Thought she was ready to flush...then(pics!!)


Well-Known Member
Well thats all good but I already know all this thanks again, my point was that AMBER TRICHOMES will start to show up in the EARLY STAGES of FLOWERING so once again do some research. Not trying to be a dick at all but dude AMBER trichs show up quite early, you cant argue with me cause thats what I did till I did some reading. Did you read the STICKY thread in the Harvesting and Curing forum??


Well-Known Member
Well thats all good but I already know all this thanks again, my point was that AMBER TRICHOMES will start to show up in the EARLY STAGES of FLOWERING so once again do some research. Not trying to be a dick at all but dude AMBER trichs show up quite early, you cant argue with me cause thats what I did till I did some reading. Did you read the STICKY thread in the Harvesting and Curing forum??
No I did not read someone elses thread and there opinon. Facts are well written by people who live and breath botany. Post are made by peoples own studys on various strains.
Fact is there are exceptions. But telling someone that a plants trichs go amber first, is just off. Amber is one step from degrading the thc.
I had a exceptional strain that would go clear to amber in just 4 weeks (12/12) total. Did I go around and tell everyone that all plants need just 4 weeks, no. It was a exceptional strain, not a auto either.


Well-Known Member
To shed a little light on everyone, amber trichs start to form within the first 3 weeks of flower so you cant go off of colrs of trichs.
This is too funny, you know why.... Because the color of the trichs is excatly what you judge by when harvesting. The color of the trichs will tell you what kind of high you will recieve.


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are arguing different sides of the same coin.

That trichs grow clear, then cloud, then turn amber. That the strain dictates the amount of amber you want at harvest,,.. from very little, to lots. That you want to make sure you're harvesting at the window when trichs turn from cloudy to amber.

I believe haze is suggesting,.. which I have also seen,.. is that you can get a few trichs that develop much quicker than others,.. so they go from clear to mature before the others even start clouding. I believe Haze is also suggesting,.. to focus on only the amber trichs, might have you harvesting before the bulk of the plant has been given a chance to develop it's full glory. That you want to be sure the other trichs are also getting close and that the bud overall has matured to the point you're looking for.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Siddhartha that Is exactly my point not what Golden is saying. Im not saying they go from amber to clear Im saying that amber trichs will start producing alot sooner then everyone thinks. In actuality you can no longer just go off the amber or cloudy trichs to get a fully rippened plant you will know when the plant is done when its done kinda like any other fruit. Oh and another thing this here is why I say no plant is fully ripe at 40-50 days, but hey to each his own.


Well-Known Member
Yes Haze you're right. Especially about the to each his own part. FDD seems to like the couch lock buzz,.. I'm kind of particular about the heady up buzz,.. but I grow for both. It's cool to have different effects.

I've never seen a plant ready by 50 days,.. but Jacks Cleaner can be pulled at 56.

Subcool has almost the opposite approach to harvest than FDD. Check this post out;
As he says, it's best to know your plant.

Sometimes you have to pull some samples along the way. By your second growing of it, you should know the perfect time to get what you're looking for.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Siddhartha that Is exactly my point not what Golden is saying. Im not saying they go from amber to clear Im saying that amber trichs will start producing alot sooner then everyone thinks. In actuality you can no longer just go off the amber or cloudy trichs to get a fully rippened plant you will know when the plant is done when its done kinda like any other fruit. Oh and another thing this here is why I say no plant is fully ripe at 40-50 days, but hey to each his own.
Hmm if you can no longer tell by trichs, how do you tell? And sense when can you no longer tell by trichs??
Set me straight, I'm listening.
both of you guys are right think about trich develope in flowering maybe the first trichs you know the ones that come around weekl 2 or week 3 of flowering are going to turn amber first, the ones that just come in week 8 or 9 or wutever are going to turn amber last... i cant believe yall are arguing and both of yall are right, I never heard of anyone having all amber cause new trichs are always forming...JMO
my white widow developed trichs in the begining of week 2 im sure they are amber im sure i had a few ambers by week 5 but because so many new trichs start forming the ambers are harder to find so you want to wait to youcan easily see half amber and half cloudy


Well-Known Member
I am not argueing, I'm just laughing at this guy saying that you can not tell by the trichs when a bud is ripe. Thats way off.


Well-Known Member
You have the plant outside? Check how much light your recieving in your area - that plant looks like its reverting back into veg


Well-Known Member
Yo Im done arguing I think enough people have justified this for me, Im not here for arguing just helping and learning PEACE GOLDENGANJA13 and good luck with your grows. Jrsylinn Ill stay tuned and if you need anything feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
Yo Im done arguing I think enough people have justified this for me, Im not here for arguing just helping and learning PEACE GOLDENGANJA13 and good luck with your grows. Jrsylinn Ill stay tuned and if you need anything feel free to PM me.
:peace: To you as well Haze. May the Ganja Goddess bless your garden. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
<- smoke report, kinda, the dying off buds need massive cure, but gets me high. if the bottom ripens first, trim off the done buds and let the top grow, thats my 2 cents