thoughts on renting or owning to grow


Active Member
i've been invisioning/planning this large grow, where i'm going to plant the best strains from seed, grow them out 2 months, clone, keep mothers and continue this perpetually until i've amassed 50k, which will only take 15lbs of pot. problem is, i dont have a safe place to do it. i live in a small apartment... now, i've been thinking about renting a 2br house which i can get for 600/month at the lowest. problem is it might not be the safest area, detroit mi, lol..... or i could buy a hud home for 5k.... anyone know how the people that are growing commercially are doing it?


Active Member
Thanks AR. I read your response in that last thread. I havn't been able to find industrial or commercial spaces to lease. My only option it seems is housing. What are your thoughts on renting a house and being a vacant tennant? Seems great/stupid to me. Great if the landlord, which would be a renting agency (I wouldn't rent from owner), never stopped by and I was able to grow out 3 harvests in 9 months... shitty if he came by and i had 30 mature plants in flower.. eh, i'm about to receive my degree this winter.. maybe i should just start sending our resumes... ah, but i could make a bundle growing pot! ah


Well-Known Member
Thanks AR. I read your response in that last thread. I havn't been able to find industrial or commercial spaces to lease. My only option it seems is housing. What are your thoughts on renting a house and being a vacant tennant? Seems great/stupid to me. Great if the landlord, which would be a renting agency (I wouldn't rent from owner), never stopped by and I was able to grow out 3 harvests in 9 months... shitty if he came by and i had 30 mature plants in flower.. eh, i'm about to receive my degree this winter.. maybe i should just start sending our resumes... ah, but i could make a bundle growing pot! ah

I wouldn't risk it. If you don't own you don't have control over a lot of factors that could get you in a lot of trouble.

Not too mention your idea has disaster written all over it. 15lbs?


You want to make 50k?

You trust the people you plan on selling that stuff to? Will they know your growing it? What makes you think if someone gets nabbed they won't rat on you.

Stop eating out, and spending weekends at the bar. Save your pennies and buy yourself a house. Once you do that do a personal grow m8 ;)

Stop thinking about quick money.

Heck maybe you get away with it for a few years....but many get caught when it comes to selling...grow for your own consumption


Active Member
blacksnow. you are a fucking dumb shit mind your own business... i only want people with experiance in the matter to answer my question, not some dumb cunt like yourself.. eh if you only understood.. my bro is ex military and is now attending huge party school.. he knows so many people, he wont rat me out cause he wont get time only having a half pound on him at a time... this is my only shot... I wont fucking know who to sell mass quantities of pot to when im 30 and neather will my bro.. this is now or never.. 50k and im out.. legit working man, with a house to flip and a maxed out ira


Well-Known Member
blacksnow. you are a fucking dumb shit mind your own business... i only want people with experiance in the matter to answer my question, not some dumb cunt like yourself.. eh if you only understood.. my bro is ex military and is now attending huge party school.. he knows so many people, he wont rat me out cause he wont get time only having a half pound on him at a time... this is my only shot... I wont fucking know who to sell mass quantities of pot to when im 30 and neather will my bro.. this is now or never.. 50k and im out.. legit working man, with a house to flip and a maxed out ira

I'm a dumb fuck? Your the idiot posting on this forum about growing 15lbs to make 50k?

WTF would you do with all that dirty money anyways?

Just remember what i told you when your sitting in jail fool...

I went to jail selling weed once in my life already. I don't plan on going again. Go enjoy your keg parties, and bars kid.

and if you knew anything about this forum growing to sell is frowned upon good luck getting anyone to be like "YA THATS A GREAT IDEA"

is that what you want?

I understand why you want to do it. But the consequence isn't worth the risk. You could save that money the hard way by cutting down on spending within a few years with NO RISK!

You could possibly mess up your life trying to make it the quick way. Not too mention if you've never grown producing that much green won't be easy! Could take you multiple harvests before you even get any decent bud. Not too mention a decent yield.

You asked a question on a public forum and got a reply, and your telling me to shut up. Shows how mature you are!

I'd love to grow a large amount and have extra to sell to a few trusted friends of mine. There wouldn't be much risk from them because they are older and have houses/kids/wives/etc, and couldn't risk getting caught themselves. They use it for personal consumption. But I still don't do it. Why? Because I don't want to goto jail. The thousands I could make isn't worth the thousands it will cost me in lawyers, fines, etc. I spent 20k last time I got arrested to pay my lawyer, fines, and keep my record clean. Keep that in mind!

Your talking about 15lbs. You can't sell quarters, zips, quarter pounds to your friends. Obviously the people you'd give it to would be selling it. Just imagine the chances of someone getting caught. Then someone snitches, and the chain slowly disappears. Then they get to you!

Just giving you my advise, and opinion. Maybe you shouldn't jump down someones throat when you asked for it!


Well-Known Member
Look into Tax upset sales in your area. Most states hold them in the fall. BUY a house for cheap and use that. NEVER do a grow in a rental unless you're living there to protect it.


Active Member
hey a.d.d.... lol. i'll have to keep looking back to your long insane post as reference to this response.... first off jerk off, i dont drink alcohol... what made you think that i did? second, yea i could sell 15lbs half pound at a time in a few months.. and as i said before i wouldn't have to do it... and growing indoor is a lot easier than outdoor which i've sucesfully done 3 years in a row.. problem is a lot of the strains dont finish in michigan soon enough, for huge harvest at least. i always have to cut super early to avoid bud rot... now i've got chronic serious seeds, i want to do 3 harvests of 30 plants under 3 600 watters, with my current 400 to house the mother.... i can't just cut back on spending cause I don't have a fucking job lol....


Active Member
busmike, i think your are right on the money... i'll eather have look into this tax upset sales thing your talking about... i've been lookin at hud homes... but eh, yea maybe if i can't find a house for 3k in a safe enough area, ill just buy a 600 watter and have one yield in the 4 months i'm living here.. fuck probably just not do it at all.. oh well at least i've decided not to grow in a rental.. happy yellowsnow?


Well-Known Member
that link that was posted earlier was about me. i rent a shop and grow in it for the very reason FDD mentioned.

if i grew at home they could take my home. where would my family sleep. it all depends on what you have to lose.