To prune or not to prune?


Well-Known Member
i too am having heating debate about 24/0 over 18/6 i think that plants need say 6 weeks of light befor bud eg on 24/0 you get there in 4 weeks so overall having your lights on 24/0 or 18/6 gona cost the same but i must be wrong but i cant see it


Well-Known Member
Yeah your a genius and the ultimate authority...
everything I said is true and then you want to go into the my light is bigger then your light....fuck off I have two dna lemon skunks and I concentrate 400 w of mh on two plants thenthey will flower under a hps bulb...
I don't have to get in a pissing war with you...I encouraged him to RESEARCH FUCK FACE...anything wrong with that?
You encourage him to clip whatever is in the way ...your a fucking'll have him bonsai growing next...I encouraged him to try and move stuff out of the way or lst.... and I don't give a fuck how long you've grown ...there are many here that have grown twice as long as you fucker...if you were in a room with me right now you would be wanting nothing ....but for me to let you leave...:fire: the way you came.

You need to grow up little one.


Well-Known Member
let them grow over the side let them grow ...leave the leaves...move them or whatever but the more light absorbtion the better...imagine a house with power coming from a few smaller solar panels...and then a house next door with huge ass panels everywhere...which do you think would absorb more potential energy...
next grow u need to try pruning all the little bud sites and fan leafs off the bottom of ur plant..i dont cut ANYTHING but the bottom 1/3 off my plant so if my plants 12 inches i dont cut anything above 4 to 4 1/2 iches..try it before u talk like u know whats better..i bet once u start using this method u will always will..just try it and see


Well-Known Member
that solar panel bs talk gets blown way outta proportion..if u grow healthy plants ur ganna have a shit load of those panels before u even start making cuts


Active Member
I have researched this as I am growing a ls which has high leaf growth...
people have different opinions on this matter...
these are the facts...
fan blades are solar panels to collect light for photosynthesis (which feeds the plant giving it the green)
Cutting these fans reduces the amount of sugar starch conversion and may cause stunting...
cannibus will fight for space and light, leaves will cover and block out other growth.
Limiting it's growth.
One does need circulation around the if your lower leaves are blocking others from getting light I suggest manipulating these fans to allow light to hit where you want(side lighting helps)
If you cannot get the leaves to do what you want and they are dying then you must consider the energy your plant is using for it's normal growth and ask yourself ..
Do I want to take some of that growth energy and use it for repair or healing....
Either way your plant will not die ...
Hope this helps..
Case closed ...maybe you should learn to read everything...


Well-Known Member
run your mouth on a forum right...whatever...I encouraged him to research...your way is not the only way...and I'm saying there are people on here that have grown twice as long as you and they don't have your shitty attitude either...fuck you:finger:
haha what the fuk..i wasnt talkin shit..u need to chill then read what i wrote..i was actually being nice telling u to try it before u knock it..i coulda just said ur a noob and think u know what ur talkin about but have no experience and only read shit online then repeat it on forums


Active Member
haha what the fuk..i wasnt talkin shit..u need to chill then read what i wrote..i was actually being nice telling u to try it before u knock it..i coulda just said ur a noob and think u know what ur talkin about but have no experience and only read shit online then repeat it on forums
wasn't meant for you...I need to get away for a minute ...smoke break this dude has me friends in Santa Cruz don't act like that with the holier then thou attitude...much respect I apologize friend


Well-Known Member
haha what the fuk..i wasnt talkin shit..u need to chill then read what i wrote..i was actually being nice telling u to try it before u knock it..i coulda just said ur a noob and think u know what ur talkin about but have no experience and only read shit online then repeat it on forums
Homegrown, You cant argue with a follower.. he's in a cult. He believes what he wants to believe because the Leader told him so. He has no experience whatsoever, and he is very immature. Fuck this, Fuck that..Threats.. Thats all that comes out of his mouth. He likes to grow puny Lemon Drops, and he is bad to the bone. I looked at his pics.. I just wiped off my harvest table what he yields each time. LMAO! :lol:


Well-Known Member
haha thats hella funny..fuk it tho he'll probably try it out next grow if he really wants a good harvest..just gotta veg it right, keep it healthy and be smart with ur cuts


Well-Known Member
haha thats hella funny..fuk it tho he'll probably try it out next grow if he really wants a good harvest..just gotta veg it right, keep it healthy and be smart with ur cuts

I dont think he'll come to his senses bro. His mind is set. Ill bet he's in Waco Texas along with the other nut cases. I see his point, your point, and my point. What I dont like is someone telling me that my advice is fraudulent. Thats not right at all. Homey dont play that... And if he met me, Iam quite sure he would eat his words. Ive been around...


Active Member
If your talking to me .That is whats growing (2 feminized dna genetics) won a 07 breeders cup ...haven't heard anyone talk bad about that strain... untill dildo
they should be harvested in early May...I'll hit you up with my yield


Well-Known Member
did u grow that?
Sure did HG :) I even removed the fan leaves over some of the bud sites, and trimmed the leaves underneath. Its just one plant. Looks almost as good as that lemon drop schwag huh?? Hahahahahahahaaaa! I think Valley Girl needs a new leader! LMAO.. Thank you Sir for the nice compliment. ;-)


Well-Known Member
If your talking to me .That is whats growing (2 feminized dna genetics) won a 07 breeders cup ...haven't heard anyone talk bad about that strain... untill dildo
they should be harvested in early May...I'll hit you up with my yield
I just smoked your yield :bigjoint: