Well-Known Member
Jackie Greene <3
I grew up playing acoustic guitar with my mom all my life. My dad was the lead singer of various rock bands and I grew up in a house filled with music. GREAT music, not this Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift nonsense. My mom passed away a few years ago and I inherited her guitar and I found myself wanting to try to play again. I have randomly sat down and picked a few tunes and that acoustic just brought back how bad it hurts to play until my fingers get tough.
Well this Christmas, Santa decided that I needed an upgrade. I am a huge fan of blues and slide especially, really admire Derek Trucks and Duane Allman so I got an Epiphone SG.
Never owned an electric guitar before so this is a whole new world. Yesterday I got a Hughes & Keffner amp, a Zoom multi stomp box, a glass slide, and this really super cool little Snark tuner. It is so handy!
You Tube is a real blessing and I've been schooling myself. Even taking notes and studying what each effect sounds like so I know how to set them up and what all those knobs are for on my new amp. I am a long time singer and always been able to play along enough to sing with on the guitar. I may not ever give Derek Trucks a run for his money but it keeps me entertained! I can crank it up in the basement and not disturb anyone!