Things my mom taught me :)


Well-Known Member
Rite on. I know ill be getting probation soon ( being sentenced on a dui on the 20th. ) I blew a .254. So Idk how I'm gonna handle not smoking or drinking.

You get sentenced on my birthday :D :D
Goodluck, it's a good day.
We kick the president out on that day :D Once every four years :D

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Same, I was on probation at 15, and started drinking.
Our mom had the philosophy, "I'd rather you drink here than out somewhere, then drive here."
So she would get us stuff for New Years, and special occasions.
But we would go drink with our friends everyday anyways...I couldn't smoke, because of piss tests, so I just drank heavily...

But I went to jail for 6 months, and when I got back I was a fuckin lightweight, that gets choked by a shot :lol:

I can drink better now, but that severely slowed me down, so I don't ever drink really now.
And I can smoke now, so there's no reason...:D
my parents said the same thing bro... rather u do here then out there...... so i did, if not there then up the street at a friends cause i jus had to walk, i got to a point where i drank less and now too every once in awhile ill have a drink or 2 or 3 or 4 or.... yeah..... also i think it was my mom who poured my first rum and coke..........but then i moved up to crown and makers mark... dad mustve been proud lol...


Well-Known Member
my parents said the same thing bro... rather u do here then out there...... so i did, if not there then up the street at a friends cause i jus had to walk, i got to a point where i drank less and now too every once in awhile ill have a drink or 2 or 3 or 4 or.... yeah..... also i think it was my mom who poured my first rum and coke..........but then i moved up to crown and makers mark... dad mustve been proud lol...
I drank with my friends first.
My mom gave us sips of stuff when we were kids, but I never really drank until my friends parents rented a margarita machine for a party.


Well-Known Member
oh shit margerita machine............ aka... the killer.......... lol.......
It was fuckin Game Over, when we saw that in the house, we knew we were getting drunk that night.

Eventually we were stealing the Tequila bottle to fill cups, then just adding margarita from the machine for flavor :D


Really? Thats all she told you? My mom told me where to go to sell pot, and where to go to hook up with girls other than the usual places. She also got me 3 customers just after new years. I think your mom REALLY sucks at teaching.


Well-Known Member
i remember coming home one night from a friends(4 houses down). I was piss drunk and as i was walking up the street a car slowly drove by and the guy in the passenger seat said "walk straight, youre gonna get in trouble!" so i started "walking straight" as i could. As i go inside my house i had to lean against the door (it always jammed) and i leant too hard and bumped into the TV that my mom and dad were watching! i looked at my mom nervously as she was eye-ballin me with an evil glare then i looked at my dad who had a smirk as he was shaking his head. So to play it off i said "damn door gettin stuck!" and i walked into the kitchen to get water out of the fridge and before i could even get it to my lips i dropped it! So my dad came into the kitchen and told me in a whispering voice "take it to your room and get some sleep" all the while he is laughing.
My mom terrified me so i didnt say anything but good night. She never knew, or at least never let me know she did and trust me, she WOULD HAVE LET ME know. :)


Well-Known Member
Really? Thats all she told you? My mom told me where to go to sell pot, and where to go to hook up with girls other than the usual places. She also got me 3 customers just after new years. I think your mom REALLY sucks at teaching.
If you read the bottom of the OP, it says that those are not really lessons I learned....


Well-Known Member
Lesson 8
If you hate your husband:
Get divorced, but keep getting money from him somehow
Turn his kids against him, and cast yourself in the role of damsel in distress.
The children will cope with it all for you, do whatever you want.

Lesson 9)
If your husband cheats on you, it is your responsibility to make sure his kids see a new man in the house, and it is also the husbands money's responsibility to pay for anything with this new man.