Tiny House

This is something I have been working on since August of last year. I worked on it August through the end of October. I took a hiatus for about 6 months and started working again two weeks ago.

I have been taking pictures along the way and this makes up a bulk of what you're seeing here.

I've wanted one of those for years. Don't even know why. There just cute. Of course back in my 20's I lived in a motor home and then a couple of small camper trailers. After the USMC where I was stowed away in a barracks mostly, but also occupied a cot on a ship and in a tent several times while on exercise. Then I basically lived in a big truck 4 weeks at a time when I drove a semi over te road. So I guess you could say I can adapt to that lifestyle pretty easily. I have a 3 br house for almost 2 decades. I live in the living room and the bedroom. That's it. The rest serves as storage. I can be a pack rat. I like man junk lol. I would go ahead and build a 4 car garage to go with your tiny house and you should be good to go. :bigjoint: Man stuff. Hell yeah bro. You're doing it right.
What is the square footage? Including the loft?

I'm building a small home right now, 450 sq ft, including loft, built from an old poll barn.

I love your pics, and the coziness! Keep it up!
That would make a nice grow house. If the cops ever came with a warrant, you could just hook it up to your truck and park it in a neighbor's yard. Sorry, your warrant is no good, wrong address, pigs...
And if it ever catches fire. You could hook it up and meet the fire department halfway. :bigjoint:

We're trailers trash. We get it. :lol:
It's kind of an off and on project. I have been slowly working on the inside over the winter spending a few nights a week in it. I'll post pics sometime soon I just have too much going on atm
Wow man, nice job. How ya liking the TH?

It's interesting to say the least. I'm saving roughly 1,000 dollars a month living in it. My utilities amount to about 25$ a month.

I figure if I only end up living in it for a year it will pay for itself. I also would have the option to sell it whenever I want.

It's really convenient now that I'm going to school full time. I can afford to not work full time or have to take out huge loans for housing.
It's interesting to say the least. I'm saving roughly 1,000 dollars a month living in it. My utilities amount to about 25$ a month.

I figure if I only end up living in it for a year it will pay for itself. I also would have the option to sell it whenever I want.

It's really convenient now that I'm going to school full time. I can afford to not work full time or have to take out huge loans for housing.
how much was the whole project? i always see em on youtube and stuff and really like em. i kind of just want to build one just to build one lol. give me something pretty creative to do
how much was the whole project? i always see em on youtube and stuff and really like em. i kind of just want to build one just to build one lol. give me something pretty creative to do

I have a folder of receipts and the total was around 8500 last time I added it up and I haven't made any large purchases since.

Mine is pretty small tho around 100 square feet without the loft.
I was part of building a community like that back in the late 80’s and early 90’s … we always referred to them as “ Smurf Houses “ . If you said Smurf House to anyone in town they knew exactly where you meant. It was a total pain in the ass to get furniture upstairs.