Thinking of a new light ..


Well-Known Member
After getting hosed by my ignorance buying a R/B ufo 90 > 3 years ago, I purchased a Quantum Bad Boy 8 bulb (432w) hot5 + Quantum Grow bulbs (6500) and Flower (2900).

Before getting out of veg, I cam across Profs thread LEDs without LEDS and started buying a bunch of different spectrum bulbs, moving them in/out on the fly. 660s did not do anything quantifiable for me

Fast Forward to the present some pics of my MedMan Bx1 Silver Skunk seeds. Pic is of what apparently is Mexican pheno. HOT5 2 Q 6500 + 4 ZooMed Florasuns + 2 Q 2900s (one on each end)

Buds are < 7 days from first pistils




Well-Known Member
SDS, WTF, man?

WELL, EXCUSE ME ('80s SNL reference- Steve Martin)

I was responding to a post discussing similar spectrums- confirming that he and I made similar choices. If I leave off the manufacture, would you be happier?


Active Member
If it's from North , ( Thessally and up ...) it seems like the common Hybrid ,found wild or cultivated on those regions ..
Good stuff...Heavy for my taste ,but way good ...
Many hours duration ..
But not easy on body...Way heavy ...

It can't be from South ...
You know...

Ain't RedFeather (Kalamata...Pyrgos...etc ) ...
Can be an old Indie hybrid from Crete ,but for sure looks more shade adapted ....

So ...

WTF it is ?

Nothern ,right ?
"Vlahiko / Tsopanis/Tsobanos/Toubanos:P:P:P " .....
F1 under leds ?
Astir leds ? Which ?
First of all,let me tell you sorry if i fucked up your thread with offtopic posts.
I know this is your thread about Led and i posting randomly shits!
But you are the only person here from 420 that i'm still following.
The others have been moved in other forum and i know that you don't like to join us there.

Anyway about the seeds and my grow experience.

I have been growing cannabis 3 years now atleast.
The female seeds was from RoyalQueenSeed Fruit Spirit(one plant have give me 500g of dry buds,the other one have be going all for hash)
The male plant was a indian seed that a grandfather have give me and i know that hes growing indian plants because hes living there before some years.

About pollination,i moved the male plant next to the fruit spirit after i chopped the bigger Fruit Spirit and the pollination have been by the air.

I'm in northwest side of the Greece!


Well-Known Member
First of all,let me tell you sorry if i fucked up your thread with offtopic posts.
I know this is your thread about Led and i posting randomly shits!
But you are the only person here from 420 that i'm still following.
The others have been moved in other forum and i know that you don't like to join us there.

Anyway about the seeds and my grow experience.

I have been growing cannabis 3 years now atleast.
The female seeds was from RoyalQueenSeed Fruit Spirit(one plant have give me 500g of dry buds,the other one have be going all for hash)
The male plant was a indian seed that a grandfather have give me and i know that hes growing indian plants because hes living there before some years.

About pollination,i moved the male plant next to the fruit spirit after i chopped the bigger Fruit Spirit and the pollination have been by the air.

I'm in northwest side of the Greece!
Since I'm a 'rare' mind ,but a quite " special " one for them or their taste whatsoever ,
please do me a favor and pass over a message from me :

To go and fuck themselves !

That's the least I can say ...

Thanx ....

Greece eats it's best children ,Loco ....
Always Remember that ....
Republic Democracy of Stupidity..

Όσο για τον 'ελληνικό' διαδυκτιακό 'μαχαλά' στον οποίο
αναφέρεσαι,δε γνωρίζω ,αν πραγματικά έχει υποπέσει στην όποια
αντίληψή σου ,το επίπεδο της φασιστικής συμπεριφοράς των 'συντονιστών' .
Αρκούντως υψηλό ,ώστε να αναρωτηθεί- όποιος νοήμων- ,
ποιό είναι το πραγματικό επάγγελμά τους,εκτός κυβερνοχώρου .

Η ξιπασιά , η άγνοια και η αγνωμοσύνη ,ο φθόνος ,η 'ποζεριά',
η 'ελαφρότητα' αλλά ταυτόχρονα και το 'ειδικό βάρος' της κατεξοχήν ελληνικότατης μαλακίας
-πατενταρισμένης ή μη -,
άπαντα ,αφθόνως διέπουν τη 'περιρρέουσα ατμόσφαιρα' του συγκεκριμένου κυβερνο-μαχαλά,
ενώ πλείστες φορές καθιστούν την όποια προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης (και μόνον), ΄πέρα από αδύνατη και 'εμετική ' ....

Οπότε ..Με τις ευχές μου...
Και άνευ της παρουσίας μου .
I do not fit amongst them.
No way ,bro...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
SDS, WTF, man?

WELL, EXCUSE ME ('80s SNL reference- Steve Martin)

I was responding to a post discussing similar spectrums- confirming that he and I made similar choices. If I leave off the manufacture, would you be happier?
Pet ...
Go in your profile and read your posts ....
What's common in the late 200 posts or so ?
Please,realise that you repeat the same things ...Again and again ...
It gets kinda annoying to many...

FGS ! Everytime I see blue script ,I know the content ,before even reading it,Pet! ...
I'm really starting to believe that I've some kind of paranormal phyco-abilities ,bro !



Well-Known Member
We all have them

I combine learning with intuition. The more I trust intuition the better at it I become

Those in control are, and have been doing, everything in their seemingly unlimited power to prevent us from realizing our true potential

You can find a YT video of Bush Sr saying to Helen Thomas (famous White House reporter) basically if the american people ever figure out what we've done, they'll hang us from the highest tree

The 'we' includes big agri, monsanto (GMOs) Dow chemicals, Big pharma, military, various sectors including wifi, smart meters, practically all cell phones/towers...

a most concerted effort

Bush Srs father was none other than Prescott Bush (German 3rd Reich). There's some light reading for you

SDS since you can tabulate my last 200 posts, go back ~ 400 ad see what percentage is A51

NO one has bitched about that. just sayin.:bigjoint:
Last edited:

thump easy

Well-Known Member
I'm a bit different in the way I'm setting my light up. I'm not looking for max yield. But if I was..all white has shown to yield well enough. I'm just looking for nicest final nug quality. 660 seemed to dense things up nicely..

Nugs are still nice with the 630..not airy..but little prettier with the 660.

I'm just looking to augment the white as minimally as possible. And if it's one or the other I choose 660nm right now...could change..I'm still learning.

ow naw bro im not in it to argue i just looking for facts gee if i could i would buy one just know to many at the hydro stores all around so cal and not one person had anything good to say about them i myself dont like to throw away money but everytime i come on these threads i see people arguing back and forth i myself like to play and experement but just tired of lost time and energy thats all but Thank You.. i dont like to argue by the way i rather smile.. if i had it my way.. thank you..


Well-Known Member
So when and where is the convention...sign me up!!
I agree...this section on this site is far advanced in the led/horticultural field. DIY is fucking ground braking and manufacture testing and proving is get big and enlightening.

You and I could hang out...we have similar ways and attitudes. I pick up what your laying down. Wish the rep button was still around...sick of liking basically every post

I will be testing some different red:white ratio's soon...should be fun
As well as getting into the cxa hard to test my own thoughts waiting for AT to give in to me...I need a DIY project.


Well-Known Member
In my mind's eye I see 2-3ft bars with ~ 5-10w COBs

2 -3 COBs per linear foot

Hopefully it can be cooled passively

Someone would have to run the numbers

NW/WW ~ 1:2


Active Member
Since I'm a 'rare' mind ,but a quite " special " one for them or their taste whatsoever ,
please do me a favor and pass over a message from me :

To go and fuck themselves !

That's the least I can say ...

Thanx ....

Greece eats it's best children ,Loco ....
Always Remember that ....
Republic Democracy of Stupidity..

Όσο για τον 'ελληνικό' διαδυκτιακό 'μαχαλά' στον οποίο
αναφέρεσαι,δε γνωρίζω ,αν πραγματικά έχει υποπέσει στην όποια
αντίληψή σου ,το επίπεδο της φασιστικής συμπεριφοράς των 'συντονιστών' .
Αρκούντως υψηλό ,ώστε να αναρωτηθεί- όποιος νοήμων- ,
ποιό είναι το πραγματικό επάγγελμά τους,εκτός κυβερνοχώρου .

Η ξιπασιά , η άγνοια και η αγνωμοσύνη ,ο φθόνος ,η 'ποζεριά',
η 'ελαφρότητα' αλλά ταυτόχρονα και το 'ειδικό βάρος' της κατεξοχήν ελληνικότατης μαλακίας
-πατενταρισμένης ή μη -,
άπαντα ,αφθόνως διέπουν τη 'περιρρέουσα ατμόσφαιρα' του συγκεκριμένου κυβερνο-μαχαλά,
ενώ πλείστες φορές καθιστούν την όποια προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης (και μόνον), ΄πέρα από αδύνατη και 'εμετική ' ....

Οπότε ..Με τις ευχές μου...
Και άνευ της παρουσίας μου .
I do not fit amongst them.
No way ,bro...
You are free to do everything you want Sailor,none can tell you where/what to do...

Όσο για το θέμα που συζητάμε,με έβαλες σε πονηρές σκέψεις αυτήν την στιγμή.

Αν θυμάσαι είχα αποχωρήσει για ένα διάστημα,λόγο ότι ανέφερα για σένα και με τον τρόπο που μεταχειρίστηκαν εκείνο τον #καυγά#..

Απλά επειδή βλέπω ότι τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά από το 420 έχουν μαζευτεί εκεί πέρα(αποχώρησαν μάλλον από εδώ λόγο μη ελληνικών) και όπως και να το κάνουμε έχω δεθεί αρκετά με Weedo,Ganja,blues,Άγιο και ούτω καθεξής, θέλω να μαθαίνω νέα τους από κάπου ,σχετικάμε το hobby μας.

Όπως φυσικά θέλω να μαθαίνω νέα και από σένα σχετικά με τα επιχειρήματα που κανεις,διότι είναι απίστευτα,από ένα απίστευτο μυαλό!

Και αυτό δεν το λέω για να σε γλύψω δεν έχω κάποιο όφελος απέναντι σου...

Απλά τα πράγματα πρέπει να λέγονται όπως είναι και να μην λέμε αχ αυτός δεν ξέρει την τυφλά του,εγώ είμαι καλύτερος γαμησετον...


Well-Known Member
Hi, this thing looks massive...what does it weigh? Very interesting design by the way.
I'll weigh it at the end ,when will be complete ..
A rough estimation is about 10 kgs ..( ~20 pounds ) ...

And yes ,it is massive ...


The mandatory 'gap' between CXA's / Ideal Holders and a standing surface ...


Same ...


Wiring has begun ....


The 220 AC Inlet / Stainless steel Enclosed EMI AC filtering and the 12 A Class C Resettable Circuit Breaker ...


Rear View ...


A detail...The Plexi protective of the CV MeanWell PSU ...
Underneath ,the black wiring is the Case Temperature Sensor wires for each of the four CXA 3070 chips ...


Another detail...The fan (swithing-) voltage regulator/ controller and the Arduino with it's custom made shield ...
On the right side-wall ..(facing the light ) ...

The 220 AC Inlet / Stainless steel Enclosed EMI AC filtering and the 12 A Class C Resettable Circuit Breaker ...,
from inside,this time ..You can see the case grounding post ...

Upside -down ...


Well-Known Member

Upside-down #2

With lid on ( And the second Parallel-In-Series ©.....:P set of fans )


Front View ...
At Left the 12x Fan Speed Selector ( ~ 6.8 VDC to ~13.3 VDC ) pot switch
At the middle the LCD graphical 84x48 LCD screen ,( temperatures )
And at the right the On/Off switch and output current adjust pot of the CXA chips.( 350mA to ~2000mA )



Fans side ...


rear view ....

Massive ...
Yes ...

~200 Watts of heat to handle ....
For many operational hours ....