Thinking of Moving to Alaska^^

well where did you stop driving? The north end of the Dalton ? There aren't any deer on the mainland . or Lobsters. Try moose/ caribou and salmon till you puke.
I finally quit driving when I hit Homer - somewhere around 5000 miles all totaled, & I did this in 1987 so I kind of know what to eat here now. 8-)

BTW, there are deer all over the mainland in SE Alaska. :-|
Aww I guess you are correct. I always figure South East is Seattle. I finally made it to kenai area about 10 years back , pretty, but too many folks around Los Anchorage for me.

Send some halibut to bro up north. :hump:
WoW what a good thread Thanks for the info Are out of state cards any good up here? I came up to Alaska in November for my first time. Got a winter job at a lodge about two hours north ? of Anchorage I really don't know where, as it was a plane ride than a quad to the lake then a boat ride and then some miles on a snowmacine. I do love it up here and yes -24 is cold.
You don't need a card here; an oz or less is not an offense - not even as much as spitting on the sidewalk.
They totally screwed with that kid. How can it be "evidence" when he was not even under arrest? Anyway, the rule of thumb (not the exception) is that anything less than a zip is not an offense.
i love the moose and the bears lolz it wild for shure i usto live in achorage alaska its great i was 16 years old the women usto realy be on my ass about going out with them some were 21 and fine as hell i was a lil bitch back then lolz but if you do its realy gamie hope you get us to the fucken light and dark hours twilight zone for realz
and i remember a tager buy the name chaka and he made the news in 1990 or so and because i was from L.A. area every person usto ask me if i new chacka lolz for realz to funny no i didnt know that cat.
Yeah and good luck with that. The Inuit feel the same way about you and all the rest of us. And your people are from where?

I thought the Inuit were mostly over that, and it was mostly end-of-the-roaders (or people outside of Anc/MatSu) who feel that way.
Call me crazy but when we bought AK from Russia, the Inuits were slaves. We emancipated them, gave them their land back - a BIG ASS chunk of land that WE paid for. We gave them special exemptions on hunting and fishing, money out the wazoo for just about anything, free healthcare, free sleds, boats, motors, etc. and some of them cop an attitude with white people as if we're some sort of second class citizen here. Fuck that. My son dates a native girl and they've been together for about 2 years; she drinks like a fish and can smoke me under the table.

I've heard a lot of people say things about people moving up but what they should say is "Now that I'm here, fuck all of you; stay out."