Tonight is the Night

Just like Trump is is all a illusion. By pushing their videos online to millions of troubled teens they can try to recruit 'true believers' while radicalizing kids against them that see them as the problem. All smoke and mirrors, it is more about their youtube/whatever social media videos that they can turn that couple dozens LARP'ers into x amount of domestic terrorists.
They learned from Osama, another enemy of America, it's how Muslim youth are radicalized too, same idea, same goal, destroy America. There are only terrorist, not foreign and domestic ones, the law will reflect this.
Did you ever consider that Trump just put a target on their backs? Perhaps made them a target for those pissed off about Trump and all the death? Or perhaps the post Trump FBI will take more of an interest in these clowns? 5th column or potential terrorists, they, the Nazi's and the Klan are all alike, also there are several more "militias", the membership and social media content will be most interesting to the authorities or those seeking retribution and justice.

If Biden wins, the racist local and state cops are fucked, major reform is coming and Joe might put Harris in charge of it. As for the proud morons, the national security community will have a very dim view of them and will be on your side, that means the FBI, heart and soul.
Much depends on whether or not they continue to get financial support. Personally, I think the police are not going to go after them and right wing billionaires can afford them. It's going to get worse, not better, after this election is over.
During the predebate show, they said trumps weakest area was on white supremacy but I think he feels they are his strongest supporters so he is very conflicted whether to condemn them or not. It is pretty telling that he hasnt made a retraction yet, especially for a twitter fiend like himself, would've only taken him a couple minutes to set the record straight. I'm pretty sure this will cost him the election.
Next debate I am guessing there is a mute button so even though Biden will have Trump still being a troll he can know America will not really hear Trump's real time trolling.

I also expect Trump to do his best Pesci to fill up his 2 minutes of frustration.
Instead of punching down and responding to Trump, Biden should look right at the camera and speak to America
Social distance style debate. Give each 2 minutes, let Trump play dictator in the WH while Biden is in wherever, maybe a church somewhere or a monument.

That way they can mute Trump and allow Biden to talk his 2 minutes.
Trump yanking on melania's arm to hug him after watching the bidens embracing eachother at the end of the debate was awkward as hell. I bet they sleep in separate rooms.
Don't say that, your an integral part of our community.
Trump is fucking finished, all that will be left from him is a legacy of death/destruction/poverty& pestilence
Keep hanging around @DIY-HP-LED , my Canadian friend, your wit & insight are needed here in Politics especially
Peace & stay safe :)
When Donald is gone and the democrats pull a hattrick, you will have responsible government and American politics will become boring like Canadian politics! Generally I don't like sticking my nose into American internal political affairs, none of my business. Trump and Trumpism transcend borders, even if covid is kept at bay, the crimes against humanity now include the mass murder of over 100,000 Americans, I cannot turn away from that, neither can you, or any American patriot.
Everytime I hear this song I think about the lost possibilities that were preventable, but never acted upon in time too prevent calamity.
We're in the middle of a fucking maelstrom now with COVID-19 & the seeminly imminent financial/environmental collaspe of the World.
Anyway, this is a good tune & it's my song of the moment :)

Please vote for Biden, in anyway possible & right this ship before we become another footnote in the History of failed Societies because we're headed there.
The fucking writing is on the fucking Wall.
Here is what the Lincoln Project thinks about the debate. I too think this extraordinary event will widen the gap in the polls for Biden by a couple of points, it will be similar to the effect of Lafayette Park and Donald's Bible photo op.
LPTV: The Breakdown Post-Debate Analysis — September 29, 2020