• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Time to make some opium!


my poppies look like they're starting to make some heads!! I cant wait.... dunno if i'm more excited about the little amount of opium, or the lovely flowers :)


Well-Known Member
Good for you gg,, I haven't had any in a year or 2.

Might have to do a small patch next to my "other" one ;)


Well-Known Member
wow interesting man wish you all the best

you mind me askin what caused the pain and stuff?
migranes/cluster headaches, chronic neck and back pain, nerve damage, fucked knees and elbow, insomnia and some other mental shit to list a few :neutral:. the list goes on a little from there but im not in a primadonna mood atm lol.

i worked hard at every job ive done in my life no matteer what it was and also made sure that i have as much fun as i can :). my knees needed operation as a kid but i totalled them on the biccies and bundi one night and yeah theyve just got worse since :(

my poppies look like they're starting to make some heads!! I cant wait.... dunno if i'm more excited about the little amount of opium, or the lovely flowers :)
i heard that ten is enough for the general person normally though im of the oppinion that its not quite enough but again like i said befor this shit can really fuck some people up lol. ive never seen small amounts done sorry actually any ;). i especially see no value in evaporating the tea for small amounts just toughen up princess and drink the shit lol.

btw i quoted cos i wanted to say ya think there pretty plants lol.
i think there fucking ugly plants, the flowers are pretty for the minute amount of time there there. you could always just do the scratch and scrape method i guess but fresh poppies are needed. i preffer uppers to the downers actually im 2 and a half years into being a good boy hehe no biccies, lsd, amines anything but the herb for 2 and a half years. i made the missus quit drugs and figured fuck it i may as well too lol. this is what i mean by you must always dominate the substance not it dominate u people.

Big P

Well-Known Member
addiction log

star date 2010th year of our lord a may day

I brewed my tea and im sipping it
can only last 3days until i make another batch

starting to debate doing it every other day so i wont feel malase of the third day

so far its real great the day i drink the tea and the next day too, therefore it would make sense to dose again on the 3rd day which would be drinking tea every other day

just worried it may cause me to need it everyday

i will prolly test the every other day thing, not because i dont have self control but its a real negative doing this stuff if i have to have a bad day before the next time i dose again. it woouldnt be worth it, and I would quit it all together

after all i dont want to waste even one day of my life being unhappy

after this bag of pods has 10 pods left i will wean my self off of it as a test

I will take it moderatly for weeks then wean myself off until im either satisfied i have mastered the dragon or I find i cannot beat him or live in harmopny with him, then i will wean myself off for good, and go back to the ways of the hashishians

Gods Own Medicine



Well-Known Member
Good read P,, I like how you are turning it into a study.

You got some balls man,, btw juat ordered 30 jumbos from said place to see how good they are ;)

They won't get here till wed :(

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think the key to addiction is to get pissed off at the drug, like when i got those bad withdrals i litterally declared war on those pods lol

as long as they dont fuck with me too much i wont kick thier asses again :D lol

Big P

Well-Known Member
heres a good thread link also below for the rest of it:

Using dried poppy pod tea as a maintenance program
K, this is from SWIMs own experiences and his discovery of the perfect maintenance program. SWIM used this method because he was at a point where he was using about 40-80mgs of oxycodone IRs a day (intranasally) and wanted to get off daily use of synthetic opiates all together. Okay, so here's his story: (oh and any feedback is always welcome, let me know what you guys think.)

Since SWIMS addiction and tolerance level was pretty high at this time as most doctors would consider 40-80mgs a day a high intake, SWIM really wanted to find a cheaper alternative, get his tolerance level back down, and get to a point where instead of a daily habbit he just had opiates once or twice a week, and wanted to switch to natural opiates instead of synthetics.

SWIM had heard of all the other maintenance programs such as methadone programs and suboxone, and researched them well and at best found them to be extremely expensive and just another way for the government to rip people off.

So, SWIM thought to himself, why not dried pod tea? Easy enough. It's legal to buy as floral decorations and if he isn't selling them, then no one should care. Also they are very cheap where SWIM found them. So, he bought a bunch, removed the stems and seeds, ground them all into a fine powder and went to work.

Since SWIM had researched about this before and had tried it a few times, SWIM figured 10 gram doses were a good dose to start with.

So, first few weeks, SWIM would take 2 10 gram doses a day. One around lunchtime and the other in the evening, around 7 or 8 p.m. I should also mention SWIMs method of intake was to just mix the powder in water, stir and chug. Quick n easy. So this was done for about 4 weeks until this dose wouldn't produce much of a high anymore, but would keep withdrawals away for long periods of time (8+ hours).

At this point, doseage was adjusted DOWN to 3 5gram doses spread evenly through the day. This was done for another 4 weeks. After that 4 weeks, SWIM started noticing his desire to do this everyday dwindling. Some weeks SWIM would only take some maybe 3 or 4 times a week. Now my good old buddy SWIM ONLY takes a 5 gram dose every once in a while when he gets a craving, and rewards himself for doing good by taking a 10 gram dose on the weekends to relax, and his tolerance is WAY down now where 5 grams gives him a really good buzz that lasts for about 6 hours and the 10 gram dose gets him really high and lasts up to 8 hours!

I believe this carefully planned maintenance schedule worked eceptionally well for SWIM and can help others that want a maintenance program that's affordable, legal, and cheap. SWIM thinks this is a much superior way to maintain opiate addiction than methadone or suboxone programs


Big P

Well-Known Member
ello mates

ive been doing some R&D as per a friends advice

i took isopropyl alcohol and put it in a jar with 2 grinded up jumbo pods

after 20 min i strained out the pulp and then restrained the liquid to get it nice and clean

i put it in a pyrex dish and put a small fan on top of the dish blowing on it to evaporate it more swiftly

i then evaporated the rest of the liquid with a hair dryer

smoked the flake with tin foil method, stuff gets you hi but didnt burn well

so i took the flake and mixed it with a tiny bit of water for a few min , then strained out the waxes and garbage that frothed up that the alcohol stripped off the pods, (remember opium is water solible)

the resulting yield was some smokeble opium powder/flake

smoking it after ingesting opium tea doesnt suck either :D

instead of tin foil method that makes you feel like a crack head i mix it with weed and let the weed burn the cooked flake opium hopfully at a safe enuogh temperature to avoid destroying any of its medicinal properties


Well-Known Member
Good shit P! I am impressed to say the least bro. So how did it work out with the weed?

I got my pods yesterday and made a quick tea with 5 of those jumbos bad boys,, I was floating like a motha fucka! Lol
Man was I toasted,,, and that was a quick batch too so I can only imagine if I made it propper!

You were right P,, those pods are of the most potent, freshest, cleanest I have ever had man.

Unbelievable,, in a good way ;)


I love how you've completely jacked this thread with the soap opera that is your "dried pod" addiction:roll:...... thanks from the rest of us that actually gave a shit about opium


Well-Known Member
gg,, what's your deal man? Is your issue with me responding to P or the fact that he should have started another thread to document his addiction log?

If your issue is with me I would have thought you had a little more respect and just sent me a PM. I thought we were cool and I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it.

If I am reading into your post wrong,, my bad that I took it wrong bro.


gg,, what's your deal man? Is your issue with me responding to P or the fact that he should have started another thread to document his addiction log?

If your issue is with me I would have thought you had a little more respect and just sent me a PM. I thought we were cool and I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it.

If I am reading into your post wrong,, my bad that I took it wrong bro.

unless you're the one jacking the thread with your opiate addiction, then I wouldnt think it was you..... and after our most recent interaction, I dont see how you could think that was directed at you.... You my boy worm :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
i didnt jack the thread gg, its DC's thread to begin with,

if anything i have given important insight and found and shared with the class a much better and cheaper pod supplier

dont like my posts put me on ignore man

you dont have to make excuses for why you hate tho:D

just be honest


Well-Known Member
unless you're the one jacking the thread with your opiate addiction, then I wouldnt think it was you..... and after our most recent interaction, I dont see how you could think that was directed at you.... You my boy worm :)
I feel like a total dick right now man. My bad gg, idk why that even crossed my mind bro.

Thank you again,,, You know what I'm talking about. I OWE YOU BIG TIME! And you say "Owe me what?"
Saving me from bunked shit,, that's what. ;)


i didnt jack the thread gg, its DC's thread to begin with,

if anything i have given important insight and found and shared with the class a much better and cheaper pod supplier

dont like my posts put me on ignore man

you dont have to make excuses for why you hate tho:D

just be honest
You've completely taken the thread from how to make smokable opium from dried pods, into "woe is me, I'm addicted to a plant, feel sorry for me" thread.... yes, that is jacking.... the majority of the thread has been you whining about how your "addicted" and its such a horrible, not to be underestimated plant, all the while, using the thread as your own personal opiate tea blog..... It's my "job" to shut down bullshit.

as for "why I hate", please enlighten me.

Big P

Well-Known Member
dude its not your job to close and ongoing thread that the thread starter and participants and still having discussions in

this is not a blog no where near it this thread hits hardly ever, you just tryin to hate on me cuz you got a problem for some reason so just put me on ignore and be done with it

im sure its for the best

dont try fuck with me gg im not stupid


dude its not your job to close and ongoing thread that the thread starter and participants and still having discussions in

this is not a blog no where near it this thread hits hardly ever, you just tryin to hate on me cuz you got a problem for some reason so just put me on ignore and be done with it

im sure its for the best

dont try fuck with me gg im not stupid
my "job" is to do as I see fit for the forum, within the guidelines that have been set forth..... and there's some room in there for personal opinion.

I dont have to justify anything to you, and I LOVE being a "hater", so if that's the best argument you've got to offer, I suggest you go back to the politics section.