Thinking of Moving to Alaska^^

I can sell you my 5-gallon homemade DWC units as I free them up. Moving out. Transferred and not wanting to. Probably would have to leave me the money sitting somewhere and I'll drop the unit off, pick up the money and leave. You can watch from a distance.
I can sell you my 5-gallon homemade DWC units as I free them up. Moving out. Transferred and not wanting to. Probably would have to leave me the money sitting somewhere and I'll drop the unit off, pick up the money and leave. You can watch from a distance.

You moving to the outside bro ?
Yep. Heading to Texas I guess. Don't really want to at all, especially fucking Texas. But you go where your work is and at 63 I can't be too choosy. If I can just make it to 65!

I really feel for you there.
Keep your head down - Texas is serious about locking people like us up for extended periods.
Good luck bro.
Yeah I grew up in El Paso and southern NM. People used to get LIFE for a frigging joint. Not often but the fact the law was so heavy you could have that happen is unreal.
The winters are cold and dark the base jobs pay less,rent is on high side but u can warm your house like me with higher than states.i live in petersburg,small but pot friendly.police come to island for few good good will come
Yep I'm sitting on 2 cords of good firewood and a few hundred pounds left at least of a truckload of coal from the Usibeli mine up at Healy. Plus that 1000 HPS heats up a couple rooms pretty well.
Dang Harley, I sure hate to see you go but I sure know what you mean about the age and jobs thing. Age discrimination is REAL and it happens nearly every time. I wish you the best my friend. Texas is nice; lived there too but pot growing is a hanging offense down there.