today is good for watching fox news

ok, back for a bit... guys i firmly believe that there should be a separation of church and state.. i sure dont think the goverment has the right to dictate my religion and beliefs... i go into my bedroom and pray often... you go into your bedroom and do what ever it is you guys do often... i dont try and make what i do in my bedroom justifiable by law and i shouldn't have to vote to make legal what you do in your bedroom.. i researched some info on thomas paine as far as your thomas paine quote wikipedia says the man died with 6 people.. wait let me just copy and paste it..."In 1802, he returned to America where he died on June 8, 1809. Only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized for his ridicule of Christianity.[SUP] [/SUP]

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
ok, back for a bit... guys i firmly believe that there should be a separation of church and state.. i sure dont think the goverment has the right to dictate my religion and beliefs... i go into my bedroom and pray often... you go into your bedroom and do what ever it is you guys do often... i dont try and make what i do in my bedroom justifiable by law and i shouldn't have to vote to make legal what you do in your bedroom.. i researched some info on thomas paine as far as your thomas paine quote wikipedia says the man died with 6 people.. wait let me just copy and paste it..."In 1802, he returned to America where he died on June 8, 1809. Only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized for his ridicule of Christianity.
First of all you condescending prick, I am a Christian. YOU may not think so but I am. You can stop with the ad hominem digs. It just shows how weak your argument is. And what the fuck do you know what goes on in my bedroom? Research Thomas Paine all you want but it doesn't change the fact the founding fathers did not create a Christian Nation. They created a Republic that could expand and include everyone. Thomas Paine was an activist in every sense of the word and a true patriot. He is known as the English Voltaire and a respected figure of the American Revolution. His writings on Christianity and the way he was treated gives testament to the need for separation of church and state.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^ Oh, so now homosexuals are not allowed to be faithful to a Christian belief?

WTF is gonna be next?

Are the GLBT's not allowed to be in the food service industry 4 having shit on their hands?
marine i do not hold the belief that the laws of the old testament are in affect today... even in the days of moses the book of the law was carried with the ark of the covenent.. not on the inside where gods laws were put but on the outside of the ark... laying against the ark... those laws were always against the jewish nation... they were unattainable... the bible tells us that we have a new covenent with god... its the same ten commandment that GOD wrote with his finger in stone buy now they are written in our hearts and minds... i sure most souls, especially those predestined from the foundation of the earth will agree that its inate within them to know that murder is wrong.. they know that stealing is wrong.. they know that adultery is wrong.. it was never written in stone that man should not lie with man as he does with a women but in my heart i know its wrong... think of the creation story of adam and eve.. after they had sinned god came into the garden and they hid themselves... not bc they had sinned and disobeyed GOD but bc they were naked... before they had eaten the forbidden fruit they were naked but were unconcerned.. after however they had eaten they had gained the knowledge of good and evil... it was afterward when they realized the evils that the naked flesh was capable of... if in your heart you really cant find wrong with a homosexual lifestyle then i can only guess that you are not one of those predestined from the foundation of this world... and thats just sad..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
marine i do not hold the belief that the laws of the old testament are in affect today... even in the days of moses the book of the law was carried with the ark of the covenent.. not on the inside where gods laws were put but on the outside of the ark... laying against the ark... those laws were always against the jewish nation... they were unattainable... the bible tells us that we have a new covenent with god... its the same ten commandment that GOD wrote with his finger in stone buy now they are written in our hearts and minds... i sure most souls, especially those predestined from the foundation of the earth will agree that its inate within them to know that murder is wrong.. they know that stealing is wrong.. they know that adultery is wrong.. it was never written in stone that man should not lie with man as he does with a women but in my heart i know its wrong... think of the creation story of adam and eve.. after they had sinned god came into the garden and they hid themselves... not bc they had sinned and disobeyed GOD but bc they were naked... before they had eaten the forbidden fruit they were naked but were unconcerned.. after however they had eaten they had gained the knowledge of good and evil... it was afterward when they realized the evils that the naked flesh was capable of... if in your heart you really cant find wrong with a homosexual lifestyle then i can only guess that you are not one of those predestined from the foundation of this world... and thats just sad..

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
marine i do not hold the belief that the laws of the old testament are in affect today... even in the days of moses the book of the law was carried with the ark of the covenent.. not on the inside where gods laws were put but on the outside of the ark... laying against the ark... those laws were always against the jewish nation... they were unattainable... the bible tells us that we have a new covenent with god... its the same ten commandment that GOD wrote with his finger in stone buy now they are written in our hearts and minds... i sure most souls, especially those predestined from the foundation of the earth will agree that its inate within them to know that murder is wrong.. they know that stealing is wrong.. they know that adultery is wrong.. it was never written in stone that man should not lie with man as he does with a women but in my heart i know its wrong... think of the creation story of adam and eve.. after they had sinned god came into the garden and they hid themselves... not bc they had sinned and disobeyed GOD but bc they were naked... before they had eaten the forbidden fruit they were naked but were unconcerned.. after however they had eaten they had gained the knowledge of good and evil... it was afterward when they realized the evils that the naked flesh was capable of... if in your heart you really cant find wrong with a homosexual lifestyle then i can only guess that you are not one of those predestined from the foundation of this world... and thats just sad..
you are not a good judge of fact or fiction it seems.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
Why would ANYONE be stupid enough to actually fucking BELIEVE with all their heart that GOD wants you to hate?! God would never tell you to hate people even if it's a murderer or whatever else!

"He who has not sinned may throw the first stone!" - jesus christ, the son of god

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
im not sure who godwin is but im sure its not his laws im refering to... these laws are from scipture in the bible who's GOD this nations laws were based around.... im surely not saying that gays and beast freaks and pedo are the same... they're just all recorded as abominations to the GOD of this nation.... i was raised to be GOD fearing... i raised my kids to be GOD fearing... now my kids are having to vote to not allow something that really goes agaisnt everything our GOD speaks out against.... remember the biblical story of sodom and gomorrah... those that dont learn from history are bound to repeat it... i would think most people like me would want to keep what goes on in their private sex lifes private... im sure i've done things in the bedroom in the past that may have endangered someone or caused great embarrassment to myself... i just dont think i should have to vote to allow something thats so obviously immoral... not really pround to be an american right now...

This Nations laws were based on British Common Law which was in existence before Christianity came to England. You might want to realize that your sources are lying to you.
whoo guys, i dont hate homo's... im just ashamed that im living in a country that now allows and protects by law this life style... im sure many gays had a very difficult time telling their parents and friends that they were gay... its not bc they cant find the words.. they know those words will hurt their family and friends... its hard to do something thats wrong and then tell others... with these current laws my grandsons may grow up thinking if the goverment says sucking dick is ok, hell maybe it is.... do any of you want your sons or grandsons talking to you with penis on their breath... hey buck...


Well-Known Member
marine i do not hold the belief that the laws of the old testament are in affect today... even in the days of moses the book of the law was carried with the ark of the covenent.. not on the inside where gods laws were put but on the outside of the ark... laying against the ark... those laws were always against the jewish nation... they were unattainable... the bible tells us that we have a new covenent with god... its the same ten commandment that GOD wrote with his finger in stone buy now they are written in our hearts and minds... i sure most souls, especially those predestined from the foundation of the earth will agree that its inate within them to know that murder is wrong.. they know that stealing is wrong.. they know that adultery is wrong.. it was never written in stone that man should not lie with man as he does with a women but in my heart i know its wrong... think of the creation story of adam and eve.. after they had sinned god came into the garden and they hid themselves... not bc they had sinned and disobeyed GOD but bc they were naked... before they had eaten the forbidden fruit they were naked but were unconcerned.. after however they had eaten they had gained the knowledge of good and evil... it was afterward when they realized the evils that the naked flesh was capable of... if in your heart you really cant find wrong with a homosexual lifestyle then i can only guess that you are not one of those predestined from the foundation of this world... and thats just sad..
Yeah, I don't believe in talking snakes or mysterious higher powers that are "all knowing" or "all powerful, yet didn't know that adam and eve would eat from the tree it put there. Either way though, thank you for confirming my point. You want to pick and choose what is actually applicable in your holy texts to suit your beliefs. You quote leviticus, and then try to say it doesn't count, but your passage somehow remains applicable. You can't have your cake and eat it too; it's the infallible word of god (Meaning all of it must be held to.), or it's not infallible (Which is the only way your pick-and-choose bit works.) and therefore subject to no higher regard than any other book that tells you how to live your life. Meaning that though you find value in it, you have no right to require me to live my life by it. I prefer a society that is not ruled by a book that considers wives, children, and livestock equally expendable. Take the story of Job, for example. It's okay that his wife, children, and property were destroyed because god gave him new ones when he passed the test? I mean, really? What kind of patriarchal douche feels that the man is the only one in the family worth sparing? What kind of god allows innocent lives to be lost just because he wants to prove to satan how faithful someone is? Killing a man's family to stroke your ego is not the actions of a higher power that loves us. What kind of god endorses the removal of the free will he gave us, in the form of slavery? The bible fails to condemn slavery on any occasion I am aware of. Except in some cases pertaining to very specific groups of people. It even goes so far as to tell slaves to be obedient to their masters. That's not the kind of deity I would want to be associated with, personally.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
whoo guys, i dont hate homo's... im just ashamed that im living in a country that now allows and protects by law this life style... im sure many gays had a very difficult time telling their parents and friends that they were gay... its not bc they cant find the words.. they know those words will hurt their family and friends... its hard to do something thats wrong and then tell others... with these current laws my grandsons may grow up thinking if the goverment says sucking dick is ok, hell maybe it is.... do any of you want your sons or grandsons talking to you with penis on their breath... hey buck...
Maybe this will inspire some of the closeted GOP to crack the door open. (again)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
bro those laws are from the book of the law... written by man... and yes they were nailed to the cross... gods laws (the ten) are still in effect... and when it comes to doing to others as you would have them do to you, i'll pass... i dont think my sphincter can handle whats done to you.... and buck i think i smell a little penis on your breath bro....
idk, maybe im getting to old... whatever happen to the days when you called a man a cock sucker and it was an insult...
whoo guys,i dont hate homo's... im just ashamed that im living in a country that now allows and protects by law this life style... im sure many gays had a very difficult time telling their parents and friends that they were gay... its not bc they cant find the words.. they know those words will hurt their family and friends... its hard to do something thats wrong and then tell others... with these current laws my grandsons may grow up thinking if the goverment says sucking dick is ok, hell maybe it is.... do any of you want your sons or grandsons talking to you with penis on their breath... hey buck...
i dont hate homo's...
You are a liar and a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Pretty much as I expected. Yell ,curse, complain, then try to joke or walk away from your claims with no backing info. Yes some very well off smart people voted for Obama. His base of supporters are not though. Again i am not crying about it the election happened Obama won. I do not discount that, but your claims that the majority of his supporters were highly educated hard working people is just complete non sense. When the housing market crashed due to Pelosi, Reid and Dodd I lost my job in construction. Di I cry no...did I go on welfare nooo....did I demand free money ,college,or insurance because I was owed for some reason by the government...nope...I went from working 110 hours a week as a carpenter to learning web site design and graphics. Does it suck to sit at a damn desk all day and only get 75 hours a week for less pay yes...Do I have the government owe that to me....noooo...I as an American have self pride and know America gives me an oppurtunity to get these great things. Does America owe anything to me? Nope just armed forces and transportation system. The rest is for the individual to earn and keep... tooo many of his supporters do not have self pride, do not feel they have to work extra hard to get by and support their families. They were given unlimited welfare by Obama so there is no motive to find work.Why when you get paid to do nothing.Those are like it or not a huge part of his base.

No one loves the martyr. Yes, congrads on all of your pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, cept it didn't work that way and you are fooling yourself. I do so love that line "American gives me an opportunity", but the America you want won't. the America you want will be a corporatocracy, you just won't admit it.

Yup Obama won, but the more important thing, the thing you miss is that Romney lost - a far far more valuable incident.
marine i dont want you thinking i have a double standard... many orthodox jews still follow many of these laws... christ fullfilled these laws by taking away the penalty of these removing them.. we are now covered by grace.. its grace that removed the penalty of all sins... a common explanation of grace goes something like this... a policeman pulls you over for speeding.(you broke the law) but instead of giving you a ticket he pays your fine for you... this is what christ did for us on the cross...this does not give the driver permission to continue speeding.. paul says should we continue in sin so grace may abound? GOD FORBID.... the grace of GOD is there for us who sin.. but we really shouldn't continue doing what we know is wrong..


Well-Known Member
marine i dont want you thinking i have a double standard... many orthodox jews still follow many of these laws... christ fullfilled these laws by taking away the penalty of these removing them.. we are now covered by grace.. its grace that removed the penalty of all sins... a common explanation of grace goes something like this... a policeman pulls you over for speeding.(you broke the law) but instead of giving you a ticket he pays your fine for you... this is what christ did for us on the cross...this does not give the driver permission to continue speeding.. paul says should we continue in sin so grace may abound? GOD FORBID.... the grace of GOD is there for us who sin.. but we really shouldn't continue doing what we know is wrong..
Seems like an all powerful god would not be subject to something in his own creation. God couldn't just forgive the sins, he had to kill his son? How powerful are you if you can't even control what you created? Seriously, we moved out of the bronze ages years ago...join us.


Ursus marijanus
Seems like an all powerful god would not be subject to something in his own creation. God couldn't just forgive the sins, he had to kill his son? How powerful are you if you can't even control what you created? Seriously, we moved out of the bronze ages years ago...join us.
It's worth noting that the stories at the absolute center of Judaism and Christianity are about the rejection of deepest human and social/familial instinct.
The Jews had a story about being told to murder your firstborn son nastily and for no good reason, and then doing it.
The Christians had the same story, but minus the last-minute reprieve (and presumably the being told).

Imo it is a simply stratospheric masterwork of propaganda to sell these stories as not only good, but the necessary gatekeeper of all that is good. cn