Things the main stream press doesn't want you to know about Romney

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
He shared a story of a V.A. hospital in Boston that Mitt Romney stopped at while on the campaign trail running against Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy had made a thirty minute stop at the same location a couple of weeks prior.

After touring the V.A. hospital, Mitt asked to look at their books. After he spent forty minutes going through their books, he told them, “You run a very good place, very tight. Very good.” Romney asked to go on another tour of the hospital, and after spending an hour and forty minutes there, the last question he asked was, “So what… what do you -- what are you lacking? What do you need help with?”
The response? “Milk.”

Since the press was around, snapping photos and asking questions, Glenn explained that Romney did a really awkward joke where he said, “maybe we should teach everyone here how to milk a cow.”

Of course, that’s all the press cared to hear and ran with a story that claims “Mitt Romney says veterans should have to milk cows.”
“This is where it gets good,” Glenn started. “Romney calls him up the next morning.”

Romney first apologizes to the man who runs the hospital for any problems the attention from the press jumping on his words brought to the hospital. He next offers to help with the milk situation.

“Friday comes, and the milkman comes,” Glenn continues. “This is what the vets needed – they needed 7,000 pints of milk a week. Milkman shows up, 7,000 pints. The head of the V.A. hospital asks, ‘Where did all this come from?’ He [the milkman] said ‘an anonymous donor.’ Now, the guy didn’t put it together.”

Glenn explains that when the next week rolled around, the milkman shows up again, and continued to show up every week for two years. After two years of delivering 7,000 pints of milk a week to the hospital, as the milkman is retiring, the man finally gets him to reveal the anonymous donor.
It’s Mitt Romney.

“Mitt Romney was writing a personal check and didn’t want anybody to know for two years and provided the vets with all of their milk in Boston,” Glenn explained to listeners this morning.

When Romney became governor, he sent a bill through to help the V.A. hospital – it was down to the dollar.


Pat Oparowski talks about the loving friendship Mitt Romney developed with her dying son David, remembering,
"David, knowing Mitt had gone to law school at Harvard, asked Mitt if he would help him write a will. He had some prize possessions that he wanted to make sure were given to his closest friends and family. The next time Mitt went to the hospital, he was equipped with his yellow legal pad and pen. Together, they made David’s will. That is a task that no child should ever have to do. But it gave David peace of mind. So after David’s death, we were able to give his skateboard, his model rockets, and his fishing gear to his best friends. He also made it clear that his brother Peter should get his Ruger .22 rifle. How many men do you know who would take the time out of their busy lives to visit a terminally ill 14 year old and help him settle his affairs?"
David also helped us plan his funeral. He wanted to be buried in his Boy Scout uniform. He wanted Mitt to pronounce his eulogy, and Mitt was there to honor that request. We will be ever grateful to Mitt for his love and concern.”
Ted Oparowski summed it up nicely when he said,
"You cannot measure a man’s character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy. The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble — the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters."


While raising his family and pursuing his career, Mitt Romney served in our church, devoting 10, 15, and even 20 hours a week doing so. ...Drawing on the skills and resources of those in our congregation, Mitt provided food and housing, rides to the doctor, and companions to sit with those who were ill. He shoveled snow and raked leaves for the elderly. He took down tables and swept floors at church dinners. He was often the last to leave. Mitt challenged each of us to find our life by losing it in service to others. He issued that challenge again and again.


Later, when Finlayson and her husband Grant had a baby girl born dangerously premature, the man who decades later would stand at the threshold of the presidency was a steady and supportive presence at the hospital.
“Kate was so tiny and very sick,” Finlayson recalled. “Her lungs not yet ready to breathe, her heart unstable, and after suffering a severe brain hemorrhage at three days old, she was teetering on the very edge of life.”
“As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother’s worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me,” she continued, as the partisan crowd listened in rapt silence. “I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back.”

“I could tell immediately that he didn’t just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl, and he was clearly overcome with compassion for her.”
The little girl was slated for surgery around Thanksgiving, and Finlayson recalled Romney and his sons showing up with a Thanksgiving feast for the preoccupied parents. Finlayson said she later learned from Ann Romney that the food had been prepared by her husband.
Kate Finlayson survived, and the two families remained close, said Finlayson, who even babysat for the five “rambunctious” Romney sons before the family moved from Boston.
Last year, Kate Finlayson died at age 26 from complications she’d battled from birth, her mom said. And although Romney was in the midst of preparing his bid for the presidency, they remembered their old friends in yet another hour of anguish.
“When they heard of Kate’s passing, both Mitt and Ann paused, to personally reach out to extend us sympathy, and express their love,” Finlayson said.
“When the world looks at Mitt Romney, they see him as the founder of a successful business, the leader of the Olympics, or a governor,” she said. “When I see Mitt, I know him to be a loving father, man of faith and caring and compassionate friend."


But way back in the summer of 2003, the then-Massachusetts governor made the news for a very different reason: He helped save a Tewksbury family from drowning in New Hampshire’s Lake Winnipesaukee.
The Morrisseys of Tewksbury were motoring their vintage wooden boat through the large lake on July 4 weekend that year when, around sunset and about 300 yards from shore, the vessel began taking on water. Robert Morrissey attempted to dial 911 on his cell phone, only to lose the device in the water as the boat started sinking rapidly.
That’s when Romney, who owns a home on the shore of the lake, and two of his sons jumped on jet skis and rode out to assist the six people, along with the family dog, struggling in the water.
The Romneys took two of the passengers ashore, and others in the area helped the rest of the family—and the dog, too — make it back to land without injury.


Mark and Sheryl Nixon, along with their sons Reed and Rob and their daughter Natalie, told of a car accident that left Reed and Rob quadriplegics. Although the Nixon family knew of Romney and Romney had served as their Mormon stake president, they weren't well acquainted.
Reed and Rob returned home from rehab in the late fall, near Christmas, Mark said. Around that time, Romney called and said he'd like to do something for the two boys. So Romney, his wife Ann, and three of their sons brought Christmas gifts to the family.
While Romney later offered to pay for Reed and Rob's entire college education, that Christmas Eve visit stands out in Mark's mind, he said, because instead of vacationing in Utah, New England or the Caribbean, the Romney family was visiting the needy.
"That actually, to me, has been more important to me than the financial help he gave," Mark said.
"After the initial experience of showing up, he didn't check that off his list and say, 'I did my duty,'" Natalie added. "He has, year after year, shown up at 5K races to run the event and participate."

Thanks for sharing that WW. It's good to know that he does have some Mormon ethics. It's just too bad he let his presidential campaign lead him astray. I just can't, in good conscience, vote for someone like him. The lying, the flip-flopping, disparaging the impoverished, costing hard working people their livelihoods, the list goes on and on. I just can't do it. Whatever good he has done in the past does not excuse what he's doing now. He lost his way and now he will pay the consequences. He's sinking in the polls. The media is raking him over the coals. His own party is abandoning him. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of winning. Maybe he will retire to one of his mansions in one of his home states like Utah or Romneyland and reevaulate his ethics... or count his millions.. long as he goes away. Far, far away.
I mean seriously. He managed to piss off the U.K. Our most staunch ally. He fucked up our relations with Russia. He is riling up Iran with all that fucking war talk. AND THE BASTARD ISN'T EVEN IN OFFICE. Can you imagine what he would do as president?

::stepping off soap box::

That man gives me gas.
When Romney became governor, he sent a bill through to help the V.A. hospital – it was down to the dollar."

is that true . . .what a fucker . . .(i read it wrong to begin with but still stands but a good hippy molesting fucker i gues)
When Romney became governor, he sent legislature through to help the V.A. hospital – it was down to the dollar."

is that true . . .what a fucker

Here I fixed it, now quit being so pissed off because the governor did something right.

And if you feel quoting a typo makes you look more intelligent, wear it proud.
you infer or imply im worried . . this dog and pony show you all call politics, is just smoke and mirrors, so we can all forget that our entire political process is scripted . . . . . Bush beat gore, but lost the electorate and popular vote that year . . . .even in the recounts he lost . . . . .i wish you all would support real reform and change not a different shade of grey

bring our jobs back from over seas, create real infrastructure remove stupid law like substance act and reform rehabilitation programs . . . .. . remove unfair or one sided tax subsidies and cuts to all class's of income, and reward business's that make and spend money produced in the US in the US, and not the other way around . . .actually make policies that affect change vs . . shuffle the pile of shit around

and stop mis leading the country, into thinking that government is anything more than corporate thugs . . . . .the three branches of government should be jailed and re-elected for their incompetence, with the understanding that the American people will no longer except this bureaucratic PC thug Bullshit
You would have to climb out of your ass to reach "my level". But the sunlight keeps driving you back in.

You won't find me begging for the government to steal money from successful people in order to give it to me and my family, I think I like my level, thank you!
Actions speak sooo much louder than mere is also insightful to simply look at the huge difference in the charitable donations given by the evil rich guy vs. the vast majority of Lib Dems. It is not even CLOSE:bigjoint:
Actions speak sooo much louder than mere is also insightful to simply look at the huge difference in the charitable donations given by the evil rich guy vs. the vast majority of Lib Dems. It is not even CLOSE:bigjoint:

There is a big difference between giving from the heart and giving for tax shelter/deduction benefits. I think the Lord said something about that when he saw a widow giving all that she could spare. Her gift counted more than all the lavish gifts bestowed by the richest of men. Mark 12: 41-44
Actions speak sooo much louder than mere is also insightful to simply look at the huge difference in the charitable donations given by the evil rich guy vs. the vast majority of Lib Dems. It is not even CLOSE:bigjoint:

Evil rich guy is required to give to charity or he loses his membership status at church. When you are forced to give. It is no longer charity. Obama gave a bigger percentage of his income to charity and he wasn't obligated to do so
Donations and actions are two different things...good deeds combined with generous charitable giving depicts someone of superior character...IMHO...seems to me that the ogreish Romney is a kind hearted guy.
There is a big difference between giving from the heart and giving for tax shelter/deduction benefits. I think the Lord said something about that when he saw a widow giving all that she could spare. Her gift counted more than all the lavish gifts bestowed by the richest of men. Mark 12: 41-44

could not have siad it better

the automatic assumption that if you give the most you are good, seems to be a ploy of the rich . .i remember something about a post or thread where the premise was " a rich man, is a honest man" and it could not be further from the truth

Rich men make their money of of others, its a giant sponge fest where the wettest largest sponge all of a sudden is granted god like appreciation, money means nothing people it a made up tool . . . it does not take the place of character