Tip for Stopping Light Leaks from closet....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
For anyone having issues with light leaks from closets I thought I’d share with you what I did to solve the problem.

I have clones vegging in a closet and other plants flowering in the main part of the room. Since the main part of the room has lights out at 12 hours I can’t have the 18 hour light from the vegging clones leaking into the room.

Now… I could have used the old black plastic and tape method… which likely would have been a little cheaper… BUT… I just didn’t want to go through all that work of cutting and taping… having the tape pull paint off the doors/trim and have to deal with the plastic ripping … etc. etc.

My closet has folding doors... which left a lot of cracks for light to leak out... I put a spring loaded curtain rod on the INSIDE of the closet right up against the front where the door is.... then I bought a "blackout" curtain panel from Wal Mart and hung it on the curtain rod. That way I pull the curtain across the rod on the inside and close the folding doors. No light leaks into the main part of the room while my flowering plants are in their dark cycle and I didn't have to futz around with taping up black plastic around the door cracks. I can easily open the door and slide the curtain back when I need to get in.

Spring Loaded Curtain Rod: $15.00 (in hindsight a spring loaded shower curtain rod would probably only have cost $9.00. The important thing is spring loaded so you don’t have to drill any holes. You want a sturdy one because of the weight of the curtain panel … you don’t want it pulling the rod down… so don’t get one of those flimsy little white ones. Also… make sure you get one to accommodate the width of your closet.

Blackout Curtain Panel $24.00 (make SURE the panel is labeled as a BLACKOUT curtain. A regular dark panel will not work… you need one that is designed to blackout the light.

This will work with any standard size closet and could also be used with any smaller cabinet as well … you could just cut down the panel to a shorter height.

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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
slick ;)

very nice

Thanks..... I see a lot of people use the plastic / tape method... but just the thought of fighting the plastic to get it up made me cringe. Plus with folding doors.... it just wouldn't have worked.

I'm very happy with the results of the blackout curtain, and setting it up took me a whole 10 minutes... and that includes the time it took me to open the darn plastic curtain package. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks..... I see a lot of people use the plastic / tape method... but just the thought of fighting the plastic to get it up made me cringe. Plus with folding doors.... it just wouldn't have worked.

I'm very happy with the results of the blackout curtain, and setting it up took me a whole 10 minutes... and that includes the time it took me to open the darn plastic curtain package. :mrgreen:

Doesnt look messy ;)


Well-Known Member
Im doing some clones....i put them directly into flower....im gonna convert them back to veg if possibe.... their only one week from sprout....its hate having 2 cycles.... and i alway have trouble too with lite leak....its tuff... i put up trash bags....it works.


Well-Known Member
woo, i did this but i cut it to size and stapled on Velcro to it and the inside of the door frame.

as an added bonus, mine is matte white, so a nice bit of reflection.


Well-Known Member
Florida girl...i just realized that we both kinda have the same light protection... preventing light is one of the most time consuming choirs that ive encounterd over my first grow....i reasearched alot to try to find info on here...theres not much ....so i aplaude you for making this thread.... my problem is i dont have a door on my closet...its an adequate space but seeing as i dont have much money for fans and ducting my space is mostly open fot eyes too see.. where it gets tricky is at night cause i watch tv at night when my 12 hours of darkness starts....I like you, shield that light with curtain attached to the 5 foot rod....like yours, with no door though....i put a small crack 1x1ft for a fan.....+++++rep...