Tight Node Spacing...Why Do I Want It?


Well-Known Member
Just trying to get educated. Can someone explain to me the advantages to having really tight node spacing like 1/4 inch, as opposed to 1 inch spacing instead?


Well-Known Member
much larger main cola, lower buds will appear to be fused to it, you don't need as much light penetration with a short squat plant, buds will mature at a more even rate than a big lanky plant where top and bottom buds are weeks apart... I could go on but you get the picture.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i get what your saying, and i kind of figured this for myself to a degree already, just could'nt really find a definitive answer on the subject. So essentially since i have a short bushy plant it'll end up being basically one big bud from what i gather.
Thank you for the insight sir :)

Charlie Who?

Active Member
much larger main cola, lower buds will appear to be fused to it, you don't need as much light penetration with a short squat plant, buds will mature at a more even rate than a big lanky plant where top and bottom buds are weeks apart... I could go on but you get the picture.
This is true, shit. Im having a problem right now with it. I sort of didnt pay attention to thie Medicine Man Im growing from a clone from last grow....and before I knew it, that bitch had stretched, like, double. I shoulda given her some Bushmaster. Well...I screwed up, what can I say.

Anyway, now I have top buds up close to the light and a gazillion lower buds just sitting there looking like little green boogers.

I guess Im gonna have to harvest the top then lower the light and give the bottom an extra couple weeks or something.

WHY didnt I use the damn Bushmaster? jeeeez....sometimes I just go brain dead.



the shorter the node spacing, the less energy the plant has to use to distribute it's nutrients.
so whatever energy it saves, it will put towards growth of the plant/buds.

which results in bigger yields.