Too much light???


Yea your fine OP have you ever seen sap eggs on it? I get this sucretion of sap well its a sugar that the plant cannot produce into food so it pushes it our of the stems....when you see it more with the lights closer is just a Meer coincidence it just comes out at time because of the chlorophyll ...just like you said..keep on keeping on...I do find that it is a magnesium sucking white you any purple on your stems?

But I say we keep this thread alive! When we're full into flower let's post our variegation buds!! I'd love an albino so bad!
I'll def keep it going I'll post pics this weekend of the current status of the plant it's in week 5 plan on flowering it 9-10 weeks did the last crop at 9 exactly so try letting it go an extra week see what happens


Well-Known Member
The soil is just under 7 normally how do I lower it? Does all that saw dust around the base stuff work?
I will go out on a limb, but I guarantee you don't have a defficiency, those brown dots have been on almost every picture of variegation for the most part.....seriously you have absolutely nothing to worry about with this


I feel better about it now gonna put the light on 100% tomorrow n do my best to keep heat down n see what happens

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Well-Known Member
Damn straight....I did go look threw your op pics again, I can't tell because of the light...but maybe a slight magnesium def the leaf bottom left corner BUT super easy to fix but I'm probably wrong because your plant literally looks like mine and I KNOW nothing is wrong with mine....but other then she sucks magnesium like crazy, so deff ramp those lights up to 100 and keep an eye for the mg


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna say it's some type of deficiency because the veins on some of them are darker with the leaf being lighter in color.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about the first three pictures shown at the start of page one, the second pic shows it better than the others.


Well-Known Member
fan could be dry out the leaves on that side of the plant, sometimes it cause leaves to go like this


Well-Known Member
It's a mutation....not a fan drying a side out, why because it's the whole plant! I have read an article about the iron what did I do, went and got liquid iron....and it same said article that's false....more iron def is at bud sites.....I have mutation, op has a mutation....we've already figured this out


Well-Known Member
light is a 600 watt hps on 75% power a lil further than 20in which I feel is quiet far but if I put it at like 16in it gets worse the rooms a lil hot on average 78-81 but best I can do with out a/c
I've run the widow before----great smoke.

What is the temp at right at the top of the plant?

It's not too much light------20" from a 600 is only around 3000 foot-candles.

How are you running that 600 (reflector, air-cooled, bare bulb)?

I've never done soil, so helpless in that area.

Keep us posted,



Well-Known Member
It's a mutation....not a fan drying a side out, why because it's the whole plant! I have read an article about the iron what did I do, went and got liquid iron....and it same said article that's false....more iron def is at bud sites.....I have mutation, op has a mutation....we've already figured this out
sorry didn't know affected the hole plant never had this problem with my plants and if I did I wouldn't take cuttings
buy a new pack of seeds for the next crop


Well-Known Member
sorry didn't know affected the hole plant never had this problem with my plants and if I did I wouldn't take cuttings
buy a new pack of seeds for the next crop
Theres no need to apologize my man...

And it's pretty cool when it looks's hard to take a picture to justify it...but I do believe I will have the albino buds they talk aboUT if you Google it...well only 1 branch is all like that...then it's just a few random leaves here and there so I'm thinking it won't effect my yield...and I have already my next set of crops are ice bombs from bomb seeds!


Top of the canopy is 78-81 the 600 watt hps is just a reflector which isn't vented I didn't really no what I was doing when I first ordered the light didn't think it would really matter now I shoulda spent the extra money n got it but for now it's what I have n heat is my biggest hurdle but the edges don't really curl up at like 80 so for now I just keep a close eye on them when I can l. where did u guys order ur light n how much I got mine off Amazon It's a Apollo 600 watt kit for like $150 i think. I didn't wanna spend a lot of money I had to make sure it was something I could do and enjoyed doing before I invested a bunch maybe I'll look how much just a hood is if it will make that much of a difference to vent it


Well-Known Member
Top of the canopy is 78-81 the 600 watt hps is just a reflector which isn't vented I didn't really no what I was doing when I first ordered the light didn't think it would really matter now I shoulda spent the extra money n got it but for now it's what I have n heat is my biggest hurdle but the edges don't really curl up at like 80 so for now I just keep a close eye on them when I can l. where did u guys order ur light n how much I got mine off Amazon It's a Apollo 600 watt kit for like $150 i think. I didn't wanna spend a lot of money I had to make sure it was something I could do and enjoyed doing before I invested a bunch maybe I'll look how much just a hood is if it will make that much of a difference to vent it
A lot of hoods can be modified to add vents. Can a glass be added to your hood? Pic of hood?

79-81 should be ok for now-----but how much vertical space do you have for later on?



Well-Known Member
It makes a massive diffence to the heat in the room depending on how you set it up

straight run in the room, through the light/fan and out the other side will remove loads of heat (50-60%)


It's a cheap hood there's no modifying it it's like thin Tin I could bend it pretty easy if I wanted to n it's in a small open room roughy 3X4 vertical space is roughly 7ft I put 2 plants in at a time