Totally Baked : A Pot-U-Mentary Movie


Well-Known Member
Wow Just Wow I'm Half Way Through And This Is The Best Pro-Marijuana Film I've Ever Seen They Have It From All Angles, Like From The Prophaghanda, to the truth, and in between they have marijuana comedian clips. Just a great movie heres a few quotes : "Marijuana Is Not A Drug, Its A Plant Growing In My Closet." ; "Weed Should Never Be Expensive, To Me Weed Should Be Like A Lawyer. You Know, If You Cannot Afford Some, Some Is Appointed To You." ; "I'm A Highschool Teacher, And My Students Know I'm High, When It Becomes Movie Day." Also Includes: Facts And Lies, Minor Nudity, and Plenty Of Truthful Marijuana Comedy.. If You Would Like A Link To Torrent I'll Leave You One, I Am Trust Worthy, And If I Was To Send You A Virus My IP Could Be Easily Found. So Trust Me, Torrent It, And Enjoy!!!!!!! WATCH BAKED AND YOU WILL LAUGH TILL YOUR SIDES SPLIT!!! Totally Baked 2007 DVDRip XviD get rid of the paranthesis, and copy and paste. always plenty of Seeds And Leechers. ENJOY!!
skatterman's link works great if you want to download it, it's got a lot of seeders :mrgreen:

i hate downloading files this big... i'm so impatient...'re talking all this crazy cyborb ebonics..i can't not comprehend...paranthesis, and torrent rips... I am but a simple guerrilla war fighter. You have hyped this film up so much.. I have great desire to watch. can you not simply put on Youtube comradE?
k simple as, get the simplest downloader, install, download my link, double click it'll say, you sure you wanna download bla bla, Yes!. then let it sit for 2-3 hours and vwalalal you got yourself a movie're talking all this crazy cyborb ebonics..i can't not comprehend...paranthesis, and torrent rips... I am but a simple guerrilla war fighter. You have hyped this film up so much.. I have great desire to watch. can you not simply put on Youtube comradE?

hahha cyborg ebonics? imagine a bunch of half black - half robots running around, hahahah i am part black 3 generations back, and that still cracks me up..
I downloaded this last week, I am pretty sure the budger for this film was about $40. But it was okay, or I was really high, I downloaded Super High me at the same time and enjoyed that one much more.
All i needed was this simple tool to learnt he way of the war. Azureus has opened a torrent i already had and didn't know i had. .. nice.

Skatterman..yes i totally hear ya. I am not black...But use to work in the best buy in the black section of town... And those geek squad brothers were the gangsters nerds i ever did encounter. Dudes would laugh at people b/c they would ask to upgrade their laptops hard-drives and shit...then smoke a blunt with me afterwards
hahahah yeh man, me and my dad make fun of Best Buy guys, cause they really know only the bare minimum, they could just be some potheads, i think their direct computer hookups they are given are what figure the problem, and if it aint easy they tell the customer to get a new Dell
They over charge at best buy a lot, plus those guys don't know anything really. If they did they would be getting paid more somewhere else.
^^ i don't an AT&T rep In BEST BUY...iget to hear alot of these..."best buy guys don't know dick about balls!"
But talking to some of them...who moved on to be iT techs for companies n shit...i think all had at least a B.A or is B.S in their respected itnerest..programing and whatever else...
But bottom line... them Best buy dickheads talk to customers like they were monkeys figuring out a coke bottle...and most people don't know shit about savvy tech their bare minimum is like elite status to your first computer buyer.
^^ i don't an AT&T rep In BEST BUY...iget to hear alot of these..."best buy guys don't know dick about balls!"
But talking to some of them...who moved on to be iT techs for companies n shit...i think all had at least a B.A or is B.S in their respected itnerest..programing and whatever else...
But bottom line... them Best buy dickheads talk to customers like they were monkeys figuring out a coke bottle...and most people don't know shit about savvy tech their bare minimum is like elite status to your first computer buyer.

Maybe they learned more later on, it's an entry level job after all. I don't deal with best buy much but I deal with people who used them in the past. A lot of my little side jobs come from people or companies who have tried to use places like that in the past with poor results. But IT is what I do, and knowing what I know there is no reason to take the massive pay cut to work in the Geek Squad.