• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

This state is messed up


Active Member
I will always vote for an honest sherrif. At least I know where I stand with his no b.s. approach. The people have spoken & reelected Joe with little resistance many times. The majority is by far more than a few that have moved here over the years with grey hair.
All states are loaded with crooked politicians, gotta love an honest one that does what he says and follows the law as sworn to do so.
Janet Brewer has done nothing that has hurt me personally by her actions. In voting sometimes you only have the choice of the lesser of two evils at the time . . . No real winners with sabre yielding discussions on politics. We all have the right to our beliefs.


Well-Known Member
You are demonstrating that you know nothing with your ignorant comments:

No politicians in CO have lost or won jobs due to MMJ - do you just make this shit up?
NO, I accidently listed Colorado and I meant Oregon. No need to be an asshole.


Well-Known Member
thats another good point only if we could move all the crackpit old bastard to a different state and then all their votes wont matter as much cuz the electoral BS..... lol jk anyways they dont listen to reason and then they corrupt the minds of their kids all the kids i nwent to HS with were hardcore right wing
Arpaio's antics have for years and years been designed to give boners to nutcases across the country so that they'll make campaign contributions to him. He is re-elected not because he is competent or honorable but because his campaigns are extremely well-funded, and we all know how the couch potatoes love to cast their vote based on what the television told them.

Pink underwear? This birther nonsense, which has nothing whatsoever to do with his job as Sheriff? It's all designed to fire up kooks from other states to milk them of their money so he can be re-elected.


New Member
For your own legal sake and personal safety sake I highly suggest taking the class if you really wanna carry a gun. Oh and arpaoio keeps getting elected because old white conservatives from the south and Midwest come to AZ to retire and these disgusting pieces of shit tend to go out and vote in much higher numbers and rates than any other demographic. Also our states reputation tends to attract these types of shit bags. The funniest part is that people believe the republican bullshit of freedom and nationalism when all their politicians are really doing is ensuring their own financial and political position. But that is more of a national problem and is not confined to this state.
Then right after they go out and vote, they keel over...
Very considerate of them.


Well-Known Member
i lived there when evan meacham was govenor and got impeached. that state has always been a little different.
his comments about picaninnies and how japanese visitors eyes got round when they saw all of our golf courses was pretty funny.

it just goes to show you any asshole can win office and start pushing you around.


Active Member
I live here by choice & would find another state if I felt there was a better one. Politics are a dirty game everywhere but our state laws are waaay better than most. BTW did you guys know Evan meacham was found not guilty of the things He was impeached for ?


Well-Known Member
Washington will do everything in its power right now to mess with AZ. With that said, I think O loses this term and the Repubs got bigger fish to fry.

Either that or big Joe and the Jail retires, that would also get them off your ass.


Active Member
We can only hope & pray that Joe stays. Now that obumma has allowed illegal mexicans to come across in droves & break laws that would get us arrested but let them go free there are very few looking out for the rights of Americans. I have a hard time with folks that dont remember what it was like to live here when the signs were in english & most that came here WANTED to become Americans & WANTED to speak the language of the land. Now if you dont get caught illegally entering the country you have more rights than those who were born & follow the laws.
Obamma & those like him must be stopped before we have no America left & become a third world country(already happening).


Well-Known Member
We can only hope & pray that Joe stays. Now that obumma has allowed illegal mexicans to come across in droves & break laws that would get us arrested but let them go free there are very few looking out for the rights of Americans. I have a hard time with folks that dont remember what it was like to live here when the signs were in english & most that came here WANTED to become Americans & WANTED to speak the language of the land. Now if you dont get caught illegally entering the country you have more rights than those who were born & follow the laws.
Obamma & those like him must be stopped before we have no America left & become a third world country(already happening).
Actually Obama has had a much harder line on deportation than either of his predecessors. Home land security, border patrol and ICE have all grown under Obama. The media may spin lies how ever they want but the numbers don't lie. And personally this makes me dislike Obama while it is a reason why conservatives should like him. Too bad he is so dark just like those Mexicans they hate huh.

Oh and on another note. Where are all these signs in Spanish? I don't see them or maybe I am not looking but I can find my way just fine and I don't speak a lick of Spanish. I am just saying if this country is supposedly not speaking English then where is that really happening.


Active Member
I get the feeling that "thou who shall not be named" isn't gonna be focusing on anything much we are doing as long as we keep it kosher... he's too busy chasing around fake birth certificates and dealing with the harshest jail in the country. I don't know what to say about all of it, but I'd rather just lay low and keep my name out of his mouth in the meantime. This will all shake out soon enough, or he will just die at some point, he is getting old just like some of the more staunch right-wingers in the state. It'll be interesting.


Well-Known Member
I get the feeling that "thou who shall not be named" isn't gonna be focusing on anything much we are doing as long as we keep it kosher... he's too busy chasing around fake birth certificates and dealing with the harshest jail in the country. I don't know what to say about all of it, but I'd rather just lay low and keep my name out of his mouth in the meantime. This will all shake out soon enough, or he will just die at some point, he is getting old just like some of the more staunch right-wingers in the state. It'll be interesting.
Not to mention being under investigation by DOJ. He has stated though that if a sheriff catches anyone with marijuana patient or not he plans to confiscate it. But from a political sense it is not his winning issue after all the state is kind of split on mmj also look at the patient demographic makeups. There are quite a few 45+ and actually one of the larger demographics is males over 45 which is the same group which tends to sway his direction as an aggregate.


Active Member
I would get a good lawyer and sue them for all the plants they took at the inflated value they always report when they bust people.

So 12 plants, and they say each plant produces a pound (lol), at, let's just say $4000 a unit. So $48000 total.

I could live with that. I'd also sue for punitive damages.

Even though I wouldn't typically be the litigious type, when it comes to the government/police, it's all I got is to hurt them in the pocketbook.


Well-Known Member
So I am reading the sunday paper this morning and I come across an article about how the US attorney in AZ plans to shut down every dispensary as it opens up.
The state says you can't grow if there is a dispensary within 25 miles of you, opened or closed.
This leads me to believe that we won't be able to cultivate or go to a dispensaryin the near future.
Have to go back to the old ways, grow secretly and screw the med card and screw the state.


New Member
So I am reading the sunday paper this morning and I come across an article about how the US attorney in AZ plans to shut down every dispensary as it opens up.
The state says you can't grow if there is a dispensary within 25 miles of you, opened or closed.
This leads me to believe that we won't be able to cultivate or go to a dispensaryin the near future.
Have to go back to the old ways, grow secretly and screw the med card and screw the state.
I'm pretty sure the law states that a dispensary must be open/operational within 25 miles. If a dispensary gets closed by the FED or AJ, technically that business is no longer operational... I wonder the exact definition of "open within 25 miles." I hate the media they say whatever to fill out an article. Part of me does not doubt your argument either, only because this state is a cesspool.
i would ask AZDHS about this directly, it is written somewhere in the law but who's to say we won't be subject to some fucked up loophole they created just to laugh at MMJ patients....

:spew:Arizona officials...

It is time to wake up the old farts and elect a new state gov/AJ/sherif/anyone else I may be forgetting. Regardless of MMJ, if we don't stand up as US citizens and force the powers to be to uphold the Az and US constitution we will all be living in N Korea soon enough. Why doesn't the FED stop wasting time with marijuana and prosecute our corrupt officials. That is what that entire enforcement branch was developed to do, put states in check that superceed their boundaries, Brewer etc. it's funny how the FED only goes after the small time criminals abiding by state law, but they won't take down some old, overly wrinkled, drunk sucubus, blatantly curropt individual.

Just FYI
30,000 patient @ $75 a card is $2.25 million, obviously a very conservative formula, where is the money going?
the program was said to cost only a mil..... Enough said.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the law states that a dispensary must be open/operational within 25 miles. If a dispensary gets closed by the FED or AJ, technically that business is no longer operational... I wonder the exact definition of "open within 25 miles." I hate the media they say whatever to fill out an article. Part of me does not doubt your argument either, only because this state is a cesspool.
i would ask AZDHS about this directly, it is written somewhere in the law but who's to say we won't be subject to some fucked up loophole they created just to laugh at MMJ patients....

:spew:Arizona officials...

It is time to wake up the old farts and elect a new state gov/AJ/sherif/anyone else I may be forgetting. Regardless of MMJ, if we don't stand up as US citizens and force the powers to be to uphold the Az and US constitution we will all be living in N Korea soon enough. Why doesn't the FED stop wasting time with marijuana and prosecute our corrupt officials. That is what that entire enforcement branch was developed to do, put states in check that superceed their boundaries, Brewer etc. it's funny how the FED only goes after the small time criminals abiding by state law, but they won't take down some old, overly wrinkled, drunk sucubus, blatantly curropt individual.

Just FYI
30,000 patient @ $75 a card is $2.25 million, obviously a very conservative formula, where is the money going?
the program was said to cost only a mil..... Enough said.
A.R.S. 36-2804.03(A)(3)(f) aka "25 Mile Rule"
A designation as to who will be allowed to cultivate marijuana plants for the qualifying patient's medical use if a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary is not operating within twenty-five miles of the qualifying patient's home.

Once the AzDHS approves a Permit to Operate; consider it final! Regardless of the dispensaries being open or closed or raided..

The way the law is written as soon as a dispensary is approved to operate it is considered operating...... Keep in mind to receive a permit to operate you must be awarded a dispensaries license first!! The permit to operate is secondary and finalizes the definition "operational"!!

How can we as patients can ensured a dispensaries awarded a permit to operate is going to stay open?

Too many are worried about dispensaries taking their grow rights soon! But this will not be possible since the award winner would still need a permit to operate from the AzDHS... This includes a FULL inspection of premise before "operational" or before they would be considered a operating dispensary!! There will be dispensary licenses every where! The question is who will be awarded a Permit to Operate!! Keep in mind this is secondary to a dispensary license and mandatory!!

Note - All complains to the AzDHS can not be made anonymously but sure can be make by any individual willing to give their personal info!! Any dispensary willing to step on the toes of Arizona citizens shall be held accountable!! Where are the Founders to ensure patients will be treated fair? There are not any mates!! All profiteers!


Active Member
I see the error of my ways - anyone who thinks obama has done good for our country would be hard to reason with after looking at what he has done so far. Sorry for the interuption . . .

It will sure be nice when the younger people have enough life experience to not be so easily led around by those trying to give them everything (gov) & those trying to uphold the laws of the land.


New Member
Im not here to preach Ob*** or Rom**...
Neither of these candidates our fit to run this country.
We need progressive thinkers not people who are trapped in the past. (Cannabis related or not, same statement goes..)

Has anyone ever heard Jan B in a freelance interview?
Barely able to form a comprehensible sentence unless it is prepared.

I bet if she were to ever get investigated, some serious financial questions would surely arise.


Well-Known Member
I see the error of my ways - anyone who thinks obama has done good for our country would be hard to reason with after looking at what he has done so far. Sorry for the interuption . . .

It will sure be nice when the younger people have enough life experience to not be so easily led around by those trying to give them everything (gov) & those trying to uphold the laws of the land.

I like you Wolfie...but if you think our countries problems are from Obama and not Bush.......you have many a screw loose

But i love you...... RON PAUL for emperor!


Well-Known Member
Jst wanted to reiterate Wolfie that i think you are upstanding as fuck. ^^ the Problems isnt with anyone politician or sheriff or political party. Our society is sick. The whole thing, we care more about Kim Kardashian than we do about the fatc no one has good jobs, and we buy all our shit from a "police state" (china) while we have more people locked up than even Saudi Arabia and North Korea....... sicksicksick