not a drug addict, all I smoke is MJ. And I posted in this section asking about a cannibis card, I'm pretty sure that falls under the medical section. :clap:

Well, PadawanBater must have really tested all of those drugs out; to say that every drug should be legal. If he has not had any experience using those drugs then his opinion about legalizing every drug is not right. How well do you know the effects of the drugs? Will sugar give you the same high as PCP or LSD or crack or heroin? Because if it does that would be a problem to drug enforcement ,wouldn't it? So, if you can get that high on sugar; why is sugar legal?
So I have to test everything out to say it's stupid to make it illegal, that's some concrete logic right there man! Does that mean murder shouldn't be illegal, I mean hell, you've never tried it out have you?!

Sugar is legal because it's cheap and abundant and would cost more to outlaw it. Plain and simple. It has absoultely nothing to do with the effect the substance in question can give your body, if that was the case, like I said, we'd see a lot of other substances that are illegal. The drug war is a scapegoat to keep things illegal so that the people who break the laws get put into prisons and the statistics stay where they're at, hindering any further advancement in the distruction of the fabricated war on drugs. It's all to keep the money flowing.

You are one selfish person to only care about yourself and your own personal needs, if that wasn't the case, you would be for freedom as well. Get on the other side of the fence, there's no way through any amount of legal action the laws will cange, if you want change, you have to make change yourself.


Well-Known Member
Well, PadawanBater must have really tested all of those drugs out; to say that every drug should be legal. If he has not had any experience using those drugs then his opinion about legalizing every drug is not right. How well do you know the effects of the drugs? Will sugar give you the same high as PCP or LSD or crack or heroin? Because if it does that would be a problem to drug enforcement ,wouldn't it? So, if you can get that high on sugar; why is sugar legal?
It doesn't matter if the highs are the same or even in the same ballpark. Drugs should be legal because it's WRONG to imprison people against their will who have neither harmed another person or their property. It's as simple as that. That's why we have the Constitution, to protect our God-given rights. The War On (Some) Drugs shreds every bit of that sacred document.

I haven't tried all the drugs there are in existence either, but I have studied a large number of them. Still, that matters none when it comes to my stance on drug legalization.


Well-Known Member
just curious. the people that want to legalize all drugs. what is the medical purpose of doing that for crack or heroin or any other hard drugs.
mj does have benefits there is a difference