Tiny Yellow Dots on Leaves


Well-Known Member
Could someone please help me with these little spots/dots appearing on almost all the leaves of my plant?

Happens every time I try to grow outdoors

Thanks a lot



Well-Known Member
no i dont mist my plants

I am growing in a hempy bucket with perlite/vermiculite (3:1). Feeding them Advance nutrients general Grow/Micro/Bloom ferts.

What can I add to it to fix the deficiency? dont have calmag available over here so thats not an option. Even the advance nutrients i am using were imported

thanks for your help


Active Member
add more micro. Look at the list of ingredients or the nutrient analysis its main is calcium nitrate there's your calcium source and the other going to be magnesium sulfate. The good thing about Advanced Nutrients 3 part or any other 3 part nutrients is the ability to switch up ratios for your grow Micro and bloom. It gives growers a little more versatility