• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Tops for Toys

AZCS Bryan

Active Member
I'll let Bill go make an official announcement or something, that's more his gig than mine.

on another note i have checked out your exchange thing and i have noticed that the first thing you ask for is the personal information of anyone who wants to join. i realize that this is to protect you from lawsuit and make sure that everyone is legal, but why should i trust you with my personal information? what is to stop you from selling us out down the line when the feds or leo raid you and take all your files and computers? what measures do you take to protect the information of the members of your collective or the members of your site?
I've never publicly put out ALL the security measures that are taken, but the records are stored on a offsite computer w/encrypted drive. One that is not accessible publicly from the internet. Its not 100% secure, but its about as much protection as you can get while still keeping things manageable. Patient privacy is one of the higher priorities we have, most of us are technologically savvy enough to realize the dangers of having personal info just laying around.

With that being said, we allow ppl to block out everything except for the matching names on ID's, and a valid patient number. We have no desire to know where ppl live, or where grows are (yes we've been accused of wanting to steal grows by some tinfoil hats as well)

The true reality is this tho, do you really think Will Humble wouldn't willingly turn over all the information in his database to the first federal agent that even so much as asked for it? I'm no tinfoil hat, but I don't believe our DHS database is as private as they lead us onto believing.


Well-Known Member
I'll let Bill go make an official announcement or something, that's more his gig than mine.

I've never publicly put out ALL the security measures that are taken, but the records are stored on a offsite computer w/encrypted drive. One that is not accessible publicly from the internet. Its not 100% secure, but its about as much protection as you can get while still keeping things manageable. Patient privacy is one of the higher priorities we have, most of us are technologically savvy enough to realize the dangers of having personal info just laying around.

With that being said, we allow ppl to block out everything except for the matching names on ID's, and a valid patient number. We have no desire to know where ppl live, or where grows are (yes we've been accused of wanting to steal grows by some tinfoil hats as well)

The true reality is this tho, do you really think Will Humble wouldn't willingly turn over all the information in his database to the first federal agent that even so much as asked for it? I'm no tinfoil hat, but I don't believe our DHS database is as private as they lead us onto believing.
i really appreciate you answering my questions and this information brings new light about your organization. while i dont trust will humble either, it would take a court order from a judge or a subpoena for azdhs to divulge their patient/caregiver registry and still this could be contested under the law which states that azdhs is not allowed to disseminate any patient/caregiver information from their database. the writers of the bill foresaw this possibility. your database could be taken if your operation is raided and you would have little recourse to prevent that info from eventually becoming public record. knowing that you only require minimal information for the sake of verification is a little comforting. this new attitude and pleasant direct responses are a welcome change to your attitude toward us. i just hope the same theme carries over to the rest of your organization. if you would work on your PR a bit i think you could get the support of the caregiver community as well as the patient grower community. with so many enemies, the MMJ community must develop some sort of cohesion if we are to weather the upcoming storm. we are all in this together. we should not let our petty differences or economic gains divide us and weaken the movements resolve.


Active Member
If RIU was such a joke than why have you and your boyfriend's done nothing but throw insults at a bunch of folk? You think we don't know what the fuck you are doing? You must be terrifed in order to keep coming back on this "joke of a forum" just to dispel the awful things being said about you. If it weren't true I'd sooner let you think what you want instead of acting like a assclown by telling others how pathetic they are and how they should be happy to have such 'benevolent' lords such as yourself. Again thanks for posting all these correspondance so that every patient that isn't gullable enough to rely soley on you or your forum soley for information. You have proven everyone's point. AZCS doesn't care about the mmj community if they did they would be using their resources to help correct the inequities in the law.


Active Member
That is probably the best response I have heard from anyone associated with AZCS. Kudos Bryan! Thank you for your honesty and tact.


Active Member
You guys are confusing AZCS with Andrew Myers, the AzAod, MPP, etc... THEY were the ones who put the 25mile rule into prop 203. We've been against the 25mile rule from the start, of course this late in the thread it doesnt matter anyways.
Bill has been tied up, we have lives/families just like the rest of you bongsmilie

The fact that he hasn't responded means nothing except he hasn't had the time. Anybody that's taken the time to come down and meet us in person (and not in that "I'm going to kick your ass" kind of way) has understood what were trying to accomplish. It's certainly not to rip patients off, and I can't wait for the day when we flood the market with prices that make street dealers cringe @ their profit loss. Until we are running at capacity and have a situation large enough to support that, I am happy being the collective that offers the lowest publicly offered reimbursement for brick & mortar locations.

With members like Blayzed and Rottenboy, they've been with us since the first few days. They have watched how we operate, and were with us way before a collective was even started. The even trade project was conceptualized right after 203 passed. Go take a look at what the ETP is all about, we don't make a dime off that. Its simply an avenue for those that grow, to get rid of their excess meds... ALL of them at rates even less than the collective can afford to offer. (It is not a place for other collectives/clubs to advertise their meds)
They DO take it personally when people flame us, simply because they have met us personally, and FULLY stand behind everything that we are going for.

With that I really don't have anything else to say, our doors are always open. if you doubt, come on down and let us prove you wrong.
Rest Assured there is a petition starting after the holidays and it really would be good for AZCS and the rest of the community. If I came down with a petition in hand; I hope to gain the support of folk who say they are for the good of the community. I hope that AZCS would take up a noble fight such as this. In the end I really don't care what model anyone operates under. I just want to have AMMA be fair for everyone not just fair for rich investor folk (not saying you are with MMP or AZoD). You say you want the same then I will allow your actions to be your arbiter and not any words from any person. I would ask that you please keep your people from 'stiring the beehive'. In the interst of fairness I am reminded that a gentle answer turns away wrath but harsh words only stir up anger. I will, on my part, refrain from any kind of character assasinations. However, just be aware that it's hard to be nice when others are mean to you. Again Bryan, thank you for your tact.

AZCS Bryan

Active Member
We will gladly stand behind ANY petition that is in the better interest of the patients, & removing the 25mile rule is definitely on the top of that list.

I'm sorry things got so out of hand, its human nature to resort to name calling, especially on the internet. I am glad that in the end hopefully everybody see's everybody else's point of view. We don't always have to agree, but it sure would suck to finally see this voted in, and the feds just kick back and laugh at the industry tearing itself apart. Its like the gang on gang violence in the early 90s, wasn't good for anybody.


New Member
We will gladly stand behind ANY petition that is in the better interest of the patients, & removing the 25mile rule is definitely on the top of that list.

I'm sorry things got so out of hand, its human nature to resort to name calling, especially on the internet. I am glad that in the end hopefully everybody see's everybody else's point of view. We don't always have to agree, but it sure would suck to finally see this voted in, and the feds just kick back and laugh at the industry tearing itself apart. Its like the gang on gang violence in the early 90s, wasn't good for anybody.
So when is the sit down?

Bill Hayes

Active Member
reasonable sense and logic left this thread a long time ago. yup, the minute the flamer crew responded to a toy drive post concerning azcs it seems that there are three factions in this thread, growers and patients who are upset with the lack of solidarity from azcs. Feel free to elaborate here because you make little or no sense. all they want is a backing from azcs to be against the 25 mile restriction, at the very least all they have to do to satisfy [ why again am I worried about "satisfying" YOU? The rest of Arizona seems quite happy with how we are doing things. us would be to come out publicly and denounce the restiction. this would not cost them any money or resources. This is where your true ignorance of how shit really works up the "hill" shows itself, cost us nothing huh? all we want is a "political" position on the issue.

then we have the club owners or operators like bill hayes and his partner. all they want is to promote their business [ blatant lie as we do NOT advertise anywhere, try again ] and avoid taking a stance against a law which will make their business more profitable in the long run by restricting the supply and allowing them to raise their prices and eliminate alternative means of getting medicine. [ I didn't write the law, and your comments show you know nothing about me personally or as a business man. I was the first one to speak up against the 25 mile rule publicly. As a potential dispensary operator/owner we moved in a manner that would help control the industry from the mom and pop side of the coin, NOT big money's. The 25 mile rule is what it is until that law is changed and you people whinning about AZCS not taking a stance simply means you have your heads to far into your comps to see us at P&Z meetings, City and Town Council Meetings. Are you there, have you ever attended one, or do you all sit behind your keyboards and talk shit about those that DO? Our facilities just happen to sit on the outskirts of the state, for a reason.
As Will Humble pointed out, "a dispensary located where there is very little population would be able to supply inner city dispensaries with their excess per the new law. So facilities in the metro area cramped for cultivation space could potentially be 'controlled' so to speak, by the larger cultivation facilities in the more rural areas of the state. These large cultivation facilities would set the pricing for the supply line to the inner city dispensaries. If a supplier was unhappy with a facility they could simply refuse them, thus self-regulating the mmj industry by the growers."

We are the largest Collective in the State, hands down, yet we have the least expensive prices in the State for smokeable meds, sometimes we are even HALF of the other "clubs" costs. HALF!! yet you half the nerve to come on a public forum and talk shit about how I am profiting?! We set the pricing standard here in Arizona that ALL other clubs are now being compared to and are being forced to lower their ridiculous pricing costs, and you question me, how dare you. What have you done?!

lastly we have a few nut suckers who cant seem to unmount from the huge azcs dick they have lodged up their ass. these people probaly work for azcs which would be understandable. or they are just devout followers or members of this collective and vehemently defend this shit club because they are brainwashed, ignorant, or just plain stupid.

this has created a huge divide here and no one seems to want to concede. all the growers [ yup, all the "growers" as if you few represent the masses in any way. We have done more for growers here in Arizona than anyone. We were the first group to have clones available, the first group to offer in home consulting and room design/construction, the first to become authorized to distribute seeds, and the first group in Arizona to have any type of program like "Tops for Tots" whihc is clearly geared towards growers, NOT our own collective members. If anyone is on a high horse around here I would say its you few that are "demanding" a "stance" from AZCS about a law that is already in the books. Regarding the "brainwashed, ignorant, or just stupid 1000+ Collective members we assist, I thinkn I speak for all of them when I see "eat shit"! We have volunteer staff that just happen to moonlight as major university professors here in Arizona, microbiologists, biological paleontologist, an instructor from the American Society of Plant Physiologists, biochemistry, biochemistry & molecular biology engineers. Some hail from the nations leading agricultural institutions and you call them ignorant or just plain stupid? What exactly do you do again to criticize them? ] are asking is an agreement from azcs that the 25 mile restriction is negative and should be changed. i have yet to read or hear anywhere that this is the case. Take a look around every now and then all i hear are excuses [only from you pesky RIU folks, we work with logic and factual resources that disprove every word you type, yet you continue.] with the argument that "they should not be responsible for this" can someone tell me again how we are responsible for it?? ] or "the 25 mile rule is not bad for patients." we have never said we agree with it, not once, and if you took the time to look or perhaps a few minutes with google you'd already know that, but you don't, cause your lazy, and ignorant, mostly by choice it would seem.

ALL WE WANT IS AZCS TO COME OUT PUBLICLY AND SAY THEY ARE AGAINST THE 25 MILE RESTRICTION AND THEY WILL STAND BEHIND ANY MEANS TO CHANGE IT. WE DONT NEED THEM TO DO ANYTHING ELSE JUST SUPPORT EFFORT TO CHANGE THE LAW. you don't NEED anything else from AZCS because you know what type of "pull" we do have regarding the legal system here in Arizona as well as anything regarding mmj here. Hence the reason we as well as our Collective membership gets a little crispy when people talk shit about us like you all have done, yet you say you only want our help, funny way of getting it if you ask me.

they dont have to pay for anything or work on any ballot initiative, or provide any lawyer help all this is being done. all we want is their support and a statement letting patients and growers know that they support a repeal of the restriction. if they cant do this then that shows their true motives and the fact that they only care about their patients money and continued cultivation rights. Oh yeah and these are sooooo important right now huh, cause we can sell all the excess to other dispensaries here in Arizona RIGHT?!?! S T U P I D A S S !! We don't even make patients assign us as their "legal" caregivers through DHS because I have a feeling those cards will be useless soon, so why would I instruct anyone to do something I myself would not do? We are a Collective or Cooperative cultivation organization. When and IF the dispensary ap's ever get released we will smoothly and flawlessly transition into a dispensary, because its the same business model we have now! We aren't the spot lookin to be Burger King of weed in Arizona, we just want to help sick people and we want to keep things FAIR here in AZ! That is exactly what we have done so far! this is not an outrageous demand and would not cost azcs anything. please tell us why this would be such a big deal for them.
Go ahead and let the kiss-ass line start right here >:

Time and time again you little punks talk shit from behind the keyboard, yet do nothing on the street to make a change, so either put up or shut up cause your sooooooo 10 months ago!!!! Ask anyone from NORML who showed up at the West Side meetings with FREE EDIBLES by the dozen and FREE SPLIFFS for any cardholder. Then ask them if we displayed or handed out a single flyer at the meeting, or did anything to promote ourselves?

then come back and get in line again ;)


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and let the kiss-ass line start right here >:

Time and time again you little punks talk shit from behind the keyboard, yet do nothing on the street to make a change, so either put up or shut up cause your sooooooo 10 months ago!!!! Ask anyone from NORML who showed up at the West Side meetings with FREE EDIBLES by the dozen and FREE SPLIFFS for any cardholder. Then ask them if we displayed or handed out a single flyer at the meeting, or did anything to promote ourselves?

then come back and get in line again ;)

Wow dude you're a dick wad.. You sound about as legit as a Nigerian email...

Bill Hayes

Active Member
then come out publicly and denounce it. it would take a very minimal effort to make your stance on the issue known. it should not be a footnote at the end of some thread where you were badgered into taking a stance on an issue that is very important to the community you supposedly serve.

on another note i have checked out your exchange thing and i have noticed that the first thing you ask for is the personal information of anyone who wants to join. i realize that this is to protect you from lawsuit and make sure that everyone is legal, but why should i trust you with my personal information? what is to stop you from selling us out down the line when the feds or leo raid you and take all your files and computers? what measures do you take to protect the information of the members of your collective or the members of your site?

i appreciate your time and thoughtful response to the community which you so humbly serve.
if you had ever been to one of our spots you would see the laws posted regarding the "misuse or removal of patient information" from our facility. I will charge any officer that leaves my facility with ANY patient info with a class 2 misdemeanor as allowed pursuant to ARS 28.1. Clear enough?

Bill Hayes

Active Member
They set the foundation of MMJ in AZ??? Really? Thats a stretch. Id say people like Nancy Tea, Darris Mykl, the folks at AZAOD, www.arizonaMMJ.com and numerous other people had just as much if not more.

I do however agree that bashing these guys is dumb and a waste of time. I'll never understand hating on people for doing something you aren't but you would like to do.
Darris, YES, the rest are on their own. The AzAOD was a joke at best, all business owners in the industry. reminded me of our current Senate and lobbyists.

And regarding Nancy and Andrew, well most people know Andrew and I's relationship, for those that don't:

clear now?


New Member
Darris, YES, the rest are on their own. The AzAOD was a joke at best, all business owners in the industry. reminded me of our current Senate and lobbyists.

And regarding Nancy and Andrew, well most people know Andrew and I's relationship, for those that don't:

clear now?
no i dont do face book and im not from arizona i probably shouldnt be here but i saw the xmas presents for the kids its a real shame a guy cant give to the less fortunate without getting dogged on the internet............


New Member
I will charge any officer that leaves my facility with ANY patient info with a class 2 misdemeanor as allowed pursuant to ARS 28.1. Clear enough?
Are you a law enforcement officer??

What authority do you have to do this...

Citizens arrest?

Federal law over rides state law every day of the calendar year... AZDHS nor AZCS is protected from federal pressure...

Funny But True...
The feds are likely reading all this BS... And waiting for Idiots to fuck shit up in AZ...

Come on Who thought Prop203 was going to pass?


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and let the kiss-ass line start right here >:

Time and time again you little punks talk shit from behind the keyboard, yet do nothing on the street to make a change, so either put up or shut up cause your sooooooo 10 months ago!!!! Ask anyone from NORML who showed up at the West Side meetings with FREE EDIBLES by the dozen and FREE SPLIFFS for any cardholder. Then ask them if we displayed or handed out a single flyer at the meeting, or did anything to promote ourselves?

then come back and get in line again ;)
maybe go relax a little and talk to your friend bryan about an effective manner of addressing people. it is a response like the one above which alienates and divides the very community you preach to be serving. if you wanna know a little about me, i have a real job that has nothing to do with the marijuana industry. i run a successful small business in phoenix. i am also a caregiver for my girlfriend who suffers from rhuematoid arthritis. i became a caregiver after she was taken advantage of by the social pariahs who call themselves compassion clubs. as for doing something, there is a patient driven petition in the works which will be out soon for signatures. all we were asking for was a backing from the clubs in the area, yours being one of many. so if you wanna fight this and continue to be an asshole to those not in your collective that is your choice. but know that we are all working to the same goal of progression and further freedom in the mmj program.


Well-Known Member
no i dont do face book and im not from arizona i probably shouldnt be here but i saw the xmas presents for the kids its a real shame a guy cant give to the less fortunate without getting dogged on the internet............
They should have lots of clones to give away, to be a member and receive meds from them you first must sign away your grow rights and after that they will still ask you to donate 350-400 a zone.


New Member
They should have lots of clones to give away, to be a member and receive meds from them you first must sign away your grow rights and after that they will still ask you to donate 350-400 a zone.
if thats true thats straight up bull shit ..........forgive me.........bash away...............


Well-Known Member
if thats true thats straight up bull shit ..........forgive me.........bash away...............
Its a 100% true. To be a patient and receive meds through them they will ask you to sign over your grow rights to them and to top that off the members are still paying 350-400 a zone. So do they have lots of clones to give away ?? I'm sure they do, why not give the abundance of clones away throughout the year???

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
You guys are confusing AZCS with Andrew Myers, the AzAod, MPP, etc... THEY were the ones who put the 25mile rule into prop 203. We've been against the 25mile rule from the start, of course this late in the thread it doesnt matter anyways.
Bill has been tied up, we have lives/families just like the rest of you bongsmilie

The fact that he hasn't responded means nothing except he hasn't had the time.
The reason I found out about this thread was through Bills FB yesterday. He posted about it. He wasn't too happy. Rightfully so IMO.

I think whether people agree with the business model or not, as ive said before, stop the hate.

The only thing I can see about AZCS is them being pretty tight lipped about their business model which keeps them being one of the few games in town. Perhaps if that wasn't the case they wouldn't get so much negative press.

I think if we were all here to help the movement progress everyone would share with everyone, ways to improve, grow, open shop legally, grow and ultimately help patients!!!!!


New Member
Its a 100% true. To be a patient and receive meds through them they will ask you to sign over your grow rights to them and to top that off the members are still paying 350-400 a zone. So do they have lots of clones to give away ?? I'm sure they do, why not give the abundance of clones away throughout the year???
so u gonna be breaking the law trying to grow that clone? or they growing for u? i dont get it .........