tiny rust coloured spots peppering 2 main fan leaves.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone kiss-ass

I had a really really thorough search of as many leaves as I could fine, underneath and ontop. Could NOT find any traces of any spider mites. I did fine one tiny little insect that looked like a miniature moth but given how much damage has been done to those two leaves it doesn't add up. In the absence of any invertebrate suspects, I am going to have to assume this one is metabolic as hotrodharley (among others) suggested. I gave it a good water last night with some calmag along with a diluted fert, and this evening she is still looking strong! Still has those yellow bastard leaves but I just tucked them under the healthy ones for now so I can keep an eye on them and see what happens. Will keep you all updated!

Better look for mites again. They often cannot be seen with the naked eye. Calcium is an immobile element and deficiencies appear first in NEW growth, not older fans. You got bugs man...or a long shot would be ozone damage. Those particular leaves are not very near you fan motor by any chance?
Ozone damage

Calcium Deficiency
Young leaves are affected first and become small and distorted or chlorotic with irregular margins, spotting or necrotic areas. Bud development is inhibited, blossom end rot and internal decay may also occur and root may be under developed or die back. Deficiency will cause root tip die-back, leaf tip curl and marginal necrosis and chlorosis primarily in younger leaves. Symptoms: young leaves develop chlorosis and distortion such as crinkling, dwarfing, developing a strap-like shape, shoots stop growing and thicken.
Better look for mites again. They often cannot be seen with the naked eye. Calcium is an immobile element and deficiencies appear first in NEW growth, not older fans. Listen to HRH and your plants will suffer. He is a poser, not a grower.

Although it does look like mite damage, it could very well be thrips. First time I had them I didn't actually see any for weeks, but they were there. They are very hard to see as they move quickly. They do look a bit like tiny moths except they are long and narrow and they will run before they fly. If the spots keep getting worse you should use something like neem oil to try to keep them in check. There are other products that work better but I'd try the neem first. It's not a bad idea to have some on hand anyway. :peace:
Although it does look like mite damage, it could very well be thrips. First time I had them I didn't actually see any for weeks, but they were there. They are very hard to see as they move quickly. They do look a bit like tiny moths except they are long and narrow and they will run before they fly. If the spots keep getting worse you should use something like neem oil to try to keep them in check. There are other products that work better but I'd try the neem first. It's not a bad idea to have some on hand anyway. :peace:
Agreed. It could be thrips. But being he said he had high temps for awhile I am leaning towards mites. Higher the temps the faster they multiply......

Yellow sticky traps would help also. In control(not mites but thrips)and identification.
yea deffinitlly looks like spider mite infestation Big time. had a little spider mite issue when a buddy of mine gave me 1 of his plants for helping out with a few things, and i didnt have any money to get Neem oil the top notch shit you need but there are other ways to go about killing em.

i just used for 2-3 weeks straight 50% rubbing alcohol dilute it with water and spray under the leaves, id spray them once the lights went off and just before they came on bout an hour, then id get 2 Q-tips and smash the little fuckers with it and spray spray spray after doing this for bout 3 weeks i killed all the spider mites!

hope this helped!
Dude having the same problem right now!!!! It's spider mites!!! I'm spraying the fuck outa mine with 3 tblsp of dawn dish soap with a gallon of water in a spray bottle as we are speaking. Let it set for an hour and spay off with plain water...OMG how in the f****!!!!
Dude having the same problem right now!!!! It's spider mites!!! I'm spraying the fuck outa mine with 3 tblsp of dawn dish soap with a gallon of water in a spray bottle as we are speaking. Let it set for an hour and spay off with plain water...OMG how in the f****!!!!

Man it's got 5 plants and 4 clones...thinkin about dumping the clones and starting over...it didn't get my other 2...yet!!! thinking about sprayin them for good measure...
Man it's got 5 plants and 4 clones...thinkin about dumping the clones and starting over...it didn't get my other 2...yet!!! thinking about sprayin them for good measure...

Sorry to hear that, you can expel them it does take persistence
What about using a bug fogger. I have mites as well, but a few of my plants are a few weeks into flower. Is the fogger ok to use? Will it set a smoke alarm off?
Just an update for everyone! I have not treated for any insects at all. I have used calmag in the water with my nutes now. The same 2 leaves are affected by it has not really spread at all since then. I have had a look for spider mites with my digital magnifier (see pics), and the only insects I can find have wings, are grey with a yellow body and I can only every find about 2 or 3 on the plant at one time. I have attached a pic from the digital magnifier. It has now been quite a few days since I first posted this problem, I attached a photo from just now to show you all that whatever this problem was it has still not progressed any further and my girl is still maturing nicely! I took a small sample to smoke last night and it was very nice, much smoother than the crap I had been buying off dealers previously.

just found out what the photograpped bug above is! It is a whitefly. Apparently the can cause secondary fungus but due to the low humidity in the room that should not be a problem I hope. I wonder if they get high from sucking on the plant?
Whitefly suck the juice out of your plant and if they start to get out of control they will start to affect the growth of your plant. Go to a nursery and get some neem oil and spray those bastards. Also some yellow sticky traps are good to catch them as well.
checked the plant again today and no insects anywhere, glad I held off on the insectisides. I am afraid that this was not a bug problem guys, unless the dissappeared on their own without leaving a trace... here is another pic of the same leaf that everyone said had spider mite, and a pic of the plant and a bud to show you she is allright still...
20130319_193149.jpgView attachment 2576319View attachment 2576320
Nice photos mate, buds are looking pretty healthy despite any problems your having with the fan leaves

Take a photo with your loupe on the underside of your fan leaves and see if you can spot any critters there.