Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Though I don't drink coffee very often I love the smell of it brewing and when I do catch the aroma it always brings me back to a simpler time, a time of skinned knees and sunburned shoulders.
A tune from a local act, they jammed in a garage right around the corner from my place and I could hear them practice when I was in my bedroom. They eventally became quite large on the punk rock scene around Toronto.
whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa timmy tucker
I am straight up in love with this sexy cajun :hump::hump::hump::eyesmoke:..... and yeah my hubs knows it

Tab Benoit is always a good time <3 Gonna see him again in Vegas soon. He is very friendly when you meet him and super funny.

Procrastination R Us this morning....having a good ole time just listening to tunes, sipping on some tasty coffee and higher than I've been in quite a while.

Meet Eric Gales - Raw Dawg from Memphis TN. Plays left handed upside down, one of the most powerful guitarists I've witnessed live. He's been on the Experience Hendrix tour several times now, and also in a super group with Dug Pinnick from King's X called Pinnick Gales Pridgen.


I caught the Expereince tour in Nashville last yr....Hard to beat that bunch, Johnny Lang had to go to the crossroads thats the only way he could play that way!!!
Cowboy, speaking of Jonny Lang and Crossroads.... I was at this concert and saw this live.... I was basically having my own musical spiritual experience during most of this concert. Later on when Clapton/Winwood/Beck performed I think I damn near levitated I was so enraptured....

The best part of this show: There were two couples in front of us partying all day and smoking some incredibly delicious smelling weed. We had flown to Chicago so we had nothing to smoke at this show which was the only minor bummer. I became friends with the couples in front of us as the day progressed they started to share smoke with us and gave us a joint for our last nite in Chicago. It just topped off the best freaking concert of my life. I go to shit tons of shows all year long... but this was the best of the best to me.

We were thinking of attending the recent Crossroads in NYC but its always the same line up, he doesn't add enough new and deserving people in there to bring fresh sound and intensity. So we passed on going altho viewing the shows on youtube it looked to be quite a show for two days!

Anyway.... this was one of the best moments of the show and they got a standing ovation after this set. It was amazing...

The night before we were at Buddy Guy's Legend's club when Buddy Guy came walking out with RONNIE FUCKING WOOD!!! I nearly crapped myself! It was a brilliant concert weekend!

If this guy would just play blues and STFU he would be so much more popular. He is incredibly great with his trio, you don't get much better than Steve Jordan and Pino Palladino to back your ass up! JM is an off the chain guitar player and apparently he does the easy listening pop fluff shit cause thats what sells. Cause we all know the blues does not ever get the attention or sales it deserves.

So this was another fave part of the show for me...

[video=youtube;0lnPoFnUXOg][/video] Thought id throw down some chilled out electronica vibes this evening. Wishing everyone a swell night!
something a little different to go along with the videos I posted the other day, my fave episode I think.....[video=youtube;gtxyjf9eerI][/video]
Good Morning Friends!

Hubs and I went shopping yesterday and bought a new couch/love seat/bed/mattress & foundation. So excited!

They are gonna deliver it today so I will have it before my birthday Sunday! WoO HoO!

Found some Entemann's vanilla coffee in the clearance section yesterday and its pretty damned tasty for 2.50 a bag :)

Fresh melon, berries, bagel and cream cheese this morning for breakfast and they go rather well with the bargain vanilla coffee! :mrgreen:

Feelin' all funkalicious on my last weekend to be 48!
