Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Exile, this is my favorite .... truly skillful harmonica playing and wild as a buck: Little Walter

Morning Friends! cheesebomb & giant jug of vanilla kahlua coffee = righteous morning bake!

Really love the Civil Wars - they have a very unique style. Beautiful and soothing....

wasn't born to report cards in elementary school always said "james is a bright boy but he doesn't apply himself" haahaha tru dat

I cannot express how great this band is live.... I go to LOTS of shows all year and this was the best new rock band we went to last year. The small venue was packed to the rafters with people, hot as hell packed together and Rival Sons blew the roof off. I would go see them anytime anywhere...

These cats are local but I love their sound, and this always reminds me of my 70 VW Westfalia 'Jack Straw' sitting in storage. Wife tells me a car can't be a dudes name, but it fits, besides I already have a 2005 Wrangler dubbed Mountain Girl (MG)

Guy filming didn't know the song well missed most the last verse

I've loved to dance all my life, and to be a white girl I can get down with the get down. I live for the funk! Now that I am old its one of the ways I try to keep my weight down is dancing hard as hell. I am thrilled to say I am going to Essence Festival in New Orleans this summer. I will dance my guts out for three days straight in the super dome! They are still releasing the line up in little bits and pieces but Prince is head lining!! I cannot freaking wait! I've been a long time fan of the Gap Band and Charlie Wilson is going to be there and I am almost as excited about seeing him as I am Prince! Still love to go to the club and dance for hours on end and I hope I never lose that love of getting my groove on.

Saw Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears in a tiny little standing room only basement venue that only holds maybe 200 people. The ceiling had pipes dripping water on our heads and people were freaking sweating their asses off. Packed in like sardines and I was right at the front at the stage. The singer is a cross between James Brown and Eddie Murphy portraying James Brown singing. He's freaking great and plays the hell out of his old guitar. The entire band with an great horn section might I add are all white. They are lots of fun.

^^^ my sister was wanting to hear something new that was great, so I showed her a couple of black joe lewis videos. you are right REALLY fun shows!
Plantman I can also suggest Vintage Trouble. Saw them 2x now and they are just incredible.

Really really like Trigger Hippy - a mix of some Black Crowes members, Joan Osbourne and one of my favorites Jackie Greene
