Hey all. I’m on my first grow and have been just forcing myself to learn as I go (I have been an avid gardener for several years but veggies outdoors lol). So I have what I was TOLD to be an indica dominant gold leaf I’ve grown from seed. I started LST pretty much week 1 of veg. I just hit week 4 of veg today and had started the seed in a 3 gal pot. It’s started to slow down in growth it seems and I was thinking now would be a good time to put it into a 5 or 7 gal pot since from what I can tell this strain will take off during flower. I am growing in FFOF (won’t use it again next time) but have just been using filtered water from my rain barrel system that is used for my veggie garden as well. (I figured FFOF already had enough nutrients to get it going). My main concern is by moving it into a larger pot with larger FFOF volume would that stress or harm the roots/plant? I also have to add that my light situation isn’t ideal. Was a handmedown from my uncle. It’s a Kingplus “1000w” which is actually like 195w. But figured 35w per sqft should get me through the entire process and I can reevaluate for my next grow. I have attached some pics. Constructive criticism and any issues with the plant I may not have realized are MORE than welcome! I appreciate it in advance!!!