Thoughts on this incident? Girl v. Guy fight

Firstly, no disrespect intended. Just sharing my opinions.

But fwiw, easier is not always better.

I live in a way worse neighborhood than you do and dont need a gun or attack dogs.
A few years ago I was robbed at gun point, totally random. Didnt know these guys or how they even knew I had weed on me. I was walking down the street alone when I saw to guys coming my way.I paid them no mind.

The next thing I knew there was a gun pointed at my stomach. I tried to tell them I didnt have anything, but they wanted to see what I had anyway. At this point I have been training in self defense for about 2 years and was sure that in a 1 vs 1 I could handle either one of these guys, but the gun.

The dude with the gun in his left hand takes him right hand and sticks it deep into my pocket looking for loot. That is when it all kicked in, I realized that one hand was busy and the gun hand was not pointed at me and that I could control the gun dude easily with his hand trapped in my pocket.

When the other dude found the little 14 grams of Pineapple express I had he screamed "yes".It wasnt a hit, it was a robbery and the best way out was to just give it up.

When I got back home to my wife I was broken. I felt like crap, I mean all this training and when the time is right I cant even use it. While explaining the situation to her in a reenactment she discovered that the only way out of that situation was the way it happened or with at least one casualty.

I say all that to say this, even tho those guys were "thugs" that were robbing me, I dont want them to die.

I look at robberies as an "occupational hazard".
I've never been in a situation like that..but some where i had no control and had to let it play out. I just burn their faces in my memory..if i ever see them on the street, they'll get theirs, most likely won't even know what it's about. I take it personally, even though it's really not and that's where i dig myself in deeper than i should have. Honestly,I would like nothing better to see them bleed out in the street while they beg for help.
David Cross describing his childhood in Roswell, GA....a suburb of Atlanta:

Woman's southern voice: "It's, it's uhm, safer here. It's nicer here."
Cross: Which just means it's whiter....when they say that.
Woman's voice: "It stays White Out later, then it does in other areas. If you catch my drift."
The entire country should have stand your ground laws where you can shoot thugs in the head & walk away from it , wtf is happening in the US when decent people must run away from people threatening them , that Travon Martin crap is nothing more than media sensationalism.

Im 63 yrs old & i'll be dammed if im gonna try & outrun some 25 yr old thug who thinks me & my wife are easy marks because were old & disabled , thats why were both allways armed when we leave the house so we dont have to run , i prefer to have thugs run away from me in fear for their life vs turning my back on some peice of shit thug .

I love my guns , matter of fact the 45 is sitting right next to me as i speak & my wife has her 380 in her purse , fuck American Express im taking Smith & Wesson when i leave my home .
I agree. Me and my wife are armed at all times. I hate it when dumb decisions are blamed on stand your ground laws. Last year a person put their hands on me. I removed them and got in the car and left. I was armed and anytime could have shot. Most of us gun owners don't want to kill. We carry as a last resort.
I agree. Me and my wife are armed at all times. I hate it when dumb decisions are blamed on stand your ground laws. Last year a person put their hands on me. I removed them and got in the car and left. I was armed and anytime could have shot. Most of us gun owners don't want to kill. We carry as a last resort.
Some people just want to kill others and are just looking for a reason, any reason.
The psychopathy is real!!!
Some people just want to kill others and are just looking for a reason, any reason.
The psychopathy is real!!!
Exactly. The psychopathy is real, that is why I carry. It is also why guns, an inanimate object, are not the problem. The psychopathy is a mind set. Removing guns does not remove the mind set.
Exactly. The psychopathy is real, that is why I carry. It is also why guns, an inanimate object, are not the problem. The psychopathy is a mind set. Removing guns does not remove the mind set.
There's nothing wrong with guns, just the lame "I fear for my life excuse" that can be used in just about any situation".
Firstly, no disrespect intended. Just sharing my opinions.

But fwiw, easier is not always better.

I live in a way worse neighborhood than you do and dont need a gun or attack dogs.
A few years ago I was robbed at gun point, totally random. Didnt know these guys or how they even knew I had weed on me. I was walking down the street alone when I saw to guys coming my way.I paid them no mind.

The next thing I knew there was a gun pointed at my stomach. I tried to tell them I didnt have anything, but they wanted to see what I had anyway. At this point I have been training in self defense for about 2 years and was sure that in a 1 vs 1 I could handle either one of these guys, but the gun.

The dude with the gun in his left hand takes him right hand and sticks it deep into my pocket looking for loot. That is when it all kicked in, I realized that one hand was busy and the gun hand was not pointed at me and that I could control the gun dude easily with his hand trapped in my pocket.

When the other dude found the little 14 grams of Pineapple express I had he screamed "yes".It wasnt a hit, it was a robbery and the best way out was to just give it up.

When I got back home to my wife I was broken. I felt like crap, I mean all this training and when the time is right I cant even use it. While explaining the situation to her in a reenactment she discovered that the only way out of that situation was the way it happened or with at least one casualty.

I say all that to say this, even tho those guys were "thugs" that were robbing me, I dont want them to die.

I look at robberies as an "occupational hazard".

Dude, i stopped slinging bags 30 yrs ago , i look at robberies as a chance to be murdered .
I live in two of the best neighborhoods on earth ( trousers ) , ive been in this game 40 years so alot of scary people know we have real money , your talking 14 grams & im talking about amounts whole familys get slaughtered over , thats real talk too!

I try hard not to talk about wealth because its pointless & tacky but were in two different worlds bro , my dvd player costs more than many members cars & that shit makes us targets , feel free to search the internet for this pic , you wont find it , thats 5 stacks deep fyi , i dont work with 14 grams.


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my dvd player...
I have no use for an expensive dvd player.
I watch worldstar.
I wasnt even slanging, I was holdin and these dudes just got lucky.
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I would not live in a shit hole where you get robbed or feel like panhead does.

A shithole :lol: , you couldnt buy a half acre 1 bedroom 900 sq ft home where we live for less than $500k ,if you want to match home pics lets go , you like to run your mouth & try to make people look like bums, that shit you talk to other members wont cut the mustard with me , post up some pics of the contents of YOUR home & i'll match your pics , then we'll see who lives in a shithole.

If you spent a week in my shoes you'd shit your trousers .
damn panheads a true player but hes been alive over 3 times longer than me. ill be there one day yadadamean
Firstly, no disrespect intended. Just sharing my opinions.

But fwiw, easier is not always better.

I live in a way worse neighborhood than you do and dont need a gun or attack dogs.
A few years ago I was robbed at gun point, totally random. Didnt know these guys or how they even knew I had weed on me. I was walking down the street alone when I saw to guys coming my way.I paid them no mind.

The next thing I knew there was a gun pointed at my stomach. I tried to tell them I didnt have anything, but they wanted to see what I had anyway. At this point I have been training in self defense for about 2 years and was sure that in a 1 vs 1 I could handle either one of these guys, but the gun.

The dude with the gun in his left hand takes him right hand and sticks it deep into my pocket looking for loot. That is when it all kicked in, I realized that one hand was busy and the gun hand was not pointed at me and that I could control the gun dude easily with his hand trapped in my pocket.

When the other dude found the little 14 grams of Pineapple express I had he screamed "yes".It wasnt a hit, it was a robbery and the best way out was to just give it up.

When I got back home to my wife I was broken. I felt like crap, I mean all this training and when the time is right I cant even use it. While explaining the situation to her in a reenactment she discovered that the only way out of that situation was the way it happened or with at least one casualty.

I say all that to say this, even tho those guys were "thugs" that were robbing me, I dont want them to die.

I look at robberies as an "occupational hazard".
The occupational risk to robbers is death. You don't want to die, don't rob.
I have no use for an expensive dvd player.
I watch worldstar.
I wasnt even slanging, I was holdin and these dudes just got lucky.

I dont sling either but i do own 2 successful businesses that generate large amounts of liquid cash each month, what would you do if fake cops tried invading your home like my neighbor in the news report , use martial arts or a 12 gauge ?

My neighbor was targeted specifically because of the contents of his home & nearly lost his life, if my wife wouldnt of had her dog & her pistol she'd of been carjacked & kidnapped because of the car she was driving ,living in a good area dont seperate you from crime it just draws in the hard core career thugs willing to go the extra mile to jack your shit & leave you toe tagged .

I think a better question is what would you of done if the armed robber woulda shot you over 14 grams , if it were me laying on the ground shot i'd want to put 6 in the fuckers back while he's running away .
I dont sling either but i do own 2 successful businesses that generate large amounts of liquid cash each month, what would you do if fake cops tried invading your home like my neighbor in the news report , use martial arts or a 12 gauge ?

I hope I wouldnt need to use the 12 gauge, but I must admit that some situations call for more extreme measures.

Fake cops didnt break in, but how about an actual home invasion? I have been in a few tight situations that if I woulda been strapped up shit woulda got real ugly. I am just happy it turned out the way it did.

I think a better question is what would you of done if the armed robber woulda shot you over 14 grams , if it were me laying on the ground shot i'd want to put 6 in the fuckers back while he's running away .

Prolly put most of my effort into surviving the ordeal.

I am not against guns, I am just against their misuse.

I guess we are just on opposite sides of the spectrum. We have completely different things to worry about.
Where I am from shootings are most likely gang related and robberies are for the cash/drugs.

Yeah i know that was a pretty lame example :) however i used it because of something that happened to an online friend of mine from a Lansing Mich based website called , its a high end electronics website where people sell $25,000 cd players , $250,000 turn tables & speakers up to a $ million , its like half ebay & half craigslist where members sell their used hifi gear , since such large dollar amounts are scam magnets many people meet in person to sell their used gear, ive done it many times myself but im allways armed & so is my son .

A guy i used to talk with in Audiogons forums agreed to sell his $60,000 used amplifier to another member for $25,000 & met the buyer at the Neiman Marcus store in the Sommerset shopping mall , like an idiot he went unarmed but brought a friend thinking the upscale area & his friend as a wittness would make them safe , both were kidnapped , murdered & their bodys dumped in a abandoned school in Inkster .

Scammers will also agree to buy a super expensive peice of used gear & agree to meet at a police station so the seller knows he's in no danger , then claim the gear isnt in perfect shape & refuse to buy it & apologize for wasting the sellers time & leave, sometimes even paying them $100 for wasting their time , then somebody in a different car follows the seller back to his house knowing its loaded with ultra expensive electronics, then set them up for a burgulary or home invasion , the site has warnings posted about that stuff .

But my example ( bad experience ) was when i agreed to meet a seller at the Ohio Mich border to buy a used $7,000 dvd player & we agreed to meet at a specific gas station , the guy called me 5 minutes before the meet , said he was running late & wanted to meet at a car park rest area off exit 6 so i said yeah fuk it , while im waiting in the parking lot me & my son see the guys Charger drive by like 6 times back n forth checking out the lot , i had my son stand behind a truck so when the guy drove by next time he wouldnt see anybody but me , i had all my tats covered up so i wouldnt look like a convict & scare him off, sure as shit the fucker pulled right in & called me asking if it was me standing there , i said yes & he got out & came over to me , as soon as he saw my holstered 45 he said 1 sec & pretended to fumble round his car then split as fast as he could , he never had the dvd player & was gonna jack me , i know if i wasnt armed i'd of been robbed & possibly injured or even shot , alot of that stuff is like collectable Rolex watches where collectors will buy stolen gear fast off armed robbers & home invaders .
I wish I could share my shit hole

Why cant ya ? We've got a thread titled Post Your Smoking Room where a bunch of us posted pics , my basement smoking area is posted in the thread & some other guys showed their rooms too , ya dont gotta post an outside pic giving yourself away .

Take a look at the old thread & if your comfortable post up some pics of anything , we like pics here :lol:.