today is good for watching fox news


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Please do expand. I would like to see some democrat make a statement then support it with facts. I'd be happy to read your disagreements.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I am asking you to prove anything i said was a lie. I beg you to please give me one of my sentences that is a lie and then give me proof on why it is. pretty simple really.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Agreed he is a moron. Funny thing is though, that's not me and you directly spoke to me not Donald.
Well you're both ignorant blowhards that love to spread disinformation and racist rants. When are you going to start talking REVOLUTION!? I see grumblings all over the iternet about "taking the country back" and "America is dead". Bunch of stupid fear mongering bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Please do expand. I would like to see some democrat make a statement then support it with facts. I'd be happy to read your disagreements.
FACT: obama won 8 out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the nation.

FACT: obama won those people with post graduate degrees by 13 points, 55-42.

tell me all about those uneducated, lazy, handout loving, socialist rich people with masters and doctorate degrees, fletch.


Well-Known Member
The Obamacare package which right at 80% of the country was against violates the commissons trade act by forcing participation of a monatary government program. His best friends are convicted terrorists who detonated bombs against US citizens in the 60s. He to this day is still registerd as a paid member socialist.
I am asking you to prove anything i said was a lie. I beg you to please give me one of my sentences that is a lie and then give me proof on why it is. pretty simple really.
there ya go.

everything you said in the above quote is a demonstrable lie, you piece of shit.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Unclebuck...Now show me the current numbers of those who have gotten a degree from college that are in fact working full time and not living at a parents house. We can start there


Well-Known Member
Unclebuck...Now show me the current numbers of those who have gotten a degree from college that are in fact working full time and not living at a parents house. We can start there
you said only uneducated, lazy people voted for obama.

the most educated people in the nation broke for obama 55-42.

the wealthiest counties in the nation broke to obama 80%.

you're a fucking idiot. go away.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Now lets look at the biggest Obama supporters and Obamas favorite group of folks he fully endorsed...the occupiers.


Well-Known Member
I will help you again.... It's over 53%

That means the majority of those grads your touting are not working and demand free benefits from the government even though they made the choice to major in their study of choice..
people with simple college degrees broke for romney, you idiot.

the most educated among us, those with post-graduate degrees, broke for obama.

blows your talking point right out of the water, fuckhead.


Well-Known Member