Tokin outside vs inside



I think it SUCKS when you CAN'T smoke inside. That's some bullshit *Wikid has never had to deal with this personally* I've known quite a lot of people who weren't allowed to smoke at home, for whatever reason.

Personally, I think as long as you can do both, neither one is really better than the other, they're just different. Sometimes you want to kick back in the comfort of your own home, get blazed with everything you need right there within reach.

I really like smoking when I'm out doing something. When we hiked to the bridge to nowhere, we blazed several bowls on the way there, blazed A bowl on the bridge, then blazed on the way back.
That's how fuckin memories are made


Well-Known Member
That's how fuckin memories are made
It's one reason I never really got the anti-marijuana commercials where they act like if you smoke you won't want/be able to do ANYTHING.

When I first started smoking, I rarely smoked inside. Not because I couldn't but because we were always GOING somewhere to smoke. We'd go up to The Falls (a series of waterfalls) and smoke on rocks in the middle of the water, we'd hike up some trail just to blaze at the top, blaze at the beach (although the wind's a BITCH)...

All this talk of smoking, I need to load a bowl bongsmilie


Well after careful consideration and dillegent post-reading, I've decided that I like.......both. I consider hotboxing in a car and makin it so damn smokey that I can't see my buddy hysterically laughing 6 inches away from me both. Just cuz the car is outdors.


It's one reason I never really got the anti-marijuana commercials where they act like if you smoke you won't want/be able to do ANYTHING.

When I first started smoking, I rarely smoked inside. Not because I couldn't but because we were always GOING somewhere to smoke. We'd go up to The Falls (a series of waterfalls) and smoke on rocks in the middle of the water, we'd hike up some trail just to blaze at the top, blaze at the beach (although the wind's a BITCH)...

All this talk of smoking, I need to load a bowl bongsmilie
That sounds tight as hell. I live in fuckin Podunk Illinois so I don't have any exotic places to go toke.


New Member

Generally speaking, if the weather is nice, and you have a comfortable place to sit, along with some music then outdoors is the place to be.

However, Living in canada, five to six months out of the year this is unfortunately unreasonable.

The unrelenting chill to the bones tortures any bodybuzz you would have previously had in a more warmer temperate place, like indoors. Where may I also ad, the fridge lives.


tokin by a fire wit a few friends is definitely the best way to do it, good times wit good people, and its trippy as shit watchin the fire wit some good tunes on
Smoking around a fire is definitely awesome. I like smoking outside during the winter though, the cold air helps sooth my lungs after toking.


New Member
Smoking around a fire is definitely awesome. I like smoking outside during the winter though, the cold air helps sooth my lungs after toking.

I mostly smoke inside but I like smoking outside and I like winter a lot :shock:
You're both horrible people. I know this is seemingly baseless, however I can assure you that it's true.

Who loves winter lol? It's a horrible time of the year. Why can't the world be a moderate humidity of about 12% and a temperature of about 22 degrees/71 fahrenheit for the Americans and others from Liberia and Myanmar who don't use the metric system. It's much more reasonable. I don't ask for much people.

Straight up G

New Member
You're both horrible people. I know this is seemingly baseless, however I can assure you that it's true.

Who loves winter lol? It's a horrible time of the year. Why can't the world be a moderate humidity of about 12% and a temperature of about 22 degrees/71 fahrenheit for the Americans and others from Liberia and Myanmar who don't use the metric system. It's much more reasonable. I don't ask for much people.
Woohhh stop ripping on Winter man.


New Member
Woohhh stop ripping on Winter man.

Haha, I can't! it's all true!

I used to live in Blue mountain in Ontario - then Waterloo, now London. The Winter in these places are evil, never ending and relentlessly cold.

I can't even walk to the store to get munchies for most of winter, I have to make due, do you know how much cooking sucks when you're ripped to shit?

I'm sure Winters absolutely wonderful for a lot of people, which rocks but not so much for me. Winter is too cold for my blood.


I like outdoors as long as there's no rain. Fuck rain.
True true, unless it's stormin, I'm in a shelter but I cn still c the storm, and the wind doesn't fuck with my lighter. Cuz watchn a storm blazed is a fuckin experience:bigjoint:


Haha, I can't! it's all true!

I used to live in Blue mountain in Ontario - then Waterloo, now London. The Winter in these places are evil, never ending and relentlessly cold.

I can't even walk to the store to get munchies for most of winter, I have to make due, do you know how much cooking sucks when you're ripped to shit?

I'm sure Winters absolutely wonderful for a lot of people, which rocks but not so much for me. Winter is too cold for my blood.
Well I can c y u hate winter tht sounds like the worst circumstances to be high in
has to be outdoors for me
i love my nature walks.
thou i won't say no to gettin blazed indoors

just prefer the outside... even in winter
i'm nature boy at heart.

also, i fucking love cooking and baking
drunk or high, s'all good
and i can make a mean grilled cheese


has to be outdoors for me
i love my nature walks.
thou i won't say no to gettin blazed indoors

just prefer the outside... even in winter
i'm nature boy at heart.

also, i fucking love cooking and baking
drunk or high, s'all good
and i can make a mean grilled cheese
Hah, that reminds me of a time me and a few buddys went on a blazewalk through a trail at like midnight, we had sum flame and figured that would be the best way to enjoy it. There were fuckin spiderwebs everywhere though, and since it was midnight we couldn't see thm. I walked into like 15.

And I can cook just about anything good, but only under the herbs spell:leaf: