Thrip predator mites???Any one use these?

Ok i just put in 10,000 of these little suckers in a 30x50 greenhouse,the first day i could see them on the plants the secound i havent seen any yet.I will keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
i have used HYPOASPIS MILES which work on thrips and fungus gnats however these mites only go after the soil dwelling larvae . they generally do not exterminate them only control them.

Its only been a few days but i notice the thrips have moved from under the leaves to on top of them?I think they are trying to hide from the mites?
This seems to work really good,i had to wait and give them time but this what i did...7/27 i put in 5000 thrip predator mites and nematodes and again on 8/31..I have a 30'x48' greenhouse,this is its first year,it holds 28 plants plus veggies.So its crammed full this time of year.I noticed thrip trouble and scale trouble from the start..I put in some kind of wasp for the scale and they must of taken off because the scale is getting worse,but in controll...But the thrips are going away and i picked a couple leaf today where most of the thrip damage was and i could not find one thrip but i seen lots of little mites of all sizes eating away on eggs or some thing?The cost of the mites and nematodes are a little more then spray but they are lots easter to use,they do all the work...