Top of vegging plant turning yellow/drooping


New Member
I've been having problems with this plant for a week or two, it's been looking like this, with the leaves fading to a very light green/yellow in splotches. Most of the my other plants look fine although some are also having the leaf droop without yellow as seen on the left of the pic.

Growing in light mix soil with fabric pots under LEDs. I'm thinking it's a lack of nutrients? This was the biggest and fastest growing plant and haven't used much nutrients, a bit of power roots, Calmag, and some algae stuff a couple times but usually plain oxygenated reverse osmosis water.

Hoping someone out there might recognize this symptom because I've gotten it before on past runs and don't know what I'm doing wrong.


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Maybe try a well-rounded fert like dynagro perhaps. Maybe that's a micro nute issue, not sure. sometimes when plants yellow at the top it's sulphur def but not always, could be something similar.
Thanks for all the replies! I also don't think it's a light issue, I'm using LEDs and I've had plants really close to them with no issues in the past. Must be fooding, the worst looking one was the biggest and fastest growing.

I was just planning to switch to flower, can I switch now and start with flower food and expect it to recover? Or should I go buy some Veg nutes and give it another week?
Look like they are starving, and either to much water, or not enough.

No you cannot switch to flowering nutes, and expect them to recover.

Also Veg nutes, and then switching to flowering nutes is bullshit.

What one should do is give them a steady diet of a good, basic formula of food, and increase everything, as the plant grows.
The plant will grow the most after it is flowered. Never starve it of Nitrogen
Its total bullshit to cut back on Nitrogen, and increase phosphorus during flowering. They need a steady diet of everything.

All Nitrogen is, is Protein. Humans eat protein, and turn it into Nitrogen. Plants skip this process.
Does it make logical sense to cut Protein, when your plants will be growing the most during flowering???
It may be beneficial to increase Phosphorus, and Potassium ( Mono potassium phosphate, if using chemicals ) in weeks 2.5-4 after flip for flowering in an 8 weeks flowering strain, but at the same time all nutrients should be slightly ever increasing up until week 6 in an 8 weeks strain, and then slowly cut back to half the last 2 weeks.

Also flushing is a myth, and the only reason to flush is if your plants have been overfertilized, and they are damaged.
Marijuana likes a 1-1-2 ratio of food, and is a very high user of magnesium.
I use Calcium Nitrate as my Nitrogen, and Calcium source when using chemicals, and then supplement with Epsom Saalts for my Magnesium. Epsom Salts is also high in Sulfur, which is one of the chemicals most responsible for Terpene production.

The ratio I use is
+ Epson Salts.

This equals 19.5-20-39. Marijuana like 2x the amount of Potassium as Nitrogen, and likes basically the same amount of Phosphorus as it does Nitrogen, except in weeks 2.5-6 in an 8 weeks flowering strain.
Calmag and some molasses maybe. Good ph. Basics really i think. They look healthy and should pop right back up when you get the sweet spot. I would vegem couple more weeks to see what is happening with remedies. After comfy i would flip. Just me.
@jimihendrix1 that was my understanding about veg vs flower nutes as well. But my growing partner taught me veg nutes aren't even necessary. Just 3 weeks veg in light mix soil and start feeding flower food after switching the lights to 12/12.

But I guess I let them veg a little bit longer than usual this time and they've run out of food.

Anyway I have to put them in 12/12 soon because of timeframe issues. Hoping this one bounces back as my others are looking great.
Youre partner is wrong about veg nutrients, if the flowering nutrients are short on Nitrogen. There should be as much Nitrogen, as there is Phosphorus.