Toilet weed!

Green Funk

Active Member
I hope you at least put the green in a new bag after pulling it out of there, I mean, I wouldn't touch anything that comes out of a truck stop toilet with a 50' pole...


Well-Known Member
You posted it come on ...........mids man.................damn!! Why not keep that shit to yourself.....and be happy with your stakin weed lol


Well-Known Member
As long as you didn;t have to put your hand in the water, and the weed was dry, then I would grab it. I found weed on the sidewalk once. Pretty sure it belonged to the guy walkin away. I called out "HEY!" but he took off as soon as I yelled. I wasn't about to chase him so I pocketed it, asked the lady in the store if he was a regular (He wasn't) so I took the weed home and smoked it. Worst tasting weed I've ever had.

Green Funk

Active Member
If it were me, I would just give it to some dickhead friend I knew and get the satisfaction of watching him enjoy smoking something I had just fished out of some nasty ass gas station crapper...

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
hey, lets me up n i'll help you finish it off. we'll match, i found some weed in a urinal, just the other day! give me ur coordinates, and i'll be there in a flash!


Well-Known Member
If it were me, I would just give it to some dickhead friend I knew and get the satisfaction of watching him enjoy smoking something I had just fished out of some nasty ass gas station crapper...
now thats funny.

a few weeks ago i got some good shit from a friend. (between harvest right now) lost it on the job. a construction site. garbage every where, pot heads everywhere. 4 days later i come across this little bag on the ground. picked it up it was my bag. WOO HOOO. tasted like shit.


Well-Known Member
As long as you didn;t have to put your hand in the water, and the weed was dry, then I would grab it. I found weed on the sidewalk once. Pretty sure it belonged to the guy walkin away. I called out "HEY!" but he took off as soon as I yelled. I wasn't about to chase him so I pocketed it, asked the lady in the store if he was a regular (He wasn't) so I took the weed home and smoked it. Worst tasting weed I've ever had.
Well the chick didnt pee in there..not enough time, strickly just went in there
an flushed a sack in plain ole water..same shit in outta the tap :-|


Well-Known Member
fumes alone could have gotten into the bag. f%ck that. finish flushing it. plus it may have been somewhere before this. it was a chick. maybe it fell out of her. :shock:

it's a gas station toilet. sheesh.
Oh sure you wouldn't smoke it. ;-)

Green Funk

Active Member
nah man, think about all the shit buildup it rubbed up against on the inside of the toilet. Its nothing like tap water...


Well-Known Member
So yeah im at work last night (gas station mane) an im sittin around.
Then this chick comes in an goes to the restroom or whatever then comes out. Im like ok, i gotta piss, an ill see if this bitch made a mess or anythin.
Well the chick didnt pee in there..not enough time, strickly just went in there
an flushed a sack in plain ole water..same shit in outta the tap


Well-Known Member
So yeah im at work last night (gas station mane) an im sittin around.
Then this chick comes in an goes to the restroom or whatever then comes out. Im like ok, i gotta piss, an ill see if this bitch made a mess or anythin.
Well the chick didnt pee in there..not enough time, strickly just went in there
an flushed a sack in plain ole water..same shit in outta the tap
Lol wow nice one sherlock. But then i said..

Well im bout to let it loose an kindly enough this little bag of herb floats to
the surface

Well after that, i zipped my shit up and grabbed it. Yeah i just pissed on it, THEN grabbed it :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ok man wtf ever if there was not enough time how in the world could she make a mess and who goes in a gas staion to flush a bag of mids at that ...........all that trouble?
I've trhown bags out the window and kept it moving.
You're full of it. Your story is full of holes, i'm guessing much like your mind.


Well-Known Member
Im like ok, i gotta piss, an ill see if this bitch made a mess or anythin.


Well-Known Member
Ok man wtf ever if there was not enough time how in the world could she make a mess and who goes in a gas staion to flush a bag of mids at that ...........all that trouble?
I've trhown bags out the window and kept it moving.
You're full of it. Your story is full of holes, i'm guessing much like your mind.

who care's if the story is real or not. It's entertainment and that's why we're all here :peace:

Green Funk

Active Member
So, you officially smoked, and enjoyed, a bag of random gas station toilet middies, that you had pissed on... :spew:

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
great point airman, this dude zurces is a real biootch, running aroud to every thread, screaming liar, newbie (with 36 posts himself). I think his dad just spank his ass for not taking out the garbage, and he has to vent a lil bit! soory zurces, wish i could give you a hug n then we would smoke up n everything would be cool! dont be a hater, be an appreciater!


Well-Known Member
I believe in you, man. You did what was best for you at the time. Hell, when I would tell people I quit smokin cigs, and then i'd start back up, i'd sneak around looking for discarded cigerette butts in the hospital ash trays and smoke em, didn't want to let the peeps down.