Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.


Active Member
[BionicChronic];887205 said:
allright guys. here some pics.=] hope you like them. and well theres a bottom shot of the stock. hopefully you like the 2 headed beast=]:mrgreen:
How long have you been flowering here? They look similar to my buds a little bit. I wasn't sure what I was doing at first and vegged for 71 days before starting to flower.


Well-Known Member
How long have you been flowering here? They look similar to my buds a little bit. I wasn't sure what I was doing at first and vegged for 71 days before starting to flower.
i vegged for a month and a half and the set it in a flowering. alltogether about 2 months and a half to grow this plant=]


Well-Known Member
oh i will.
my plants leafs are getting like rusty??=[[[
to much nutes? witch i provide just alil bit of an amount on them every once a week.
im gonna trans plant on tuesday. cuz the leafs are drooping and it probally cuz of root bound. and i havent really seen much growth in the last month. just the hairs are getting thicker. i got a bug problem too. them lil fuckin nats flying all over. and crawling on my top soil too. idk what to do. i kill them all every morning. then the next day theres still the same amount. do they like hatch every fuckin night or something?? wtf... someone help me out.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:alil heat stress tho. took the fans out for like a few weeks.=[ cuz the extension cord i had died=[ and well i got it back in there now. well see if the heat stress goes away=] and transplanting on tomamrow night.gotta wait to get paid. gonna get like a 15 in by 15 inches deep. gonna get like 2 more 42 watt bulbs. and well see if she grows alot more by the time she finishes. and well you think if i transplant it will explode with growth? since its root bound=[?


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
those links had some tight reflectors for sure, I bookmarked em- thnx man- My next is gonna be a stealth CFL grow.. so gathering ideas is kindly appreciated. Props, and Bionic- Plants look decent aside from the slight burn- but they will bounce back- and a it might make em stronger- shits crazy-anything can happen.


Well-Known Member
you sure you wana repot ? i mean 3.5 litres is enough........

Good luck with the reflector mayne :)