Toilet weed!


Well-Known Member
so on topic here. For all yall guys that say u wouldnt smoke the bud out the bag. Think of this. Chances are you have a bag with u and you keep it in ur pocket. Ok think of this front pocket its chillin there against ur leg and u start to swet a lil bit. Ur ball swet gets up on that bag thru the pocket. Then that is what kina bag i would turn down. Not some bag in clean water in a toilet.
ball sweat weed!


Well-Known Member
Dude you like totally miss the point..Sure you can say ohhh i can drop a friggin oz of high quality weed in a toilet an not think twice about it.
You just go get another...Its not like the nasty ass toilet water or the shit in it
EVER touched the weed i smoked.


Well-Known Member
I'd have smoked it if I was desperate.

Some people obviously have never been that hard up for cash.... or green.

Shit....either way it's going through your mouth anyway......there's a lot less harmful bacteria in most toilets than there is in the average Human Mouth.


Well-Known Member
if you're that hard up just sell a blow job and buy a bag. jesus.
penis can't be any worse than poo.



Well-Known Member
if you're that hard up just sell a blow job and buy a bag. jesus.
penis can't be any worse than poo.

HAHAHAHA now that fucking funny. true but funny i was just about to unsubscribe, but clicked one last time.


stays relevant.
Ha ha, maybe thats how you roll in Cali.

I'd rather risk pink eye than herpes.
Who's to say you would definitely get herpes?

On the other hand... you can get a whole list of nasty lung infections and illnesses burning them feces...

LOL at the fact that this guy smoked pot and did jenkem at the same time...

That's what I call butt hash! ;)


Well-Known Member
Who's to say you would definitely get herpes?

On the other hand... you can get a whole list of nasty lung infections and illnesses burning them feces...

LOL at the fact that this guy smoked pot and did jenkem at the same time...

That's what I call butt hash! ;)
How about from Burning weed that was in a baggy.....that was in some water.....that MAY have had contact with some feces..... at least one flush ago.

On top of that it would need to be that 'Magic Bacteria' that can withstand being burned..... as well as get through plastic when water cannot...


Well-Known Member
How about from Burning weed that was in a baggy.....that was in some water.....that MAY have had contact with some feces..... at least one flush ago.

On top of that it would need to be that 'Magic Bacteria' that can withstand being burned..... as well as get through plastic when water cannot...
Oh god I've gotten high for the first time in a few weeks (the first time on buds ever..) and god damn.. that is funny rofl :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So yeah im at work last night (gas station mane) an im sittin around.
Then this chick comes in an goes to the restroom or whatever then comes out. Im like ok, i gotta piss, an ill see if this bitch made a mess or anythin.
Well im bout to let it loose an kindly enough this little bag of herb floats to
the surface (bitch tryed to flush good weed?) Oh bitches trash
is my..smoke. Anyway wasnt that good, lil over an eighth of some middies.
Not amazing either mind you, ill just roll a couple blunts :bigjoint:

Score dude! Free weed in times of need!! You should be repped for saving some weed from a wasted life.

She probably had it down her panties and forgot all about it. She'll get home and go to fish out her baggie and get one of those "oh no, I've lost my weed!" feelings.
I hope you feel bad for not putting it in the lost property draw.:mrgreen:



Active Member
When I was playing Frisbee golf I got to the last hole and finished up. I went to go sit down and load a bowl and there, sitting, is a bowl waiting for me. It was a little dry but it got me so baked and I didn't have to load a bowl of my own weed. Later that day I went to a spot to smoke with my friend and I found a baggie which I thought was some shit weed with seeds. I gave it to my friend and then he made me realize it was bomb shit. It was three full bowls!!! Some kids came to the spot so I smoked everyone out with the bud. Sometimes the Weed gods just want you to get high!