While i can respect the whole cooler heads prevailing, id like to remind you guys a few things in response. After this i am truly gone from here again, and hopefully you can all stay reasonable and work together...im not trying to stir shit up again either, im done and wont be back, just have to make a point before that happens cause thats the kinda guy i am
i just wanna remind some of ya where this thread went out of control (i dont ask for trouble, nor do i look for it, but as i said a few times i defend people who matter to me, whether anyone likes it or not)
lets take a look at the very person to "stir the hive" as you put it shall we
1st Insult slung
(mildly insulting only but negative none the less and un warranted at all)
5th-(this was the first MOST asinine comment, do u hate kids or something. That sounded pretty selfish and greedy to me)
and why does this matter, again he was just promoting a toy drive
ALL these were in a row by RIU members with not one negative response back by anyone, again all rottenboy did was come here and say "hey guys wanna free clone all you need to do is help a charity and donate to some kids"
then rotten responds to these (not really rude either may i add) and here is what happens next, his intelligence is insulted
(this is greed in its lowest form, why u ask, because azcs DOES care pal)
Then you guys start bashing AZCS
(1,000 + members will say different, a few people acted like idiots and were banned and are disgruntled, pure and simple)
At this point on page 4 I hear about it and decide to step in and defend a friend of mine, someone i respect a lot, and an organization that is everything i want in group forum (majority of us consider each other family, especially those of us who have been there since almost day one) not to mention point out it wasnt about AZCS or you guys or the AMMA or me or anything else, it was a reminder this was about helping needy kids for christmas...now maybe i was a little harsh in doing so but after the 4 pages i had read so far it wasnt completely out of line, and i stand by every word! What happens next, well here lemme show ya 
Then phxfre throws this in for good measure
and then he does a REAL dick move and posts someones private info on the forum for everyone, and in this same thread RIU members talk about privacy like it means something to them? (just because you edited it too you know damn well at first you posted names and addresses)
THIS WAS JUST THE BEGINNING OF ALL THE BULLSHIT and somehow WE, I whatever are the assholes who started this, ummm no, and this is why i WILL NOT apologize...i meant every word i said...if you want to see where this all started you guys need only look in the mirror
I will say the way RIU members treat people is stellar
(thats sarcasm for anyone with an IQ less than 100)
This is one thing i agree with most in all of this