Thoughts on this incident? Girl v. Guy fight

Sticks and stones...
I happen to know, that names really really hurt some people.

You can punch a dude in the face and break their nose, totally justified in certain situations. But if you tell that same dude that they are a terrible lay and have a little pre-mature ejaculating penis - that shit STICKS man.

I never said that to anyone. But an ex did read my diary. Online email diary - he broke into it.

Some shit you just can't unsee man...
Only pussies

If words hurt you, you're a gaping pussy with not enough life experience

Go cry to momma, cuz I don't give a fuck
Hey, I never said my ex wasn't a huge pussy.

Pretty much all of my exs are pussies.

I am also. Words hurt man. Words from people that know you.

Words on the Internet, no big deal.

But you're gonna tell me that if you had a girlfriend you loved, and she broke up with you, there's nothing she could say that would hurt your feelings?

Maybe you're a robot?

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I was always taught to never hit a woman..old school line of thought taught to me by my father. about 2 or 3 years ago i was almost arrested for A&B after a chick started slapping my in a bar and i pushed her, i was all red and scratched but made no difference..I'm a guy..she's a girl..i go to jail. Now, I'll swing to break a jaw..don't care. Want to be treated as an equal? Al or nothing you can't set rules to be equal in some areas but keep your "womanly privilege" in others. I can't stand those women.." i don't need a man, I can provide for myself" then out the other side of the mouth talk about how men should still hold doors, pay for dates, etc. etc.. it don't work like that..BITCHES!:finger:
I was always taught to never hit a woman..old school line of thought taught to me by my father. about 2 or 3 years ago i was almost arrested for A&B after a chick started slapping my in a bar and i pushed her, i was all red and scratched but made no difference..I'm a guy..she's a girl..i go to jail. Now, I'll swing to break a jaw..don't care. Want to be treated as an equal? Al or nothing you can't set rules to be equal in some areas but keep your "womanly privilege" in others. I can't stand those women.." i don't need a man, I can provide for myself" then out the other side of the mouth talk about how men should still hold doors, pay for dates, etc. etc.. it don't work like that..BITCHES!:finger:
Well said.

I don't agree with physical violence. But if some chick is just wailing on a dude, she gets what she deserves.

Hopefully it's just a super sweet body slam and someone catches it on tape!

Gotta disagree..
You don't gotta be cocky. I personally love fighting. Well regulated fighting. I train pretty much daily to better myself at fighting. It does give me confidence, I won't lie. It gives me confidence when somebody is talking shit because I know I wouldn't be as easy of a match as they think. It's easier to laugh and not be pissed when somebody is talking shit.

You also don't have to be angry. I'm usually not angry when I fight. I mean I've fought some people in school because they were either bullying me or somebody else.. I've fought my brother in law because he slapped my sister and my 1 year old nephew. I've fought my dad because he was hurting my sister. But other than that I fight for fun.. pure fun, it's exciting.
You also don't have to have a foul mouth. I cuss all the fucking time. But if somebody is pushing me to be mad i play it cool and hold myself back from cuss words and insults to prevent further hurt feelings. I've had to deal with plenty of people on drugs or really drunk who wanted to fight, I just leave.. and so do the people I hang with.
I don't think I'm cool lol.. well I'm kinda cool, but not because of fighting haha.
I also know somebody is gonna be better than me. I think everybody knows somebody will always be better. It gives me motovation to know that I can better myself.
I'm not a thug.. I'll slap a thug.

What pisses me off is people who hug after a fight like they're men. Fuck that shit. If you love that person then why the fuck are you fighting? Use your God damn brain and avoid it if they mean so much to you dumbasses. Or street fights where somebody will knock someone out and continue to pound on them. Anybody who continues a fight after the other person gives us deserves to die in my honest opinion. Or those stupid ass kids who punch random people for fun. Or bullies, fuck all of them.

Also training to fight is really good exercise. Ever spar with anybody? You'll do more than break a sweat. Also it makes you more cautious of what you eat. If you fight safe you can live a very healthy lifestyle. Also if I ever catch a motherfucker raping somebody or robbing anybody, you better believe I'll give it all I got to stop them.

Sorry for a long ass post lol.. I'm drinking and was kinda bored so typed this thing

TBH there is really no need for fighting and like sunni said there is always something that will drop you ..
See you can train till the cows come home but this day n age Smith and Wesson will take you out with a blink of a eye . and that is the sad truth in daylight or at night.. millions of people packing
for instance if your in Texas and yes even girl comes at you as a threat to attack you can shoot her in the head and walk away no jail time
“Stand Your Ground” laws that authorize deadly force in self-defense anywhere a person has a legal right to be, without a duty to mitigate the harm by attempting retreat. The Trayvon Martin killing and manyotherfatal shootings are raising deeply troubling questions about what sort of civilian vigilantism, discrimination, and arbitrary judgment is authorized by laws that put discretion into the hands of civilians. just be careful if your starting something cause remember this bad boy will win 10173_01_md.jpg
Twigs and Berries

Only pussies
If words hurt you, you're a gaping pussy with not enough life experience
Go cry to momma, cuz I don't give a fuck

That is sooooooooo not true pada , people are responsible for the words they choose to use , if their choice of words is slanderous or violent then they should be prepared to be be put in check .

Most loudmouths count on everybody walking away & are suprised , wondering wtf happened when they get their bell rung.

Would you allow some loud mouth woman or man to scream at your wife or threaten her ?
TBH there is really no need for fighting and like sunni said there is always something that will drop you ..
See you can train till the cows come home but this day n age Smith and Wesson will take you out with a blink of a eye . and that is the sad truth in daylight or at night.. millions of people packing
for instance if your in Texas and yes even girl comes at you as a threat to attack you can shoot her in the head and walk away no jail time
“Stand Your Ground” laws that authorize deadly force in self-defense anywhere a person has a legal right to be, without a duty to mitigate the harm by attempting retreat. The Trayvon Martin killing and manyotherfatal shootings are raising deeply troubling questions about what sort of civilian vigilantism, discrimination, and arbitrary judgment is authorized by laws that put discretion into the hands of civilians. just be careful if your starting something cause remember this bad boy will win View attachment 3442812

The entire country should have stand your ground laws where you can shoot thugs in the head & walk away from it , wtf is happening in the US when decent people must run away from people threatening them , that Travon Martin crap is nothing more than media sensationalism.

Im 63 yrs old & i'll be dammed if im gonna try & outrun some 25 yr old thug who thinks me & my wife are easy marks because were old & disabled , thats why were both allways armed when we leave the house so we dont have to run , i prefer to have thugs run away from me in fear for their life vs turning my back on some peice of shit thug .

I love my guns , matter of fact the 45 is sitting right next to me as i speak & my wife has her 380 in her purse , fuck American Express im taking Smith & Wesson when i leave my home .