tired of hearing this question


New Member
dam that looks to be some good hash.
what do you mean by no burning required.
do live in the US or in india
Its like blue-tac or chewing gum. You just pick a peice of the block and it just flakes in your fingers or you can roll it out in to a thin strip so its like one big strip that fills the joint. When i do a joint i will post some pics.


Well-Known Member
ive seen hash rolled out flat and made into a blunt wrap and then rolled inside was weed. theri is a video on youtube about it with red man


Active Member
yo mcpurple rep for bringing that hash idea as a blunt to the surface, seriously. Mmm game, Master kush from India? Do you know if its the same genetics as the Master Kush found in the dominant West mj culture?


New Member
yo mcpurple rep for bringing that hash idea as a blunt to the surface, seriously. Mmm game, Master kush from India? Do you know if its the same genetics as the Master Kush found in the dominant West mj culture?
I dont know for sure but i have grown master kush plants many times and its most popular in india along with hindi kush but the hash is much stronger.


Active Member
Ah yes I know that hash is stronger than regular grass. Okay thanks a lot for the answers game.


You will when you move out of your mommas house and you cant get a job because all you will be able to say is. "You be wannbe friebs wib dat?"

Just saying...

Also, if you write better grammar, you would be able to read better grammar as well. I never said leaf pruning is good. However, considering the level of intelligence from your post, I might consider doing the opposite of what you suggest.

I mean, you have horrible grammar...what makes you think you can grow a plant? ;)
Well, if we are looking for clarity, your sentence here which reads
"Also, if you write better grammar, you would be able to read better grammar as well"

In fact, we don't write grammar, we write using grammar. We also don't read grammar, we recognize good grammar whilst reading.
My Grammarther taught me all that.

My old man couldn't spell his own name, but he was the best carpenter I ever saw. You have heard about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw, haven't you?

Onto the topic: I have a bad habit of removing fan leaves. Exposing my apples. The OP makes sense to me. I noticed those 'strain hunter' guys on you tube left the leaves on their white rhino shrub. So in 5 more weeks, when the new babies go under the HPS, I will refrain from the scissor urge. Pic of current heirloom plants at 35 day. Apparently I have developed a strain, after many outside years of some of my plants having coitus with each other. a couple years ago, my best 14 tall ladies were violated by a tiny purple male that got by me. He impregnated them all.
I gave him a cigar after I called him a few choice words. This is my first time inside, using little purple man's offspring. You can see where I trimmed fans. Next time, I'll be good.crop crop 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Come on man. Were a bunch of pot heads. Really?
Being stoned and being stupid are two totally different things. ;)

@Uncle Mylar,
Teaching someone proper grammar takes baby steps. Your view is valid but it is better taught down the road. ;)


Active Member
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again. Stupid mother nature putting these leaves that serve as solar panels and store critical and important sugars a nutrients in my way. I think I'll chop em off.:wall:


Active Member
Being stoned and being stupid are two totally different things. ;)

@Uncle Mylar,
Teaching someone proper grammar takes baby steps. Your view is valid but it is better taught down the road. ;)
Were freakin typing on a forum cuz. Give it a rest. Why are you trolling mcpurple anyway?


Well-Known Member
I judge a persons base intelligence on how they type.
What else do we really have to go on?
The OP types like a fifth grader who has been huffing paint.
I wouldn't take advice from this person on anything.