Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
i want a bong with over 2 percolators... i had one with one perc and loved it- till it shattered... it hurt soo bad... then i had a 6 chamber bubbler- loved it till it shattered- i dont think i will ever share bongs again... i miss them... *tear*


Well-Known Member
im about eight hunned dollars worth of glass down this year... my girlfriend just knocked over my phx trinity, i loved that fuckin thing. tree lookin koo tho bruh!


Well-Known Member
Hey bionic good job! Can you go to my thread and give me any tips for flowering that you have? When should I flower. They are 3 weeks old today and switched from CFL to HPS for the final stage of vegg and then flowering.


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];902116 said:
:mrgreen:alil heat stress tho. took the fans out for like a few weeks.=[ cuz the extension cord i had died=[ and well i got it back in there now. well see if the heat stress goes away=] and transplanting on tomamrow night.gotta wait to get paid. gonna get like a 15 in by 15 inches deep. gonna get like 2 more 42 watt bulbs. and well see if she grows alot more by the time she finishes. and well you think if i transplant it will explode with growth? since its root bound=[?
Looking good but still not much bud put a pic on here when it grows more


Well-Known Member
ok, 3.5 liters is just under a gallon. Remember, U want a gallon for every foot of growth. so a 3.5 liter pot is good for growing a plant about the size of a lowryder, not for a nice bush! have U read any faq's or grow guides? be honest..
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