I have 3 dwc buckets going 5 gallon buckets with a 30 gallon pump on each bucket, 4 inch stones. All in my wee 2x3 closet. The 2 in the back are scrogged so they are kinda permanent fixtures till I cut them down... I have no tds meter and have no way to get the buckets out without making a hell of a mess and pos killing the plants I have siphoned the water out (well most of it my roots keep clogging the hose) and refilled it 1 time but other then that I just keep topping off the with my premix dina-grow flower as called for on the bottle for non recirculating systems. Ph stays right all the time. Im in the begining of the 5th week of flowering and have small buds ( not impressed) and when I pinch them no odor ( have clipped a few fan leaves out of the scrog for better lighting and they smelled like a skunk had wiped his arse with them). They look green and healthy but stopped growing full 7 leaf fan leaves 3 weeks or so ago(only 5 leaf leaves everywhere) First time hydro grow here any advice is appreciated. Oh its under a 250 wat hps I would put pics if I could figure out how to do them here without having to have them posted ont eh net somewhere