Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

no arms, but a solid solid cover of let it be :D
no words, just passion, i can hear the sea chantys and the arcadian music with the voodoo flavor of zydeco

did I say lust? maybe something like an errrrrrrrge

Dinner was beer battered catfish filets, hushpuppies, and baked yukon gold potatoes. Orange muffins for dessert.

Ah what a wonderful evening. Lucked into some white widow x big bud and I swear it has my eyes crossed lol! Tis the shit that killed Elvis for real yo! Just a few volcano bags just made us ripped! Haven't even opened the blue cheese yet cause this WWxBB is killa!!

Feeling all mellow and chill

Up early with a good blue cheese buzz....these are my last days to be 48! Sunday is the big 49! We usually go on vacation for my bday so that I turn a year older in a cool and fabulous location. My favorite bday ever so far was turning 47 in Amsterdam! It was my dream vacation, if you ever have a chance to go, take it!

We rented a beautiful apartment on the Herengracht canal right down the street from Siberie Coffee shop where I had my bday party. The apt was laid out beautifully, private entrance and a view of the canal on the corner where we could watch party boats go by day and night. There was a giant bathroom and bedroom downstairs. Hubs and I both fell down the steps at various overly stoned times. We laugh our asses off about it now but at the time we were both lucky not to break something!

Oh I miss it there... I felt safer there than I do here in my own town! It was a peaceful society where I never saw any policemen except in the train station all week long!

I smoked my first blue cheese there from Barney's and each time I smoke it (like now) it takes me back there all over again in my mind....

On this day in music history:
1964, The Animals started a three week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'House Of The Rising Sun'. When first released the record company printed the time of the song on the record as three minutes feeling that the real time of four minutes was too long for radio airplay.

This is a great party band, every time I see these guys the audience sings every song loud as they do. They have a super faithful following and they are all about having a good time. Love me some JJ Grey, hes a sexy lil ole thang...

In the mood to hear Muddy sing one of my favorites: Rollin' Stone. I read in Buddy Guy's autobiography that Muddy was surprised how the folks at Newport Jazz fest was digging his music in a huge way! He came back from this show so excited because they had loved the blues!

Freaking high as a kite, funny how that little green bud can make the day seem so much nicer!

I've got some starbucks verona dark roast brewing and it needs to hurry up cause I'm jonesing for a cup o joe this mornin'!

this always gives me goosebumps

Procrastination R Us this morning....having a good ole time just listening to tunes, sipping on some tasty coffee and higher than I've been in quite a while.

Meet Eric Gales - Raw Dawg from Memphis TN. Plays left handed upside down, one of the most powerful guitarists I've witnessed live. He's been on the Experience Hendrix tour several times now, and also in a super group with Dug Pinnick from King's X called Pinnick Gales Pridgen.
