tired of hearing this question


Well-Known Member
should i cut off my fan leafs?
your answer is NO its that simple. unless the leaf is dead, or extremely infested with bugs leave them alone. you dont need to get light to bud sites you need light to hit the leafs to absorb energy to make the BUDS. i see thread after thread asking this and it is a common sense question.
its like saying if you take leafs off a apple tree that the sun will hit the fruit and make them bigger and better when really it wont. leafs were put theri for a reason so leave them. and if you think they should be trimmed off you an idiot.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I agree with you.

However, to make your point stick you might want to:

1. Use better grammar.

2. Not call people names.



Well-Known Member
I agree with you.

However, to make your point stick you might want to:

1. Use better grammar.

2. Not call people names.

1 im not getting grade so i really dont care about grammer
2 i did not call any one persona name
thank you for agreeing though i really didnt want the first reply to be some one who thinks leaf pruning is good for a plant


Well-Known Member
who cares about grammar
You will when you move out of your mommas house and you cant get a job because all you will be able to say is. "You be wannbe friebs wib dat?"

Just saying...

mcpurple said:
thank you for agreeing though i really didnt want the first reply to be some one who thinks leaf pruning is good for a plant
Also, if you write better grammar, you would be able to read better grammar as well. I never said leaf pruning is good. However, considering the level of intelligence from your post, I might consider doing the opposite of what you suggest.

I mean, you have horrible grammar...what makes you think you can grow a plant? ;)


Well-Known Member
holy crap, im sorry i dont care about my typing. sorry you dont like it. and my typing skills has nothing to do with how i talk or being smart in any way. but what ever i really dont care.


New Member
thanks game.
i see you just joined RIU.
you got any grows your gonna put up?
Yes i have just joined and have been growing for 10+ years but i dont grow at the moment as i get my sons to do it for me. I am to lazy for growing again but i might start a grow of my own come january or febuary. Thanks for asking. I am new to this site but i am an old time grower. I dont post any pics of grows or locations due to my own security. At the moment i am smoking pure hash from india i just brought back from mumbai so i have plenty to last.


Well-Known Member
thats cool, keeping the grow passion in the fam.
hope you enjoy your tiem on RIU and run into no drama starters


Well-Known Member
thats cool, keeping the grow passion in the fam.
hope you enjoy your tiem on RIU and run into no drama starters
Oh he will. We're getting some children on here now. Starting nonsense with people. About the trimming, I prefer to trim single fingers instead of the whole leaf. Alot of thimes the leaf will still be green near the stem, still good and usable. I just did it today actually.


Well-Known Member
holy crap, im sorry i dont care about my typing. sorry you dont like it. and my typing skills has nothing to do with how i talk or being smart in any way. but what ever i really dont care.
No need to apologize.

I do not know how fast you can type so I cannot comment on your typing skills.

However, the total lack of punctuation and grammar on forums (emails, letters, resumes, ect) does reflect a persons intelligence.

I know I come off as a "grammar Nazi", but trust me, it will help you in the long run.


Well-Known Member
sorry i did not understand fully. but what i got from that is that if half the leaf is bad you cut the bad off or am i wrong. or do you just cut a single blade to get light to lower bud sites?


Well-Known Member
No need to apologize.

I do not know how fast you can type so I cannot comment on your typing skills.

However, the total lack of punctuation and grammar on forums (emails, letters, resumes, ect) does reflect a persons intelligence.

I know I come off as a "grammar Nazi", but trust me, it will help you in the long run.
well i felt he need to do so, cuz i may have sound like a dick head. i do understand the importance of punctuation and grammar and i do use it when it needs to be used and used properly, like emails,letters, and resumes or applications. and no it really doesn't reflect on a persons intelligence it does reflect on lazyness though i guess. either way you can thin that though. im not here to argue about grammar or punctuation:leaf:.


Well-Known Member
dam that looks to be some good hash.
what do you mean by no burning required.
do live in the US or in india