tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

^^^imo sharks are better killers than us...sharkweek, just sayin...
to OP,
the meaning of faith can be thought of as precisely the struggle you're going through with questions like "why did I have to suffer in this way?". Evenutally, we must either come to the recognition that experiences shape us and prepare us for further experiences. how we respond to such floods of experience is bound in a reflexive relationship to those experiences themselves (hence the possibility for cyclical experiental loops--e.g., experience a causes me fear, i take fear to experience b which shapes experience b for me, even as experience b adds to my total experience profile). Furthermore, life is non-linear despite what our waking minds tell us. You suppress more phenomenal stimuli than you consciously register so as to craft a coherent narrative of self. Hence, to return to faith, we can accept an understanding that, despite our own inability to put the pieces together now, all of our experiences are meaningful in that they contribute to what makes us who we are, or we can reject meaning altogether an assume that our individual experience is detatched, atomized, and random.
In the words of Bill Clinton, I feel your pain, but ultimately, the answer to your thread's question is a resounding "No, you can change". In fact, accommodating yourself to the understanding of existence as change itself would likely go far in helping you understand the process of change you seek. It isn't so much that you are stagnant now and need to figure out how to get going again, rather you seek a manner by which, a methodology, to direct that change in such a way as to become what you feel is less "scumbaggy." In honesty, one of the best ways to achieve this is to just throw yourself into helping someone else--even if you're struggling, reaching out in compassion and solidarity to another person suffering as much as yourself creates a bond capable of helping both parties grow.
Much love, peace and respect to you,
:peace: :leaf: :peace:

until I see a shark hold a .40 cal like mine on my avatar im gonna have to disagree lol... you had other more valid points though..
until I see a shark hold a .40 cal like mine on my avatar im gonna have to disagree lol... you had other more valid points though..

in fairness, the comment i was responding to was actually about humans being the most effective killers and i errantly responded claiming sharks are better, not more effective, killers. You point out that guns are human made and precise tools for killing--nice .40 btw--so I will humbly defer. alternatively, though, once you're dead, you're dead so effectivity must be difficult to evaluate--i mean, if a shark tears you limb from limb that effectively kills you, but the efficiency of shooting someone at 300yds with my 30-06 far surpasses the shark's efficiency... but i digress
You want to change yet your posts show no change easy to fall back into the bad life I hope the best for you but only you can change you
Since this thread has started, have you decided to change any aspects of your life? Do you have a different perspective now? Are you feeling a bit more positive?
A shark would laugh at a handgun wound, right before tearing-off your arm and swallowing it gun and all.

I'd call that more effective.
Since this thread has started, have you decided to change any aspects of your life? Do you have a different perspective now? Are you feeling a bit more positive?

hmmmmmmm....... since this thread started not soo much.... in the past few months yes... ive been spending more time with my moms brother and nephew.... this is something I been working on slowly.... like I said I cant control my anger to well... better yes... this is prolly the biggest issue... that and the fact that no matter how far ive come... there will be a point were I will fuck up again... go back into old thinking and habits... its a fucking guerenty.... sometimes it will happen on a daily basis.....
Quit the drugs drop the attitude that's like a huge chunk of your issues once you fix those you'll be amazed how much else changed too attitude is always a huge deal if you feel angry stop take a deep breath don't say anything or walk Away
What you no way man i thought you were a gental man this hole time????
I thought you knew im a gentleman and a scohler..... I thought we were gonna learn to read and spell togather?
I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but I used to be the same way. Right up until I lost pretty much everything I had. House, car, girlfriend and job. Then to make things worse I about killed someone by repeatedly jumping on their head. Never got caught, but realized I could no longer live my life that way.

Surround yourself with positive people and find someone to love who accepts you for all your flaws, but doesn't want to change you. You also said you been spending a lot of time with your nephew, you want to be someone they can look up to in a positive light.

Never have a victim mentality. (I'm like this because of.......)

Good luck on all your endeavors. I know it can be difficult to change something that has been a part of your life for so long.
Quit the drugs drop the attitude that's like a huge chunk of your issues once you fix those you'll be amazed how much else changed too attitude is always a huge deal if you feel angry stop take a deep breath don't say anything or walk Away

u don't mean weed by drugs right lol? I know I got a bad attitude.... multiple bad attitudes... ranging from confrontational, overly cocky, and just plain I blacked out and cant recall what happened physcho shit..... ive been chilling on the coke.... don't think like im like some feind or some shit... it was just when I do coke... I do coke forreal... nothing less then a teaner to the dome but sometimes a ball or even more... I drink when I do coke... always... it smoothes the ride and allows me to sleep. I can drink like a fish when im on coke and when it finally hits me it hits me.... alcohol makes me violent esp dark har liquor... yayo gets me paranoid and when I do to much I get too geeked and violent... those are my issues with cocaine... that and It makes me super depressed after the awesome ass euphoric but short high,,,, ive been doing yay for years and never did it every day im not like some ghetto crack head.. I don't even smoke crack... now I may have cooked and sold some crack MAYBE in my life... but im n ot some homeless dope feind who spends his money on crack or any drug rather then buy food and shelter... people got me fucked up if they think that... I got a cologne collection that's worth has much has some peoples rents :]
I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but I used to be the same way. Right up until I lost pretty much everything I had. House, car, girlfriend and job. Then to make things worse I about killed someone by repeatedly jumping on their head. Never got caught, but realized I could no longer live my life that way.

Surround yourself with positive people and find someone to love who accepts you for all your flaws, but doesn't want to change you. You also said you been spending a lot of time with your nephew, you want to be someone they can look up to in a positive light.

Never have a victim mentality. (I'm like this because of.......)

Good luck on all your endeavors. I know it can be difficult to change something that has been a part of your life for so long.
thanx.... but I don't have a victim mentality..... im not saying im like this because of anything... I don't fucking know why im like this....
thanx.... but I don't have a victim mentality..... im not saying im like this because of anything... I don't fucking know why im like this....

It's because you programed yourself to be that way. Look at it like this; your dad was abusive and left, you resented him for it and in the process you told yourself that you would never be like him and ended up just like him.

Not trying to insult you, but I've been there.
It's because you programed yourself to be that way. Look at it like this; your dad was abusive and left, you resented him for it and in the process you told yourself that you would never be like him and ended up just like him.

Not trying to insult you, but I've been there.
naw.... I kinda look like him a lil..... that's were u can stop the comparison...
naw.... I kinda look like him a lil..... that's were u can stop the comparison...

Dude, I read your OP and its your dad. Whether you want to admit it or not is where it is holding back your progress. Things like this don't take time, you have to make the decision and stick to it. I'm not judging you at all, I was the same way.

Bet this will sound familiar.

Fuck him he doesn't exist to me
I'll never be like my father
you will never amount to anything
I don't need him
I'll be a better man than him
Fear of having kids because you may turn out just like him
hmmmmmmm....... since this thread started not soo much.... in the past few months yes... ive been spending more time with my moms brother and nephew.... this is something I been working on slowly.... like I said I cant control my anger to well... better yes... this is prolly the biggest issue... that and the fact that no matter how far ive come... there will be a point were I will fuck up again... go back into old thinking and habits... its a fucking guerenty.... sometimes it will happen on a daily basis.....

These things you "hate" about yourself have probably kept you alive more than once no? Learn to love them and to some extent control them, but do not lose them.
Dude, I read your OP and its your dad. Whether you want to admit it or not is where it is holding back your progress. Things like this don't take time, you have to make the decision and stick to it. I'm not judging you at all, I was the same way.

Bet this will sound familiar.

Fuck him he doesn't exist to me
I'll never be like my father
you will never amount to anything
I don't need him
I'll be a better man than him
Fear of having kids because you may turn out just like him

bro... I can spell my name right.... I don't abuse women... and I would never try to take my sons mothers life... I think im already better then him... but that aint saying much.. I wanna be better then me :]