Time line


Active Member
i was wondering if anyone could give me a little run down of all the stages in the plants life.. like say 10-15 possible days to sprout a seed/flowering length/ until harvest time/ to drying and curing so i can somewhat calculate how long everything needs to be done, thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this seed ;)


Well-Known Member
its gonna vary depending on strain, and how big you want the plant to be, you can vegg till the cows come home. but figure 8-12 weeks for flowering


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if anyone could give me a little run down of all the stages in the plants life.. like say 10-15 possible days to sprout a seed/flowering length/ until harvest time/ to drying and curing so i can somewhat calculate how long everything needs to be done, thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this seed ;)
germination - 2 days to a week
seedling - 2 weeks
vegging - totally your option - depends on strain, available space, desired harvest date - say 2 to 6 weeks
flowering - 6 to 12 weeks depending on strain and desired properties of weed (longer you wait the stonier the high)
drying - 3 days to 1 week
curing - nothing to 4 weeks


Active Member
germination - 2 days to a week
seedling - 2 weeks
vegging - totally your option - depends on strain, available space, desired harvest date - say 2 to 6 weeks
flowering - 6 to 12 weeks depending on strain and desired properties of weed (longer you wait the stonier the high)
drying - 3 days to 1 week
curing - nothing to 4 weeks

sweeeet, thank you sir :) that's really gonna help me out here, and thank you both for the quick replies


Active Member
I just have a quick question I am obviously a newbie but how do you determine the vegging stage and how much light is necessary for this part of the grow?


Well-Known Member
I am a newbie myself but the lighting question I think I can answer. In veg you can go with a light/dark setup like this (in hours fo course) 18/6 (mostly what is done), 20/4 or 24/0. When you are flowering (when the girls are growing buds) it is usually 12/12, never seen anything outside of that.

Veggie stage is when, well you have more than just a seedling. You actually have something that looks like a plant. Say after a week or two after the seed sprouts. You stay in that stage (veg) depending on strain and all of that stuff but figure when the girls gets to be about 12" to 18" tall then you can switch to flowering them.

There is alot of good info here, I am just spitting out what I have read over the last couple of weeks.

Happy growing and good luck!



Well-Known Member
the easiest way to understand the veg stage is to consider it the growth period before flowering. the important question to ask is when do you start flowering, veg is just the period before you go to a 12/12 light cycle.

you don't need a whole lot of light to veg, although the more you have the faster it will grow. i use the same amount for veg and flower - about 40 watts per square ft of growing area for hps lights and 75 watts per sq ft for cfl's


Active Member
Yeah my plants just have four small leaves growing from the very tip of the plant, I have two 125w cfls for four plants and I have heard that its okay to leave them on a 24/0 light cycle, until they are about 8 to 12 inches tall I am going to clip the tops of them and replant them around 6 or 7 inches tall but do I still keep them on a 24/0 light cycle until I go to the flowering when I go 12/12


Active Member
one more question i hate to ask in response to this..

germination - 2 days to a week
seedling - 2 weeks
vegging - totally your option - depends on strain, available space, desired harvest date - say 2 to 6 weeks
flowering - 6 to 12 weeks depending on strain and desired properties of weed (longer you wait the stonier the high)
drying - 3 days to 1 week
curing - nothing to 4 weeks

wondering if you could maybe sum up a lighting timeline as well.. say 12/12 for flowering etc etc etc.. thanks again for the help :)


Active Member
this is what i have done :

Veg - 16 Light & 8 Dark
Flower - 12 hours Light & 12 hours Dark.

The one thing that is vital is air flow, i only have a few plants going at a time so i just have a normal fan going (at all times if i can manage it) to begin with i didnt have any type of fan going, and using a HPS, it obviously creates alot of heat, so a fan realy made a difference.

the best way to learn is by trail & error. use the best soil you can get (if youre not doin a hydro).

dont water to regularly so the roots can spread

& enjoy it, my two girls have about 5 weeks of flowering left, and i have loved every moment of growing em

so enjoy it

(mashed sorry for going on)


Active Member
hehe.. thanks for the info.. i have a little fan to move air since its only gonna be a first time run with a plant to 2 at most.. and i know strains vary, kinda why im putting this little outline together for myself so i can keep it on hand.. weather it takes my plants longer or less to flower its nice having a little time line to go by an compare to whats happening in the closet.. you say not to over water/waterfrequently.. whats a good time spam for watering? thanks again, i really apretiate the help on this, cant wait to be in your positing waiting on the last stages of my baby(s) :P