What does she have to offer, besides 5-minutes of fame? Surely, if all they wanted was a "conservative" figure-head someone with something relevant to say would have been better, or at least she doesn't deserve such high fees.The document, dated March 16, does not include compensation details for Palin, who commands speaking fees as high as $100,000. Her appearance at the university gala is expected to draw a large crowd, with tickets selling for $500 each.
She deserves the fees that the market will bear. She could be selling snake-oil, it wouldn't matter.What does she have to offer, besides 5-minutes of fame? Surely, if all they wanted was a "conservative" figure-head someone with something relevant to say would have been better, or at least she doesn't deserve such high fees.
And "conservatives" complain about wasteful spending in the "hand-out" system. Hypocritical parasites. This is plain disgusting.
This is our tax dollars we're talking about, not the free market. Is this just good clean capitalism at it's best? Are subterfuge and deceit par for the course?She deserves the fees that the market will bear. She could be selling snake-oil, it wouldn't matter.
This is not wasteful government spending, it's just free-market capitalism. I wouldn't pay $500 bucks, but someone will.
you're obviously not illiterate, so you must have just missed the line that stated palin's fees and expenses were being covered by private contributions. i can't guarantee the veracity of that statement, but that much should be a matter of public record and i don't see anything that contradicts it.This is our tax dollars we're talking about, not the free market.
(the rest of your post is the same rhetoric of hatred that always seems to be aimed at the opposition these days and really isn't worth quoting.)
other than the pending investigation.you're obviously not illiterate, so you must have just missed the line that stated palin's fees and expenses were being covered by private contributions. i can't guarantee the veracity of that statement, but that much should be a matter of public record and i don't see anything that contradicts it.
As far as the actions of the university , and the potential use of public funding. That is an issue they will have to explain, the document only shows her as greedy, demanding, etc.So this is just good clean capitalism at it's best, subterfuge and deceit are par for the course?
Palin urges less government, lower taxes at Boston Common Tea Party rally
She's a hypocrite, a spoiler, who is perfectly willing to exploit a system to her own gain then further exploits the ignorant masses, gaining support for criticizing the same system she abuses.
Better to throw out the whole system then exercise the same bullshit ethics of "personal responsibility" she claims to support, right? Heaven forbid we make improvements to the system and attempt to stop further usurpers... nope, instead we're to be spoon-fed the same old scapegoating and rhetoric: it's everyone else's fault and her political ideology is the only solution.
of course. an investigation instigated by suspicious minds that refuse to admit that even the opposition deserves to be heard. an investigation aimed solely at discrediting that opposition. an investigation that certainly will be funded by our tax dollars.other than the pending investigation.![]()
This is our tax dollars we're talking about, not the free market. Is this just good clean capitalism at it's best? Are subterfuge and deceit par for the course?
Palin urges less government, lower taxes at Boston Common Tea Party rally
She's a hypocrite, a spoiler, who is perfectly willing to exploit a system to her own gain then further exploits the ignorant masses, gaining support for criticizing the same system she abuses.
Better to throw out the whole system then exercise the same bullshit ethics of "personal responsibility" she claims to support, right? Heaven forbid we make improvements to the system and attempt to stop further usurpers... nope, instead we're to be spoon-fed the same old scapegoating and rhetoric: it's everyone else's fault and her political ideology is the only solution. We might as well outlaw all use of currency and do away with the notion of private ownership of property while we're at it, there's too much possibility of theft there too.
Yes, I did miss that. Thanks for pointing that out, I'm not nearly so hot now, back to not giving a shit.you're obviously not illiterate, so you must have just missed the line that stated palin's fees and expenses were being covered by private contributions. i can't guarantee the veracity of that statement, but that much should be a matter of public record and i don't see anything that contradicts it.
Few year ago GWB spoke in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - sold out crowdWho'd pay $500 for that, only an American I reckon...
don't be so quick to cool down, just wait until the facts are in and we know whether school officials have been frittering away california's very limited funds on luxuries that are over the top. though i don't know all of palin's demands, i certainly don't see anything wrong with refusing to endure a southwest airlines cattle-call flight or not wanting to be flown into town in a piper cub.Yes, I did miss that. Thanks for pointing that out, I'm not nearly so hot now.
are you among those who are willing to dig through the trash to get the dirt on "bendable straws"? none of this would have made even page forty without the diligence of those determined to keep any hint of conservative thought from california campuses. i'm no rabid palin supporter either, but her hypocrisy does seem to pale beside the blatant corruption of the liberal establishment. i didn't even consider myself a conservative until i realized that the liberalism i grew up with had been hijacked by the proponents of big government totalitarianism. i found myself with no place left to go but to form an uneasy alliance with the individualists on the right side of the aisle. my alternative was to join the herd and i'm just not that into the slavery of mob rule.Who is "The Opposition"? Careful there undertheice, don't go making assumptions about me.
If this were a publicly funded speaking engagement by Obama there would be no investigation.
Probably not in Californiaoh come on after the birth certificate, people wanting to impeach obama, the death threats and the hundreds of anti obama pics out there and all other such lovelies, you saying the right wouldn't jump on the bandwagon if this happened to obama??
I don't have issue with a private citizen using free speech as they wish. Could be hate speech.. but it doesn't matter. I don't even really care about the divisiveness, not until she actually has political power of some kind. Then it is counter-productive to good policy and governance.My problem is with double talk and political machinations from figure-heads who claim exclusive ownership over "conservative" or "liberal" values yet cause the slow decay of their proclaimed cause. I have a very BIG problem with those who further perpetuate this "us/them" divide and effectively take us all away from the tangible and real issues.
Holy shit!!!! That sounds like Moderate thinking, good to know Im not alone.Both the religious right and the far left are absolute in their beliefs that their way is the only way. You can believe it, and preach it, but you can't govern this way and have the support of the people.
I glossed over the evidence quickly. Made a hasty decision, but you can be sure I'm willing to see this thing through on both sides. Fixing something wrong in the system is a kind of investment and thus an endorsement of the system.don't be so quick to cool down, just wait until the facts are in and we know whether school officials have been frittering away california's very limited funds on luxuries that are over the top.
Fair enough. I feel the same way sometimes. But I do dig through tons of shit for bendy straws. It's what I'm good at, actually.i didn't even consider myself a conservative until i realized that the liberalism i grew up with had been hijacked by the proponents of big government totalitarianism.
I'm curious... who do you feel allied to, and how does your alliance serve your goals any better? Maybe I still retain a bit more of "the liberalism i grew up."i found myself with no place left to go but to form an uneasy alliance with the individualists on the right side of the aisle. my alternative was to join the herd and i'm just not that into the slavery of mob rule.
That's what I meant to say, except I thought the government wrote her a check.I don't have issue with a private citizen using free speech as they wish. Could be hate speech.. but it doesn't matter. I don't even really care about the divisiveness, not until she actually has political power of some kind. Then it is counter-productive to good policy and governance.
Right now she makes a good cheerleader for some on the right. I expect her to be biased and rallying the team right now, but I don't believe it's a good strategy for getting elected, if that is the goal.
I don't like the "us/them" divide either, but I only take issue when it comes from someone in authority. That's one reason I don't like the current administration / congress and its policies. People are more polarized than ever, and it didn't start with Palin, she's only taking advantage. Her strategy to wealth maybe ? Doesn't matter to me.
Both the religious right and the far left are absolute in their beliefs that their way is the only way. You can believe it, and preach it, but you can't govern this way and have the support of the people.