Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

I'm one of those crackpots who believes we all are related way back in deep time, so you all are my brothers and sisters, except for my whack job neighbor who burns wet trash and stinks up the clean mountain air up here. This girl is beyond cool..
15th great grandfather, that is a long time ago! amazing how technology has allowed us to find out how we came to be who we are.

your dinner sounded scrumptious, i hope your son didn't take that seasoning too literally lol.

Hey I get so into the genealogy thing I lose hours at a time reading it all. I started to work on one of many great grandmothers and and have went back to the mid 1100s and still not done, its a challenge to see how far I can go back. I really love the ancestry site I paid for a full membership for six months which means I have world wide access to records. It was an early birthday gift to myself, I am turning the big 49 Sept 8th. Going to Vegas soon after for vacation/concert get away and super stoked about it!

Gotta get ready going out for the evening to a show and some partying in the city... hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! xo peace & love!

Love me some Ray LaMontagne

hahaha ok I'm good for about 5 minutes then I'm ready for a nap...but watch out for those 5 minutes!

Going to see these guys with other bands soon...really dig them. They are like Black Keys - just two guys, drums and guitar.

I freaking LOVE Peter Green so their version of Oh Well is pretty groovy.

walked down the street to the coffee was my turn to open up and get some java's black and hot so come on in and grab a cup.

Hey Hey Morning Folks! Hope all are having a great holiday weekend. I went to a show and got fairly shitfaced so I have been trying to recover ever since :) Slept a lot and had some great Mexican food and starting to feel back to normal finally. Looks like rain here again today so let the laziness commence!

Ironically I just joined the Y last week and got an email Friday that said they are closing at the end of the year! :(

James thanks for hanging out and keeping things going my friend you rock!

Think I will lay back down a bit since its so early.... back later
Hey everyone thought id stop by for a minute and burn one down with you lovely folks. Hope you all are having a nice labor day weekend. Be safe if traveling! [video=youtube;xcrILJaAM2A][/video]
Obama's president, so? What's he represent?
Just because the nigga's half black don't mean he's Heaven-sent
You're clueless to evidence and all the minds he's messin' with
His charm and smile hasn't got my ass up out this debt for shit
Frontin' like he's truly Jesus
And all you fools believe it
The change he's making isn't good, that's just how you conceived it
It's like we all broker than ever, it's due to reasons
Dealing with self-beneficial plans and the movement he's with
Illuminati, or whatever the fuck they go by
They're the reason real shit happens, and we don't know why
Why did Michael Jackson start his tour than have to go die?
How did rap music go from really good to so dry?
Real artists get shelved and wack one's get famous
To leave masses brainless, a smart mind is dangerous
In their eyes there probably ain't no real shit in your playlist
You're just a product of what the government has created